mtwilliams / angellist

AngelList for Alchemists.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

AngelList for Alchemists

Continuous Integration Code Coverage Documentation Package

🚧 Work in progress! 🚧

(An opinionated) AngelList client library for Elixir.

Why should I use it?

You shouldn't. Not yet.


  • Minimalist.

How do I use it?


  • Add it as a Mix dependency in the project.
def deps do
  [{:angellist, "~> 0.0.0"}]
  • Run mix deps.get to install.

  • In you configuration, like config/config.exs or config/prod.exs set your defaults:

# These are not real credentials...
config :angellist,
  client_id: "df3891820fb53e581399bd6c43bcb3b3e365f795a7ffbc71",
  client_secret: "e2d46dba8cf1e6a758b698d5e97734d9d31a79e640f96b75",
  access_token: "e5c0e9af2be1b491674d2a06ddbb2c256f09c887fab89eba"


iex(1)> client = "...")
%AngelList.Client{access_token: "...",
 client_id: nil, client_secret: nil,
 options: %{base_url: "", proxy: nil, timeout: 5000,
   user_agent: "Elixir/1.3.1"}}

iex(2)> AngelList.User.get(client, id: 155)
%AngelList.User{biography: "Sweat: @angellist , @venture-hacks @vast @epinions ;  Money: @twitter @heyzap @uber ",
 criteria: nil, does: "", done: "", followers: 45504, id: 155, investor: true,
 links: %{aboutme: nil, behance: nil, blog: "",
   dribbble: nil, facebook: "", github: nil,
   linkedin: "", resume: nil,
   twitter: "",
   website: ""},
 locations: [%AngelList.LocationTag{id: 1692, name: "san francisco",
   pretty: "San Francisco", slug: "san-francisco",
   url: ""}], name: "Naval Ravikant",
 portrait: "",
 roles: [%AngelList.RoleTag{id: 9305, name: "seed funds", pretty: "Seed Fund",
   slug: "seed-funds", url: ""},
  %AngelList.RoleTag{id: 14725, name: "entrepreneur", pretty: "Entrepreneur",
   slug: "entrepreneur-1", url: ""},
  %AngelList.RoleTag{id: 9299, name: "advisors", pretty: "Advisor",
   slug: "advisors", url: ""},
  %AngelList.RoleTag{id: 14726, name: "developer", pretty: "Developer",
   slug: "developer", url: ""}],
 skills: [%AngelList.SkillTag{id: 23388, name: "c", pretty: "C", slug: "c-2",
   url: ""},
  %AngelList.SkillTag{id: 15592, name: "html", pretty: "HTML", slug: "html",
   url: ""},
  %AngelList.SkillTag{id: 14781, name: "javascript", pretty: "Javascript",
   slug: "javascript", url: ""},
  %AngelList.SkillTag{id: 14775, name: "python", pretty: "Python",
   slug: "python", url: ""}], slug: "naval",
 url: ""}

How do I contribute?

You don't. Not yet.


AngelList for Alchemists.



Language:Elixir 100.0%