multilogue / symposium

symposium Python package.

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Interactions with multiple language models require at least a little bit of a 'unified' interface. The 'symposium' package is an attempt to do that. It is a work in progress and will change without notice. If you need a recording capabilities, install the grammateus package and pass an instance of Grammateus/recorder in your calls to connectors.

Unification of messaging

One of the motivations for this package was the need in a unified format for messaging language models, which is particularly useful if you are going to experiment with interactions between them.

The unified standard used by this package is as follows.

'System' message

  - role: world
    name: openai 
    content: Be an Antagonist.

Name field should be set to 'openai', 'anthropic', 'google_gemini' or 'google_palm'. For the 'anthropic' and 'google_gemini', the first 'system' message will be used as the 'system' parameter in the request. For the 'google_palm' v1beta3 format 'system' message will be used in the 'context' parameter.

'User' messages

  - role: human
    name: Alex 
    content: Let's discuss human nature.

The utility functions stored in the adapters sub-package transform incoming and outgoing messages of particular model from this format to a model-specific format and back from the format of its response to the following output format. This includes the text synthesis with older (but in)

Output format

The unified standard used by this package is:

message = {
    "role": "machine", "name": "claude",  
    "content": " ... ", 
    "tags": [{}],   # optional, if in the response, then returned
    "other": [{}]   # optional, if n > 1

name field will be set to 'chatgpt', 'claude', 'gemini' or 'palm'.
Tags are extracted from the text and put into a list. The placeholder for the tags is: (tag_name).
If there are more than one response, the other field will contain the list of the rest (transformed too).

Anthropic Messages

There are two ways of interaction with Anthropic API, through the REST API and through the native Anthropic Python library with 'client'. If you don't want any dependencies (and uncertainty) use anthropic_rest connector. If you want to install this dependency do pip install symposium[anthropic_native].

Anthropic REST messages

from symposium.connectors import anthropic_rest as ant

messages = [
    {"role": "human", 
     "name": "alex", 
     "content": "Can we change human nature?"}
kwargs = {
    "model":                "claude-3-sonnet-20240229",
    "system":               "answer concisely",
    # "messages":             [],
    "max_tokens":           5,
    "stop_sequences":       ["stop", ant.HUMAN_PREFIX],
    "stream":               False,
    "temperature":          0.5,
    "top_k":                250,
    "top_p":                0.5
response = ant.claud_message(messages,**kwargs)

Anthropic (SDK) messages:

from symposium.connectors import anthropic_native as ant

client_kwargs = {
        "timeout":      100.0,
        "max_retries":  3,
ant_client = ant.get_claud_client(**client_kwargs)

messages = [
    {"role": "human", 
     "name": "alex", 
     "content": "Can we change human nature?"}
kwargs = {
    "model":                "claude-3-sonnet-20240229",
    "max_tokens":           500,

anthropic_message = ant.claud_message(

Anthropic Completion

Again, there is a REST version and a native version.

Anthropic REST completion

from symposium.connectors import anthropic_rest as ant

messages = [
    {"role": "human", "name": "alex", "content": "Can we change human nature?"}
kwargs = {
    "model":                "claude-instant-1.2",
    "max_tokens":           500,
    # "prompt":               prompt,
    "stop_sequences":       [ant.HUMAN_PREFIX],
    "temperature":          0.5,
    "top_k":                250,
    "top_p":                0.5
response = ant.claud_complete(messages, **kwargs)

Anthropic (SDK) completion

Completions are still very useful. I think for Anthropic and long contexts timeout and retries make this particular way to use the API better.

from symposium.connectors import anthropic_native as ant

client_kwargs = {
        "timeout":      100.0,
        "max_retries":  3,
ant_client = ant.get_claud_client(**client_kwargs)

messages = [
    {"role": "human", 
     "name": "alex", 
     "content": "Can we change human nature?"}
kwargs = {
    "model":                "claude-3-sonnet-20240229",
    "max_tokens":           500,

anthropic_message = ant.claud_complete(


The main template of openai v1 as groq people call it.

OpenAI (REST) Messages

from symposium.connectors import openai_rest as oai

messages = [
  {"role": "user", "content": "Can we change human nature?"}
kwargs = {
    "model":                "gpt-3.5-turbo",
    # "messages":             [],
    "max_tokens":           5,
    "n":                    1,
    "stop_sequences":       ["stop"],
    "seed":                 None,
    "frequency_penalty":    None,
    "presence_penalty":     None,
    "logit_bias":           None,
    "logprobs":             None,
    "top_logprobs":         None,
    "temperature":          0.5,
    "top_p":                0.5,
    "user":                 None
responses = oai.gpt_message(messages, **kwargs)

OpenAI Native Messages

from symposium.connectors import openai_native as oai

client_kwargs = {
        "timeout":      100.0,
        "max_retries":  3,
client = oai.get_openai_client(**client_kwargs)
messages = [
  {"role": "human", 
   'name': 'Alex',
   "content": "Can we change human nature?"}
kwargs = {
    "model":                "gpt-3.5-turbo",
    "max_tokens":           500,
message = oai.openai_message(client, messages, **kwargs)

OpenAI (REST) Completion

Completions are still very useful. They should not be overburdened with the message formatting, because that is not what they are for.

from symposium.connectors import openai_rest as oai

prompt = "Can we change human nature?"
kwargs = {
    "model":                "gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct",
    # "prompt":               str,
    "suffix":               str,
    "max_tokens":           5,
    "n":                    1,
    "best_of":              None,
    "stop_sequences":       ["stop"],
    "seed":                 None,
    "frequency_penalty":    None,
    "presence_penalty":     None,
    "logit_bias":           None,
    "logprobs":             None,
    "top_logprobs":         None,
    "temperature":          0.5,
    "top_p":                0.5,
    "user":                 None
responses = oai.gpt_complete(prompt, **kwargs)

OpenAI Native completion.


I'm not sure whether the google Python SDK will have retries as Anthropic and OpenAI do. Because of that the REST versions of queries may be preferable for now (until the API will start failing under the uploads of million token contexts, then they will probably add retries, or will try to bundle the useless GCP to this service).

Gemini (REST) messages.

from symposium.connectors import gemini_rest as gem

messages = [
            "role": "user",
            "parts": [
                {"text": "Human nature can not be changed, because..."},
                {"text": "...and that is why human nature can not be changed."}
            "role": "model",
            "parts": [
                {"text": "Should I synthesize a text that will be placed between these two statements and follow the previous instruction while doing that?"}
            "role": "user",
            "parts": [
                {"text": "Yes, please do."},
                {"text": "Create a most concise text possible, preferably just one sentence}"}
kwargs = {
    "model":                "gemini-1.0-pro",
    # "messages":             [],
    "stop_sequences":       ["STOP","Title"],
    "temperature":          0.5,
    "max_tokens":           5,
    "n":                    1,
    "top_p":                0.9,
    "top_k":                None
response = gem.gemini_message(messages, **kwargs)

Gemini native messages


Gemini native completion:


PaLM is still very good, despite the short context window; v1beta2 and v1beta3 APIs are still working.

PaLM (Rest) completion

from symposium.connectors import palm_rest as path

prompt = "Can we change human nature?"
kwargs = {
    "model": "text-bison-001",
    "prompt": str,
    "temperature": 0.5,
    "n": 1,
    "max_tokens": 10,
    "top_p": 0.5,
    "top_k": None
responses = path.palm_complete(prompt, **kwargs)

PaLM (Rest) messages.

from symposium.connectors import palm_rest as path

context = "This conversation will be happening between Albert and Niels"
examples = [
            "input": {"author": "Albert", "content": "We didn't talk about quantum mechanics lately..."},
            "output": {"author": "Niels", "content": "Yes, indeed."}
messages = [
            "author": "Albert",
            "content": "Can we change human nature?"
        }, {
            "author": "Niels",
            "content": "Not clear..."
        }, {
            "author": "Albert",
            "content": "Seriously, can we?"
kwargs = {
    "model": "chat-bison-001",
    # "context": str,
    # "examples": [],
    # "messages": [],
    "temperature": 0.5,
    # no 'max_tokens', beware the effects of that!
    "n": 1,
    "top_p": 0.5,
    "top_k": None
responses = path.palm_message(context, examples, messages, **kwargs)


symposium Python package.

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%