murphymatt / gitting-started

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Gitting to know you

Fill in the text below with your own answers to each question. Each person in your group should submit their answers in a separate commit, but all of your answers should appear together in the file. Please add your answers after the > character so your answers will appear as quotes in the rendered markdown. To make it clear who has written each response, please preface each answer with your first name. For example, if Jordan writes a response to the question "What is your favorite typographical symbol?" the line should read "> Jordan: My favorite typographical symbol is the octothorp."

About You

What are your names as they appear on the class roster?

M: Matthew Murphy

C: Cameron Chen

What do you prefer to be called?

M: Matt

C: Cameron

What are your GitHub usernames?

M: murphymatt

C: Cameronqc

Why are you taking this course?

M: To learn about parallelism and concurrency as well as the hardware-software interface.

C: To learn more about how programing works on computers and other devices.

Do you have any concerns about this course?

M: No concerns.

C: I am a little worried about my course load.

Look over the course schedule page. Which scheduled topics look most interesting to you?

M: Distributed Systems and Models of Concurrency.

C: I am interested in learning more about concurrent programming.

Do you have any questions about the course?

M: Will we have any chance to cover file system security?

C: Why did you opt to have no tests or quizs as part of this course?

Do you have any other questions for me?

M: What was your favorite lab to design?

C: What are your favorite parts of this course?

About this course

You can work together to submit one set of answers to these questions where appropriate. Refer to the course syllabus for course policies.

What work will contribute to your grade in this class?

Attendence, Partisipation, Assignments, Labs, Project

What happens if you miss a day of class because you are sick or your alarm doesn't go off?

There is no penalty for missing regular days assuming all work is turned in, however missing labs will inccur a 20% penalty on the lab.

What happens if you turn in a lab late?

You will lose one leter grade on the lab for each day late.

On what day will you give a presentation on your final project for this course?

Project Report is on May 11th.

Where can you find our course textbook?

It is freely avalible online.

When are you free during my scheduled office hours?

Monday at 10am as well as several other times.
