mtorcutt / RPFeedback

ReviewPush feedback iOS SDK

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

RPFeedback Framework for iOS

RPFeedback is an iOS framework for the ReviewPush company level API. It offers a networking class and UI to easily submit feedback for individual company locations.

Getting Started

RPFeedback is available on CocoaPods. Add the following to your Podfile:

pod "RPFeedback", :podspec => ""


RPFeedback Version Minimum iOS Version ARC
1.x iOS 7 Required

If you have not already done so, set NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription and NSLocationUsageDescription in your app Info.plist.



Initialize the view controller with the following


  • API Key
  • API Secret


  • Feedback model object (optional). If you set the location (model) with a location identifier, the locations view will be bypassed.
Feedback *feedback = [Feedback new]; 

RPFeedbackViewController *viewController  
= [[RPFeedbackViewController alloc] initWithFeedback:feedback APIKey:@"api-key-goes-here" APISecret:@"api-secret-goes-here"];
viewController.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationCustom; // This is important! Please set.

[self presentViewController:viewController animated:NO completion:nil];



Import RPFeedback

#import <RPFeedback/RPFeedbackClient.h>

Initialize the client with your company level API Key/Secret combination.

ReviewPushFeedbackClient *client 
= [ReviewPushFeedbackClient sharedClientWithKey:@"company-api-key-goes-here"      

GET Location

Initialize a Location model object and set the identifier property (to the location ID you would like.)

Location *location  = [Location new]; 
location.identifier = @"id-goes-here";

Make request

 [client GETLocation:location completion:^(BOOL success, 
                                           Location *location, 
                                           NSString *errorMessage) 
     if(success) {
        NSLog(@"location: %@:", location");
     } else {
       NSLog(@"error: %@:", errorMessage");

GET Locations (near coordinates via CLLocation)

Supply a CLLocation object. This can be initialized however you would like – by supplying coordinatess or getting it by nearnest location.

CLLocation *location = [[CLLocation alloc] initWithLatitude:30.2500 longitude:97.7500]; // Austin, TX :)

Make request

[client GETLocationsNearLocation:location completion:^(BOOL success, NSArray *locations, NSString *errorMessage)     {
  if(success) {
    NSLog(@"locations: %@:", locations");
  } else {
    NSLog(@"error: %@:", errorMessage");

POST Feedback

Initialize Feedback object with a rating value, feedback, and a Location object. The location object must supply an identifier.

Feedback *feedback   = [Feedback new];
feedback.ratingValue = 4.0; // 1.0 to 5.0 review    = @"This place rocks";
feedback.location    = location; // This must have an 'identifier' property set. 

Make the request. The completion block passes back a feedback object and in some scenarios, review site links. The links are used for sharing feedback on other sites.

[client POSTFeedback:feedback completion:^(BOOL success,
                                           Feedback *feedback,
                                           NSDictionary *reviewSiteLinks,
                                           NSString *errorMessage)
  if(success) {
    NSLog(@"feedback: %@", feedback);
  } else {
    NSLog(@"errorString: %@", errorString);

Credits and 3rd party dependencies


RPFeedback is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.


ReviewPush feedback iOS SDK

License:MIT License


Language:Objective-C 95.7%Language:Ruby 4.3%