mukeshjha3 / Pizza-Application

This is Full Stack pizza Application whose backend is made on SpringBoot and for frontend we have used React.js with Tailwind

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

                                  Technologies Used in the Project
  1. SpringBoot

  2. Maven

  3. React.js

  4. Tailwind

  5. MySql

  6. React-Router-Dom

  7. Spring Data JPA

  8. Local-Storage

  9. COntext-APi

                                About The Project

In the backend, I have used the Springboot project with mysql database to store the all the information related to pizza (productID, productName, productSize, productImageUrl). In the frontend i m using the fetch Api to fetch the details related of all the product...React-Router-Dom is used for navigation on different URL... Context-API is used for live updating the count of products inside the cart LocalStorage is used for Saving the cart items in the browser as i have not made the Api for adding product into the Cart Tailwind is used for Styling

  1. Payment Integration
  2. Fully Responsive 3.login-IN, Sign-UP and Logout features


This is Full Stack pizza Application whose backend is made on SpringBoot and for frontend we have used React.js with Tailwind


Language:JavaScript 77.0%Language:Java 21.3%Language:HTML 1.5%Language:CSS 0.2%