mssalnikov / tgapi

Telegram bot API

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Telegram bot API. Flow-compatible. Without unnecessary explicit dependencies in runtime.


npm install --save tgapi


import BotClient from 'tgapi';
import sendRequest from 'tgapi/sendRequest';

const token = 'bla-bla-bla';

const bot = new BotClient(token, sendRequest);

  .then(userObject => console.log(userObject));

bot.getUpdates({ offset: 100500 })
  .then(updatesArray => console.log(updatesArray));

sendRequest is the default implementation of the method of sending http requests to Telegram server. You can to use another. sendRequest must receive the bot token as first argument and Telegram API method parameters and must returns Promise.

Advansed usage

bot.on('updateReceived', update => console.log(update));

// Will check updates each 1 second and emit updateReceived event
// after each one update.


If you want to use webhooks, you can use this http-server:

import BotClient from 'tgapi';
import sendRequest from 'tgapi/sendRequest';
import pureServer from 'tgapi/pureServer';

const bot = new BotClient('your token', sendRequest);

const server = pureServer(bot, 'your/webhook/path');

server.listen(80, () => console.log(
  'Webhook are available on http://localhost/your/webhook/path'

bot.on('updateReceived', update => console.log(update));

BotClient methods

createReaction method

Creates a promise that will be resolved if the update predicate returns true or will be rejected if the timeout has expired. Timeout default value is 300000 ms (5 min). You can disable timeout by setting this value to 0, but it creates memory leak danger.

const predicate = (update) => (
  update.message &&
  update.message.text === 'Hello'

                // Set timeout to 10 min
bot.createReaction(1000 * 60 * 10)(predicate)
  .then(update => bot.sendMessage({
    text: 'Hi!',
  .catch(() => console.log('Nobody wants to greet me. =('));

createInlineButton method

type CreateInlineButton =
  (text: string, timeout?: number = 1000 * 60 * 5) =>
    (buttonId?: string) => {
      markup: InlineKeyboardButton,
      promise: Promise<CertainButtonPressedEvent>,

Creates a InlineKeyboardButton markup and Promice that pending the press event. Promise resolves with inlineButtonPressed/<buttonId> event:

const createHelloButton = bot.createButton('Hi!', 1000 * 60 * 10);
const createOkButton = bot.createButton('OK!');
const createNoButton = bot.createButton('No, sorry.');

const helloButton = createHelloButton(Math.random());
const okButton = createOkButton();
const noButton = createNoButton();

  chat_id, text: 'Hello?',
  reply_markup: { inline_keyboard: [[helloButton.markup]] },

  .then(() => bot.sendMessage({
    chat_id, text: 'Let\'s talk?',
    reply_markup: { inline_keyboard: [[
    ]] },

okButton.promise.then(() => bot.sendMessage({ chat_id, text: 'What\'s your name?' }));
noButton.promise.then(() => bot.sendMessage({ chat_id, text: 'OK... =(' }));


updateReceived event

Emitted each any update. Receives Update type.

commandReceived event

Emitted each any bot command. Receives CommandEvent type.

commandReceived/<command> event

Emitted each specific bot command. Receives CommandEvent type. Example:

bot.on('commandReceived/start', sendHelloMessage);

inlineButtonPressed event

Emitted each callback_query update. Receives ButtonPressedEvent type.

inlineButtonPressed/<buttonId> event

Emitted each callback_query update with specified buttonId. Receives CertainButtonPressedEvent type. For emit this event must be JSON object winth string or number buttonId property:

{ "buttonId": 1,
  "anyAnotherProperty": "value" }


Native API methods support

  • getUpdates
  • setWebhook
  • deleteWebhook
  • getWebhookInfo
  • getMe
  • sendMessage
  • forwardMessage
  • sendPhoto
  • sendAudio
  • sendDocument
  • sendSticker
  • sendVideo
  • sendVoice
  • sendLocation
  • sendVenue
  • sendContact
  • sendChatAction
  • getUserProfilePhotos
  • getFile
  • kickChatMember
  • leaveChat
  • unbanChatMember
  • getChat
  • getChatAdministrators
  • getChatMembersCount
  • getChatMember
  • answerCallbackQuery
  • answerInlineQuery
  • sendGame
  • setGameScore
  • getGameHighScores


Telegram bot API

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%