mstksg / pandoc-sync

Automatic one- and two-way syncing of pandoc sources and renders

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Keep files of different formats all synced, using pandoc.

Requires a configuration file, which is by default pandoc-sync.yaml. Run pandoc-sync gen-config to generate a sample configuration file.

In "sync" mode, tracks which files were changed (or added) since the last time sync was run, and, if any files were changed, updates them all to synchronize their contents (in different formats). In "watch" mode, continually watches the directory for changes and re-runs sync when any are discovered.

Discover/Sync Modes

There are two methods for "discovering" files:

Parallel directory tree

Keeps two directories recursively synced, matching the file tree of one with the file tree of another, except with different formats. For configuration:

parallel-mode: true
  src: md
  src-html: html
  out: pdf
  md: markdown
  html: html5
  pdf: pdf

This will scan the directory src for any files with an .md extension and consider them to be markdown sources, the directory src-html for any files with a .html extension and consider them to be html5 sources, and the directory out for any files with a .pdf extension and consider them to be PDFs.

If I then had a directory structure:

|-- src
|   `-- foo
|       `--
`-- src-html
    |-- foo
    |   `-- file2.html
    `-- bar
        `-- file3.html

And I ran pandoc-sync sync, the result would be:

|-- src
|   |-- foo
|   |   |--
|   |   `--
|   `-- bar
|       `--
|-- src-html
|   |-- foo
|   |   |-- file1.html
|   |   `-- file2.html
|   `-- bar
|       `-- file3.html
`-- out
    |-- foo
    |   |-- file1.pdf
    |   `-- file2.pdf
    `-- bar
        `-- file3.pdf

Output in same directory

Slightly simpler but less organized discovery mode. For configuration:

parallel-mode: false
  md: markdown
  html: html5
  pdf: pdf

Then with a directory structure:

|-- foo
|   |--
|   `-- file2.html
`-- bar
    `-- file3.html

Running pandoc-sync sync will get you:

|-- foo
|   |--
|   |-- file1.html
|   |-- file1.pdf
|   |--
|   |-- file2.html
|   `-- file2.pdf
`-- bar
    |-- file3.html
    `-- file3.pdf


You can turn any format into a "write-only format" (that is, the file will not be used as a source and any changes will be ignored or overwritten) by adding a * after its name.

For example, markdown* is a write-only format, that will not be attempted to be read by pandoc-sync. Its changes will also be overwritten if updates are detected.

Format Identifier Default for extensions Readable? Notes
Markdown (pandoc) markdown md, markdown, txt, text Yes
Markdown (strict) markdown strict Yes
Markdown (php) markdown php Yes
Multimarkdown multimarkdown Yes
Commonmark commonmark Yes
Plain plain No
HTML html4 Yes
HTML5 html assumed default Yes
LaTeX latex tex, ltx, latex Yes
Beamer (PDF) beamer No
ConTeXt context context, ctx No
PDF (via LaTeX) pdf pdf No
PDF (via ConTeXt) context-pdf No
PDF (via HTML5) html-pdf No
DocX (Microsoft Word) docx doc, docx Yes Will use current file as template, if exists
ODT odt odt Yes Will use current file as template, if exists
RST rst rst Yes
RTF rtf rtf No
S5 slideshow s5 No
Slidy slideshow slidy No
Slideous slideshow slideous No
dzslides slideshow dzslides No
reaval.js slideshow revealjs No
Beamer slideshow (pdf) beamer No
Beamer slideshow (tex) beamer-latex No
asciidoc asciidoc adoc, asciidoc No
manfile (unix) man digits 1 - 9 No
texinfo texinfo texinfo, texi No
Haddock haddock Yes
Textile textile textile Yes
Mediawiki mediawiki Yes
DokuWiki dokuwiki No
ZimWiki zimwiki No
Docbook 4 docbook db Yes
Docbook 5 docbook5 db5 Yes
Fictionbook 2 fictionbook fb2 No
EPUB 2 epub2 epub, epub2 Yes
EPUB 3 epub3 epub3 Yes
Org org org Yes
OPML opml opml Yes
ICML icml icml No
TEI tei tei, tei.xml No
Pandoc AST (json) json json Yes
Pandoc AST (haskell) native native Yes


Full pandoc option support is still being developed/documented.


Automatic one- and two-way syncing of pandoc sources and renders

License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:Haskell 100.0%