mtimofiiv / imagecondom

Image condom is an on-the-fly resize proxy server for images that uses streams.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Image Condom

Image condom is an on-the-fly proxy server for images. It can be used for when you want to resize an image without having to resize it.

Credit goes to @harianus and @larixk for creating the original one which served as an inspiration for this one.


Image Condom uses streams for all three of its functionalities (input, real-time conversion, output). GraphicsMagick was chosen as the image processing binary due to its efficiency in multi-processor environments.


The request should look like this:
  • The first part of the request, the 500 is the width you want the image to be resized to.
  • The second part of the URI is the base64-encoded URI of the image you want.

An example instance of the imagecondom is running here:

It is, of course, on a free Heroku tier, so naturally not really usable for production as it goes to sleep.


By default, all the assets are set with maximum expiry cache headers. If you need to get a version without these, append ?bypassCache=true to the request.


  • npm run start starts the application
  • npm run cluster starts the application in clustered mode using pm2


  • Copy .env-sample to .env
  • Fill in the MAX_SIZE to whatever you want

NOTE: if you're going to use it on Heroku, use the GraphicsMagick buildpack.


Image condom is an on-the-fly resize proxy server for images that uses streams.


Language:JavaScript 99.3%Language:Procfile 0.7%