muhlba91 / homelab-home-cluster-applications

Homelab: Applications running on the Kubernetes home-cluster

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Homelab: Kubernetes Home Cluster - Applications

Build status License

This repository contains applications deployed on the home-cluster via Flux using GitOps.


A Kubernetes cluster needs to be bootstrapped with the Cilium CNI and Flux pointing to this repository.

For ksops and ArgoCD to decrypt the initial secrets for configuring the External Secrets Operator using Doppler, a Google Cloud Service Account with access to the correct KMS key needs to be set in the flux namespace.

Attention: some applications will be automatically deployed, others not (yet).


The repository follows the app-of-apps pattern.

The first Flux Kustomization being defined needs to reference app-of-apps/.

These are bootstrapping the main Flux applications, referring to the respective <PROJECT>/applications/ kosutomizations:

Each of these applications follows the app-of-apps pattern again using sub-kustomizations defined in the respective application directories.

Hosted Services


The following applications are defined in infrastructure/.

Core Applications

The following applications are defined in core/.

(User) Applications

The following applications are defined in applications/.

Home Assistant

The following applications are defined in home-assistant/.

  • ecowitt2mqtt - Forwards data received from ecowitt devices to the MQTT broker.
  • EMQX - A MQTT broker.
  • Home Assistant - The Home Assistant instance.
    • PostgreSQL instance as the Home Assistant recorder target and configured via the CloudNativePG operator.
  • Node-RED - Automation based on flows and Home Assistant data.
  • Ring MQTT - Amazon Ring devices to MQTT bridge.
  • Telegraf - Forwards Home Assistant state changes to a local InfluxDB instance.
  • Z-Wave JS - Full featured Z-Wave Control Panel and MQTT Gateway.

Notes: Backup and Restore

Home Assistant related backup and restore is handled via S3 backups.

The following services implement an initContainer as well as a nightly CronJob to backup data to an S3 bucket. If no data is found in the Persistent Volume yet, the data from will be retrieved and copied over which results in a full restore.

  • Ring MQTT

The following services use API calls to determine whether a backup or restore is necessary.

  • Node-RED
  • Home Assistant
  • Z-Wave JS UI

The following services also have Git repositories to store their configuration which gets pulled in upon start.

  • Home Assistant
    • Home Assistant also defines it's own backup method via a trigger and a shell_command, and doesn't rely on a CronJob.
  • Ring MQTT

Backup and Restore

The current backup and restore strategy consists of:

  • CloudNativePG backups for persistent PostgreSQL data
  • Home Assistant: see (#notes-backup-and-restore)
  • Velero as a second layer disaster recovery for critical workloads

Timewise, the layers of backups follow the strategy:

  1. 12:00am: in-application backups
  2. 02:00am: Velero backups

Continuous Integration and Automations

  • GitHub Actions are linting all YAML files.
  • Renovate Bot is updating Helm releases and used container images in the values.yaml files, and GitHub Actions.


Homelab: Applications running on the Kubernetes home-cluster

License:GNU General Public License v3.0