mskn73 / LogBox

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


LogBox stores logs for developer purposes.

LogBox example view


You need to initialize the library with: LogBox.init(application)

Also you can configure some extras (this params are optionals):

  • databasename: internally it uses room.
  • shakeDetector: true if you want to open LogBox when a shake is detected
  • maxRows: for each category, you can change the limit of stored rows

LogBox.init(applicationContext, databaseName = "logsbox.db", shakeDetection = true, maxRows = 2000)

Log some data

        type: String,       // this categorize the log in the tab
        title: String,
        requestHeaders: List<String> = emptyList(), // if is empty it will not shows the request headers section in detail
        request: String,
        responseHeaders: List<String> = emptyList(), // if is empty it will not shows the response headers section in detail
        response: String,
        responseTime: Long = -1     //if is lower than 0 it will not shows the response time in detail

OkHttp interceptor

if you are using OkHttp you can add the logbox interceptor to the builder


The log level can be also configured with setLevel():


and you can provide a custom logger if you want to change some thing in the log:

LogboxHttpLoggingInterceptor(object : LogboxHttpLoggingInterceptor.Logger {
    override fun log(title: String, requestHeaders: List<String>, request: String, responseHeaders: List<String>, response: String, responseTime: Long) {


Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }


implementation "com.github.mskn73.LogBox:logsbox:$logboxVersion"

If you need a no-operation version for release builds, you can use:

debugImplementation  "com.github.mskn73.LogBox:logsbox:$logboxVersion"
releaseImplementation "com.github.mskn73.LogBox:logsbox:$logboxVersion:Noop@aar"


debugImplementation "com.github.mskn73.LogBox:logbox-retrofit-interceptor:$logboxVersion"
releaseImplementation "com.github.mskn73.LogBox:logbox-retrofit-interceptor:$logboxVersion:Noop@aar"



Language:Kotlin 100.0%