murari023 / DOTA-DOAI

This repo is the codebase for our team to participate in DOTA related competitions, including rotation and horizontal detection.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



This repo is the codebase for our team to participate in DOTA related competitions, including rotation and horizontal detection. We mainly use FPN-based two-stage detector, and it is completed by YangXue and YangJirui.


DOTA1.0 (Task1)

Model Backbone Training data Val data mAP Model Link InLD lr schd Data Augmentation GPU Image/GPU Configs
FPN (baseline) ResNet50_v1 (600,800,1024)->800 DOTA1.0 trainval DOTA1.0 test 69.35 model No 1x No 2X GeForce RTX 2080 Ti 1
FPN ResNet50_v1 (600,800,1024)->800 DOTA1.0 trainval DOTA1.0 test 70.87 model Yes 1x No 2X GeForce RTX 2080 Ti 1

Performance of published papers on DOTA datasets

DOTA1.0 (Task1)

Model Backbone mAP Paper Link Code Link
FR-O (DOTA) ResNet101 52.93 CVPR2018 code
R2CNN ResNet101 60.67 arXiv:1706.09579 code
RRPN ResNet101 61.01 TMM arXiv:1703.01086 code
RetinaNet-H ResNet101 64.73 arXiv:1908.05612 code
ICN ResNet101 68.16 ACCV2018 -
RoI Transformer ResNet101 69.56 CVPR2019 code
SCRDet ResNet101 72.61 ICCV2019 code
FADet ResNet101 73.28 ICIP2019 -
R3Det ResNet152 73.74 arXiv:1908.05612 code
APE ResNeXt-101(32x4) 75.75 arXiv:1906.09447 -
OWSR Ensemble (ResNet101 + ResNeXt101 + mdcn-ResNet101) 76.36 CVPR2019 WorkShop -

DOTA1.0 (Task2)

Model Backbone mAP Paper Link Code Link
FR-H (DOTA) ResNet101 60.46 CVPR2018 code
ICN ResNet101 72.45 ACCV2018 -
IoU-Adaptive R-CNN ResNet101 72.72 Remote Sensing -
EFR VGG16 73.49 Remote Sensing code
SCRDet ResNet101 75.35 ICCV2019 code
FADet ResNet101 75.38 ICIP2019 -
A2RMNet ResNet101 78.45 Remote Sensing -
OWSR Ensemble (ResNet101 + ResNeXt101 + mdcn-ResNet101) 78.79 CVPR2019 WorkShop -
DM-FPN ResNet-Based 79.27 Remote Sensing -

DOTA1.5 (Task1)

Model Backbone mAP Paper Link Code Link
APE ResNeXt-101(32x4) 78.34 arXiv:1906.09447 -
OWSR Ensemble (ResNet101 + ResNeXt101 + mdcn-ResNet101) 76.6 CVPR2019 WorkShop -

DOTA1.5 (Task2)

Model Backbone mAP Paper Link Code Link
OWSR Ensemble (ResNet101 + ResNeXt101 + mdcn-ResNet101) 79.5 CVPR2019 WorkShop -


This repo is the codebase for our team to participate in DOTA related competitions, including rotation and horizontal detection.

License:MIT License