muquit / dfk_utils

Some utilities for interacting with smart contracts of defikingdoms

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Some utilities in golang for interacting with smart contracts of defikingdoms. Inspired by python code

It's a work in progress...


Before compiling, install go from The binaries can be compiled for following Platforms:

  • MacOS
  • Linux
  • Windows
  • Raspberry PI
  • Raspberry PI Jessie



If you are on Windows and don't have make, then just to compile native binaries, type:

    go build -o ./bin ./...
  • Look at Makefile for exact go build commands used for compiling.
  • Look at Makefile on how code is generated from contract ABI

All required modules will be downloaded automatically.


Currently the following utilities are developed

Compiled binaries are available for MacOS, Linux, Windows, Raspberry PI in ./bin directory

  • hero_info - Print Hero information from blockchain in JSON to stdout.
  • profile_info - Print profile information from blockchain to stdout in JSON format.
  • land_info - Print land information from blockchain to stdout in JSON format.


Usage of bin/hero_info:
  -hid int
    	Hero Id (default 1)
Usage of bin/profile_info:
  -addr string
    	Profile Hex Address
Usage of bin/land_info:
  -lid int
    	Land Id. If not specified all lands will be displayed

TODO: Stats and Visual Genes decoding


Print Hero information

$ ./bin/hero_info -hid 1
  "OwnerAddress": "0x2e7669f61ea77f02445a015fbdcfe2de47083e02",
  "HeroInfo": {
    "Id": 1,
    "SummoningInfo": {
      "SummonedTime": 1633044270,
      "NextSummonTime": 1633044270,
      "SummonerId": 0,
      "AssistantId": 0,
      "Summons": 0,
      "MaxSummons": 11
    "Info": {
      "StatGenes": 55595053337262517174437940546058771473513094722680050621928661284030532,
      "VisualGenes": 170877259497388213840353281232231169976585066888929467746175634464967719,
      "Rarity": 4,
      "Shiny": true,
      "Generation": 0,
      "FirstName": 184,
      "LastName": 85,
      "ShinyStyle": 4,
      "Class": 2,
      "SubClass": 5
    "State": {
      "StaminaFullAt": 1641856758,
      "HpFullAt": 0,
      "MpFullAt": 0,
      "Level": 2,
      "Xp": 1371,
      "CurrentQuest": "0x6ff019415ee105acf2ac52483a33f5b43eadb8d0",
      "Sp": 0,
      "Status": 0
    "Stats": {
      "Strength": 12,
      "Intelligence": 9,
      "Wisdom": 9,
      "Luck": 14,
      "Agility": 13,
      "Vitality": 8,
      "Endurance": 7,
      "Dexterity": 9,
      "Hp": 177,
      "Mp": 51,
      "Stamina": 26
    "PrimaryStatGrowth": {
      "Strength": 5500,
      "Intelligence": 2500,
      "Wisdom": 3500,
      "Luck": 6700,
      "Agility": 7000,
      "Vitality": 5000,
      "Endurance": 4500,
      "Dexterity": 5500,
      "HpSm": 2500,
      "HpRg": 5000,
      "HpLg": 2500,
      "MpSm": 3000,
      "MpRg": 4000,
      "MpLg": 3000
    "SecondaryStatGrowth": {
      "Strength": 750,
      "Intelligence": 2000,
      "Wisdom": 2000,
      "Luck": 1400,
      "Agility": 1000,
      "Vitality": 1250,
      "Endurance": 1250,
      "Dexterity": 750,
      "HpSm": 875,
      "HpRg": 1000,
      "HpLg": 625,
      "MpSm": 375,
      "MpRg": 875,
      "MpLg": 1250
    "Professions": {
      "Mining": 1,
      "Gardening": 5,
      "Foraging": 15,
      "Fishing": 16

Print Profile inforamtion

$ ./bin/profile_info -addr 0x2E7669F61eA77F02445A015FBdcFe2DE47083E02
   "id": 38,
   "owner_address": "0x2e7669f61ea77f02445a015fbdcfe2de47083e02",
   "name": "FriskyFox",
   "created_on_epoch": 1629680114,
   "created_on_time_local": "2021-08-22 20:55:14 -0400 EDT",
   "pic_id": 6,
   "hero_id": 0

Print Land inforamtion

$ ./bin/land_info
    "LandId": 1,
    "Name": "Wevelmont",
    "Owner": "0x8fb7ae993198a0369efe959ec99b6674cf672731",
    "Region": 0,
    "Level": 1,
    "Steward": 0,
    "Score": 0
    "LandId": 2,
    "Name": "Vohenland",
    "Owner": "0x77d991987ca85214f9686131c58c1abe4c93e547",
    "Region": 0,
    "Level": 1,
    "Steward": 0,
    "Score": 0
    "LandId": 3,
    "Name": "Gothune",
    "Owner": "0x6880add29b5e84c543ff745856a0f3368e58f165",
    "Region": 0,
    "Level": 1,
    "Steward": 0,
    "Score": 0

Show just the Owners' names:

$ ./bin/land_info | jq '.[].Name'

To print info about a specific land:

$ ./bin/land_info -lid 10
   "LandId": 10,
   "Name": "Ashem",
   "Owner": "0x8ca47f7bd4c284bfbea3ca0f052eaf98f2990261",
   "Region": 0,
   "Level": 1,
   "Steward": 0,
   "Score": 0


Some utilities for interacting with smart contracts of defikingdoms


Language:Go 97.5%Language:Ruby 2.0%Language:Makefile 0.4%