mspall / moodle-tool_forcedcache

Moodle MUC config managed deterministicly in code using rulesets

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


What is this?

This is a moodle plugin that will override Moodle's default mode of caching based on a configuration file. It is replaced with a deterministic configuration, based on a lightweight configuration and rules stored in code. This has the advantage of making caching code-configurable before deployment, and allowing for identical caching configurations throughout your fleet.


For all Moodle branches please use the master branch.


To install this plugin, MDL-41492 is required to be backported to create the interface points for the plugin.

Step 1: Clone the plugin

Using git from the root directory of your moodle:

git clone admin/tool/forcedcache

Then run the Moodle upgrade as normal.

Step 2: Apply core patches

This plugin relies on MDL-41492, so this patch must be applied to any Moodle prior to 3.9. Patches have been bundled with this plugin, to allow for quick application of the patch for various supported Moodle versions.


All of the plugin configuration is deliberately performed in code, through modification of the config.json file included with the plugin, provided as an example, or through the creation of a seperate JSON file somewhere on the system.

JSON Fields

If creating a new JSON file, it must match to a certain structure, or the plugin will not activate.


"stores": {
  "apcu-example": {
    "type": "apcu",
    "config": {
        "prefix": "mdl"

A field called stores must be defined as an array. Inside, each store can be declared as an indexed array of name -> values. The example store here is an APCu store called named apcu-example. The type is the plugin name of the matching store plugin. cachestore_apcu -> apcu. config is a keyed array containing the name of the specific controls used to configure the plugin.


"rules": {
    "application": [
        "conditions" : {
          "canuselocalstore": true
        "stores": ["apcu1","file1"]
    "session": [
        "conditions": {
          "canuselocalstore": true
        "stores": ["apcu1","file1"]
        "stores": ["file1"]
    "request": {}

A field called rules must be defined as an array. This array must contain 3 named arrays application, session and request. These correspond to the 3 caching modes available. Inside each of these modes, various rulesets can be defined, to map cache definitions to the declared store instances in the above stores section. Rulesets should be declared as non-indexed arrays declared in preferential order. E.g. Definitions will be checked against the top ruleset, then 2 etc. Inside each of these rulesets, there are 2 sections, conditions and stores. Conditions is an optional array of condition -> value, which will be checked against the cache definition looking for matches. Stores is an ordered array of store instance names to map to, using the names declared in the stores array discussed in the above section.

If every condition defined in the conditions array is satisfied, the definition will be mapped to each of the stores, with the first store taking preference. If not, the definition will be checked against the next ruleset in the list. conditions is not required in a ruleset. If it is omitted, every definition will map to the stores in that ruleset, if they have not already been mapped to a higher ruleset. stores is required in every ruleset. If there are no rulesets defined for a mode, or there are no rulesets that a definition can match, the definition will fall through to the default store instance used for that mode.

Preinstalled Cache Required Config

"apcu1": {
      "type": "apcu",
      "config": {
        "prefix": "mdl"
File Cache
  "file1": {
      "type": "file",
      "config": {
        "path": "/tmp/filecache",
        "autocreate": 1
  "memcached1": {
      "type": "memcached",
      "config": {
        "servers": {
          "0": {
            "0": "",
            "1": "11211"
        "compression": 1,
        "serialiser": 1,
        "prefix": "mdl",
        "hash": 0,
        "bufferwrites": 0,
        "clustered": false,
        "setservers": [],
        "isshared": 0
  "mongodb1": {
      "type": "mongodb",
      "config": {
        "server": "mongodb://",
        "database": "mcache",
        "extendedmode": false,
        "username": "username",
        "password": "password",
        "usesafe": true
  "redis1": {
      "type": "redis",
      "config": {
        "server": "",
        "prefix": "mdl_",
        "password": "password",
        "serializer": 1,
        "compressor": 0

$CFG settings

Once a JSON has been defined to control the caching, a variable inserted into config.php can be used to control the path the plugin uses as a configuration file.

$CFG->tool_forcedcache_config_path = 'path/to/config.json';

If this is not supplied, the plugin will default to config.json inside of the plugin directory. Once the path is decided on, the configuration can be viewed. See Debugging for more information.

Alternatively, config can be set inside of config.php, by creating an associative PHP array with an identical structure to the JSON.

$CFG->tool_forcedcache_config_array = [
  'stores' => [
    'apcu2' => [
      'type' => 'apcu',
      'config' => [
        'prefix' => 'mdl_'
    'file2' => [
      'type' => 'file',
      'config' => [
        'path' => '/tmp/hardcode',
        'autocreate' => 1
  'rules' => [
    'application' => [
        'conditions' => [
          'canuselocalstore' => true
        'stores' => ['apcu2', 'file2']
        'stores' => ['file2']
    'session' => [
        'conditions' => [
          'canuselocalstore' => true
        'stores' => ['apcu2', 'file2']
        'stores' => ['file2']
    'request' => []

This will have identical behaviour to reading this config from the JSON. Note: Only an array OR a path can be specified. It is not valid to declare both at once.

When the configuration is suitable, the plugin can be enabled by setting a second config variable inside config.php

$CFG->alternative_cache_factory_class = 'tool_forcedcache_cache_factory';

This will set caching to be readonly, and force the configuration specified in the JSON.


To assist in debugging the configuration, admin/tool/forcedcache/index.php will display some information about the status of the plugin. If there are any errors reported when creating configuration from the JSON file, the error message will be displayed on this page. If the JSON is able to be parsed, the rulesets configuration will be displayed for each of the caching modes.

If the plugin has been enabled, you can also visit cache/admin.php to view the overall configuration. If there are any store instances defined in the JSON that are not appearing in the list of configured instances, it means that a store instance was unable to be created from the supplied configuration. Check the config field for the store inside the JSON.


If you have issues please log them in github here

Please note our time is limited, so if you need urgent support or want to sponsor a new feature then please contact Catalyst IT Australia:

This plugin was developed by Catalyst IT Australia:

Catalyst IT


Moodle MUC config managed deterministicly in code using rulesets


Language:PHP 100.0%