mul14 / workshop-2024-02-03

Workshop 3 Feb 2024

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

MySQL to PostgreSQL streaming example.

This example shows how to set up DBConvert Streams for streaming data from a MySQL Binlog using Change Data Capture (CDC) to a PostgreSQL database. Let's take a look at the docker-compose.yml file.

DBConvert Streams services.

  • dbs-api service is the entry point of DBConvert Streams. We will send requests there with configuration settings for the source and target databases.
  • dbs-source-reader service monitors data changes in the source database and sends batches of records to the Event Hub.
  • dbs-target-writer service is used to receive changes from the Event Hub and upload them to the target database.
  • nats service is the core of the Event Hub. It provides communication between other DBS services.
  • prometheus - service for monitoring DBS services metrics.

Database services.

Entity Relationship (ER) Diagram of Database.

The structure of tables is shown on the diagram below. ER Diagram of DB

The structure of MySQL source tables is identical to the one from the jdaarevalo/docker_postgres_with_data GitHub repository.

Source and Target Databases.

mysql-source database image is based on slotix/dbs-mysql:8, which has all the necessary settings to enable MySQL CDC replication. This image also contains the initdb.sql script, which creates tables with the above structures.

postgres-target database is based on the official postgres:15-alpine image. postgres-target database will receive all changes made to the mysql-source database.

Both of these databases are usually on different physical servers in a production environment. But in our example, we will run them on the same machine in different containers.


Step 1. Start services.

docker-compose up  --build -d

The docker-compose up command is used to start and run all the services defined in the 'docker-compose.yml' file.

The command above will start the services in the background, build the images and use the docker-compose.yml file to configure the services.

Note that the command needs to be ran in the same directory where the docker-compose.yml file is located.

Step 2. Send stream configuration.

Send a request to the DBConvert Streams API with configuration parameters.
You can either send the request using curl in a containerized environment or using curl installed locally.

To send the request using containerized curl, run the following command:

docker run -it --rm \
    --network sales-db_default \
    curlimages/curl  \
    --request POST \
    --url http://dbs-api:8020/api/v1/streams\?file=./mysql2pg.json

To send the request using curl installed locally, you can simply run the curl command without the docker run command.

curl --request POST --url\?file=./mysql2pg.json

Step 3. Populate source tables with sample data.

The Variables at the top of fill_tables.sql file are used to specify the number of rows to create in the corresponding table.

To execute the SQL script that populates the source tables with sample data, you can run either of the following commands:

docker exec -i \
    mysql-source \
    mysql -uroot -p123456 -D source < $PWD/fill_tables.sql


docker run -i --rm  \
    --network sales-db_default \
    mysql:8.0 \
    mysql -h mysql-source -uroot -p123456 -D source -B < $PWD/fill_tables.sql


Workshop 3 Feb 2024


Language:Dockerfile 100.0%