mta-slipe / Slipe-WPF

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Slipe WPF

Slipe WPF is a first party module for Slipe.
The goal of Slipe WPF is to bring support for Microsoft's Windows Presentation Foundation to Slipe.

Slipe WPF is still a an experimental stage.

Getting started

First you will need to add the SlipeWPF module to your project, you can do this with: slipe import-module

Once you've imported the module to your project you can create a new WPF project (.NET Core) project in your solution. If you wish to use the graphical WPF editor make sure you're running the Visual Studio 2019 Preview version.

Once you've added your project you need to add it to your .slipe file. you can do this with slipe add-project or manually by modifying the .slipe file (It's a json file). Once you've added the project will need to manually modify the .slipe file to add "BlockEntryPoint": true to the project in the "compileTargets" part of the slipe file. An example for this setup can be found in our sample login resource


When compiling a WPF project with slipe it's important to include the -generated option in the compile command. Otherwise generated .g.cs will not be included. For example:
slipe compile -module SlipeWPF -client-only -generated

What's implemented

Since WPF as a library is huge we have not implemented every single control and method, or even every approach to the frameorok.

Currently the only appraoch of using WPF that is supported is code behind. Binding is not yet supported.

The list below details what classes have been implemented, and which of their events / properties.

  • All classes
    Events: Click, DoubleClick, MouseEnter, MouseLeave
    Properties: Width, Height, Margin (only for position), Content
  • Window
    Properties: Title
  • Grid
  • TextBlock
    Properties: Text
  • TextBox
    Properties: Text
  • Button
    Events: Click
  • TabControl
    Events: SelectionChanged
    Properties: SelectedItem, SelectedValue, SelectedIndex
  • StackPanel
    Properties: Orientation
  • CheckBox
    Events: Checked
    Properties: IsChecked
  • RadioButton
    Events: Checked
    Properties: IsChecked
  • ComboBox
    Events: SelectionChanged Properties: SelectedItem, SelectedValue, SelectedIndex
  • ComboBoxItem
  • ListBox
    Events: SelectionChanged Properties: SelectedItem, SelectedValue, SelectedIndex
  • ListBoxItem


Currently Slipe WPF only supports rendering WPF windows using CEGUI. We're planning on adding a CEF and DX draw renderer to that.



Language:Lua 99.0%Language:C# 1.0%