mukeshdani / facebook-clone

Facebook clone using React js.

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Facebook Clone

Facebook Clone ~ Resources👉 Using React JS And Bootstrap4

GitHub contributors

Technology 👇

  • HTML5

  • CSS3

  • JavaScript (ES6)

  • Bootstrap4

  • React

  • Git Hub

Platform 👇


💼 Pull requests help you collaborate on code with me issues and pull requests :)

💼 if you have any doubt? do reach, email :)


About the Course & Expectation

React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. React uses an HTML-in-JavaScript syntax called JSX (JavaScript and XML). Let’s build a UI clone of our favorite Social Networking App - Facebook. We’ll learn most of the concepts about React JS in the process.

At the end of the course, as a developer, we’ll have built a React JS based Application, which is similar to the Facebook Home Page & Profile Page. In the process, we’d have learnt:

  • Open Source Intro with Basics of Git & GitHub
  • Issues & Pull Requests and Contributing Code
  • Fundamentals of HTML, CSS and JavaScript
  • Tips & Tricks to use while working with HTML & CSS
  • Learning FlexBox & Grid System through a Game
  • Basics of Bootstrap CSS Framework + React
  • Handling ES6 & the future versions of JavaScript
  • Basics of React JS Development & Intro to JSX
  • Setting up your Dev Env with the right extensions
  • Different types of React Components & Use Cases
  • Introduction to SCSS & Why SCSS instead of CSS
  • States & Props and On Demand with React Hooks
  • Axios & Service Calls ~ Data Flow & Conditional Rendering
  • Forms & Controlled Components
  • Routing in React for Single Page Apps
  • Deploying our Entire App to the Cloud using GitHub Pages

Summary DayWise

Day 1

  • Introduction and Community Bonding

  • knowledge in the following:

    • Git & GitHub
    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JavaScript & ES6
    • React JS & Node JS

Day 2

  • Configuration of IDE:
    • For those who cannot use VS Code on your machine, use CodeSandbox
  • Inspect Element in Chrome Dev Tools
  • Add Extension: React Developer Tools - Chrome Web Store
  • Git Stuff
  • Created a Repo: mukeshdani/facebook-clone
  • Difference between NPM & NPX and installing and running React App.
    • NPM => Node Package Manager
    • NPX => Node Package Executor
  • Commands:
    npm install <package-name>
    <package-name> <params>
    npm uninstall <package-name>
    npx <package-name> <params>
    npm install create-react-app
    create-react-app .
    npm uninstall create-react-app
    npx create-react-app .
  • Different Files and configuration.
  • Structure of React App.
  • Cleanup of React App and running the Unit Tests.

Day 3

Day 4

  • Change the colour of the navbar to blue.
  • Start with the three column layout.
  • Create the left and right dummy side bars.
  • Middle Section - we’ll try to create the UI component.
  • Componentising all the sections.
  • Introduction to CSS Sprites.
  • Conditional Rendering.

Here’s what we did today:


Day 5

  • Finished the right side bar.
  • Created the dummy right sidebar with Birthdays, Your Pages and News Feed.

Here’s what we did today...

Right Sidebar

Right Sidebar

Full Picture

Full Picture

Day 6

  • Moved all the data to App then an external source.
  • Dynamicised the contents: UserMeta.
  • Introduction to Axios Library.
  • Created two service calls.
  • Got the Wall Service up and running.

Day 7

  • Created a Data Structure for Wall Posts.
  • Used a library react-timeago for displaying human friendly times.
  • Created a Post UserMeta.
  • Helper functions.
  • Loading and Login Page (Mukesh).

Here’s what we did today...


  • Create a form for adding a new status.
  • Saving and loading data through States.
  • Backend Logic and Realtime Data Flow.


Git & GitHub



React JS


Facebook clone using React js.


Language:JavaScript 54.8%Language:SCSS 33.5%Language:HTML 11.7%