Mudasir Ahmad Wani (mudasirahmadwani)


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Company:Norwegian University of Science and Technology , Norway


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MoodBook is an emotion dictionary based on the eight basic emotions including fear, anger, sad, joy, disgust, surprise, trust, and anticipation.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:2Issues:2Issues:0


In this study, we focus on the eight basic emotions, namely fear, anger, sadness, joy, surprise, disgust, trust, and anticipation proposed by Pultchik [12]. We designed and implemented our own lexicon by extending one of the well-known lexicons, namely EmoLex[13] by introducing new mood words extracted from the user content. The posts of 100 users from each region (Delhi and Kashmir) have been analyzed in order to add the most frequent mood words to the new dictionary.



This project aims to investigate the potential of emotion-based features in the gender identification task, which has been unnoticed by researchers so far. The experimental study is carried out on the texts of two widely used OSNs, Facebook and Twitter.
