Muneeb Shahid (muneeb706)


Geek Repo

Location:San Diego, CA, USA

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


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This Project was developed in C++ using object oriented approach. QT Creator was used in order to implement GUI of the project. Besides implementation we also made sequence diagrams, activity diagrams, used cases, analysis and design class diagram. We also used design pattern in implementation of this project.



This was a Web Programming Project. Pixr is a website just like that of Flickr comprising of features like sharing and uploading of pictures and albums, creating group of members, commenting on pictures and albums, allowing options of adding private,shared or public data and other stuff like that etc. It was developed in raw php with mvc architecture and database was created in phpmyadmin. Html,css,js,jquery was used for front end programming. Communication between front and backend was made through ajax requests.
