muresan / kubernetes-testbed

Vagrant Kubernetes testbed, uses ansible and kubeadm to build a cluster.

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Kubernetes testbed

This repo has been created as a simple vagrant based testbed to aid familiarizing yourself with Kubernetes

It uses kubeadm to deploy a cluster, the Vagrantfile has a configurable number of managers and workers, but there's no multi-master setup so masters should be 1.

If you change number of workers you will need to vagrant destroy


  • Vagrant >=1.8.6
  • Ansible >=2.0
  • Virtualbox >=5.0 or libvirt (for libvirt you need VAGRANT_DEFAULT_PROVIDER=libvirt in your env)


Just do vagrant up

You will end up with 1 manager and 1 worker:

Vagrant Machine Name K8s Role
m01 Master node
w01 Worker node
w02 Worker node

After vagrant up is done, you should be able to vagrant ssh <machinename> and issue kubectl get node (as root) to see the swarm nodes.

12:47 $ vagrant ssh m01
Last login: Tue Oct 24 11:47:36 2017 from
[vagrant@m01 ~]$ sudo su -
[root@m01 ~]# kubectl get node
NAME           STATUS    ROLES     AGE       VERSION   Ready     master    37m       v1.8.1   Ready     <none>    36m       v1.8.1   Ready     <none>    36m       v1.8.1
[root@m01 ~]# 


Vagrant Kubernetes testbed, uses ansible and kubeadm to build a cluster.