Main website:
Vispy is an OpenGL-based interactive visualization library in Python. Its goal is to make it easy to create beautiful and fast dynamic visualizations. For example, scientific plotting of tens of millions of points, interacting with complex polygonial models, and (dynamic) volume rendering. All thanks to the graphics card’s hardware acceleration.
Vispy will eventually offer graphical APIs at multiple levels, including a matplotlib-like scientific plotting library. Currently, only the lowest-level API is implemented: it brings an easy-to-use Pythonic object-oriented interface to OpenGL. This layer requires you to have basic knowledge of modern OpenGL (notably the OpenGL shading language, GLSL).
For this reason, Vispy is not yet suitable for the general scientist, but it will be in the future (in several months at the very least). We are currently working on higher level layers. They will hide most OpenGL concepts and let you create beautiful visualizations in a few lines of code. Stay tuned!
Vispy runs on Python 2.6 and higher, including Python 3. Vispy depends on Numpy and PyOpenGL.
Since Vispy is pure Python, installation is easy, for instance via pip install vispy
The core development team consists of Luke Campagnola, Almar Klein, Nicolas Rougier and Cyrille Rossant. We have each written our own Python visualization toolkit (PyQtGraph, Visvis, Glumpy and Galry, respectively), and decided to team-up. Vispy will eventually replace all of our visualization libraries, so you can expect vispy to have all the features of our respective toolkits combined, and more.
You want to help out? Fork our repo and come up with a pull request! Or discuss new ideas in the mailing list.
- Have a look at the code at
- Our mailing list is at:
- API documentation is at
- Visit our gallery for examples:
- View the wiki for more information about this project.