murphy-yu / swiftuml

Script to generate plantuml class diagram from swift source code

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Swift to PlantUML

Using SourceKitten and PlantUML to generate UML class diagrams from swift source code.

Class diagram output without relationship


sh demo.swift

If you want to run on multiple files at the moment, you can do some command line kung fu like below

ls -d "/directory/full/of/swift/files/"* | xargs -L 1 sh | pbcopy

or if you list of files with fullpath

cat ~/Downloads/listOfFilesWithFullPath.txt | xargs -L 1 | xargs -L 1 sh | pbcopy

once it copy everything to your clipboard (MacOS) you can paste it in your favorite text editor replace multiple @startuml and @enduml block and have just one startuml at top and enduml at the bottom

sh demo.swift

will produce this diagram Full Image

Generates the below content, which you can copy and paste it in PlantText

hide empty members
skinparam shadowing false
class "Vehicle" as Vehicle {

class "Bicycle" as Bicycle {

class "Tandem" as Tandem {

class "Train" as Train {

class "Car" as Car {

class "AutomaticCar" as AutomaticCar {

class "Double" as Double << (E,orchid) extension >> {

class "Rect" as Rect << (S, SkyBlue) struct >> {

class "Rect" as Rect8 << (E,orchid) extension >> {

class "FullyNamed" as FullyNamed << (P,GoldenRod) protocol >> {

class "Person" as Person << (S, SkyBlue) struct >> {

class "Starship" as Starship {

class "Togglable" as Togglable << (P,GoldenRod) protocol >> {

class "OnOffSwitch" as OnOffSwitch << (E,LightSteelBlue) enum >> {

class "Named" as Named << (P,GoldenRod) protocol >> {

class "Aged" as Aged << (P,GoldenRod) protocol >> {

class "Person2" as Person2 << (S, SkyBlue) struct >> {

class "CounterDataSource" as CounterDataSource << (P,GoldenRod) protocol >> {

class "Counter" as Counter {

class "ThreeSource" as ThreeSource {

class "TowardsZeroSource" as TowardsZeroSource {

class "IntStack" as IntStack << (S, SkyBlue) struct >> {

class "Stack" as Stack << (S, SkyBlue) struct >> {

class "Stack" as Stack23 << (E,orchid) extension >> {

class "AnotherPublicClass" as AnotherPublicClass {

class "AnotherInternalClass" as AnotherInternalClass {

class "AnotherFilePrivateClass" as AnotherFilePrivateClass {

class "AnotherPrivateClass" as AnotherPrivateClass {


Bicycle --|> Vehicle : inherits
Tandem --|> Bicycle : inherits
Train --|> Vehicle : inherits
Car --|> Vehicle : inherits
AutomaticCar --|> Car : inherits
Person ..|> FullyNamed : confirms to
Starship ..|> FullyNamed : confirms to
OnOffSwitch ..|> Togglable : confirms to
Person2 ..|> Named : confirms to
Person2 ..|> Aged : confirms to
ThreeSource --|> NSObject 
ThreeSource ..|> CounterDataSource : confirms to
TowardsZeroSource --|> NSObject 
TowardsZeroSource ..|> CounterDataSource : confirms to
Rect <.. Rect8 : ext
Stack <.. Stack23 : ext



Script to generate plantuml class diagram from swift source code


Language:Swift 96.3%Language:JavaScript 3.3%Language:Shell 0.5%