mukerem / SocialNetwork

Simple social network with Django and django-rest-framework. It includes a bot which can demonstrate the functionality of the system according to certain rules.

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Social Network

Simple social network with Django and django-rest-framework.

It includes a bot which can demonstrate the functionality of the system according to certain rules.

This is a brief guide on how to configure social netowrk API and bot on your machine.

Before any installation make sure you have the latest version of Python 3 installed on your machine and the path is configured properly, also since we are using a virtual environment make sure you you have virtual environment of your choice.

But if you don't have a virtual environment install it using the following command first.

Mainly the OS on your machine should be a linux based OS. This means all the following commands are not guaranteed to work on Windows machine.

pip install virtualenv

Step 1: Create a folder that will contain everything, then go into the folder πŸ“

Step 2: Now pull the necessary files from github ⏬

The following clones the backend

git clone

Step 3: We are almost there, just a few configurations left 😫

Now create a virtual environment

python -m virtualenv env

But if you are on linux and you are getting an error, try the following command

python3 -m virtualenv env

This will create a vritual environment named env inside in project folder.

Activate the virtual environment For linux

source env/bin/activate

Then install all the requirements. The requirement file is contains required python, Django and Django-Rest-Framework (DRF) packages for the project.

pip install -r requirement.txt

But if you are on linux and you are getting an error, try the following command

pip3 install -r requirement.txt
Step 4: Last Configuration, configuring the environment variable

First configure your database, the project uses postgres by default, but you can use mysql or any other django supported databases

Go to API

cd API

Then create a .env file

touch .env

Then open the .env file and change the following variables by your database configurations.

DJANGO_SECRET_KEY = "django-insecure-8ag)(e328p06u$b@wgq4s5tyhjkln*570wye1)=_i=-)i&y%qfhi(et8"
DB_NAME = "socialnetwork"
DB_USER = "test"
DB_PASSWORD = "test"
DB_HOST = ""
DB_PORT = "5432"

I used my test email to sending an email for users. You can use another email.

Step 5: Finally run everything πŸ‘ πŸš€

For the API Now, run migrate to create the model tables in your database

python migrate
python runserver


The bot is implemeted by using python request library.

The above requirement file include 2 additional libraries used for the Bot.

If the API and Bot configure in the same machine the above configuration is enough. But if the Bot separate from the API it is required create virtual environment and install 'requests' and 'names' libraries.

'request' library is used to send a request to the API and 'names' library is used to generate random names, titles and description.

The configuration file required for the bot is found in Bot folder. You can edit the configuration values. The bot is implemented by using four classes. Such as User, Post, Like and Config. Each classes consists of several methods. The implementation use OOP features such as Inheritance, Encapsulation, and Construtor.

The output of the bot result will display in terminal.

Go to Bot

cd Bot

Run the bot



Simple social network with Django and django-rest-framework. It includes a bot which can demonstrate the functionality of the system according to certain rules.


Language:Python 99.0%Language:HTML 1.0%