mseminatore / as16

An enhanced assembler and disassembler for the RiSC-16 Processor using YACC/Bison

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as16 - an enhanced assembler for the RiSC-16 Processor


This is a simple assembler for the RiSC-16 processor design developed by Professor Bruce Jacob. This assembler is fully source compatible with the original a assembler provided by Professor Jacob here. Beyond that it adds several extensions that I found useful.

I also created a disassembler disasm which helped in round-trip debugging of the assembler.

Why as16?

I recently implemented the RiSC-16 processor in Verilog on a Basys-3 FPGA. As part of the design validation phase I used the assembler quite a bit to write test code. In doing so, I found that there were several improvements that I wanted to make for productivity.

Rather than modify the original assembler code, I re-implemented the assembler as as16 using Yacc/Bison. The original assembler used 2 passes over the source code to resolve forward references. In this implementation, I use a list of code fixups to track locations where back-patching of code containing forward references is needed. The fixup phase takes place after a single pass through the source code is completed.

The as16 assembler also adds several extensions in the form of additional pseudo-instructions. I've found these extensions to be helpful when writing non-trivial amounts of RiSC-16 assembly by hand.

Like the original assembler the default output format is machine code in 16b hex. In future releases I may implement a.out object file generation and linking.

Running as16 without any other parameters will display usage information including the documented command line switches.

Assembler Source Code

The source includes a Makefile which should build on any Unix-like operating system. The project requires YACC or Bison to compile. For expediencey on machines without these tools (ahem Windows), I've included the resulting and files.

Original Instructions

Mnemonic Assembly Format Action
add add rA, rB, Rc Add contents of regB with regC, store result in regA
addi addi rA, rB, imm Add contents of regB with imm, store result in regA
nand nand rA, rB, rC Nand contents of regB with regC, store results in regA
lui lui rA, imm load top 10 bits of imm in regA, bottom 6 bits are zero
sw sw rA, rB, imm Store value from regA to memory. Address is regB + imm
lw lw rA, rB, imm Load value from memory to regA. Addresss is regB + imm
beq beq rA, rB, imm If contents of regA equals regB branch to address PC + 1 + imm
jalr jalr rA, rB Branch to address in regB and store PC + 1 in regA.

Original Pseudo-instructions

Professor Jacob's assembler included several useful pseudo-instructions which I carried forward. These are listed below

Mnemonic Assembly Format Action
nop nop No operation, equvalant to add r0, r0, r0
halt halt Halt the processor, equivalent to jalr r0, r0 with non-zero imm field
lli lli rA, imm Load lower 6 bits of imm in regA by ORing with regA
movi movi rA, imm Equivalent to lui + lli of imm to regA
.fill .fill imm Initialize data with value imm
.space .space imm Zero-fill an array of size imm

Label Extensions

As an extension to the original assembler, labels can appear on a line by themselves in addition to being associated with an instruction.


When writing assembly language I've always found it helpful to use named constants to factor magic numbers out of assembly code. In as16 I added the EQU keyword for this purpose.

Mnemonic Assembly Format Action
EQU label EQU value Associate the label name with the numeric constant value

Register aliases

In writing RiSC-16 code I found that I wanted to establish calling conventions (ABI) for myself. The convention I chose was that I would use R7 as a stack pointer, R6 would be used as a link register, and R5 would be a frame pointer. To make this usage clearer in assembly code I created the register aliases SP (R7), LR (R6) and FP (R5) which can be used anywhere a register is accepted.

Additional Pseudo-instructions

The as16 assembler adds the following new and optional pseudo-instructions.

Mnemonic Assembly Format Action
ret ret Return to caller. Equivalent to jalr r0, lr
inc inc rA Increment regA. Equivalent to addi rA, rA, 1
dec dec rA Decrement regA. Equivalent to addi rA, rA, -1
call call rA Jump and link to address in regA. Equivalent to jalr lr, rA
j j rA Unconditional jump to address in regA. Equivalent to jalr r0, rA
push push rA Push regA onto stack. Equivalent to addi sp, sp, -1 and sw rA, sp, 0
pop pop rA Pop regA from stack. Equivalent to lw rA, sp, 0 and addi sp, sp, 1
mov mov rA, rB Move contents of regB to regA. Equivalent to addi rA, rB, 0
lwi lwi rA, imm Alias for movi because it really is a load. Equalent to movi rA, imm

Future work

There are a few additional changes that I would still like to make to as16. These are, in no particular order:

  • Allow a.out object file generation (see my bintools project)
  • Create a linker for RiSC-16 object files


An enhanced assembler and disassembler for the RiSC-16 Processor using YACC/Bison

License:MIT License


Language:C 79.7%Language:Yacc 18.6%Language:CMake 0.7%Language:Assembly 0.7%Language:Makefile 0.4%