mschuetz / misc

miscellaneous scripts

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


i wrote this script when audacity crashed in the middle of a long recording session to create an audacity project file from the .au files that audacity stores in /tmp


a script for backing up files removable media. Usage: dbus-monitor | cddbackup.rb somedirectory insert media, wait for it being copied and ejected, insert next


applies colouring to text on stdin similar to grep but outputs non-matching lines as well. you can see a list of colours in the source. if the colour name is preceded by bg_ its the background colour. additionally background and foreground colours can be specified at the same time by listing them separated by a comma.

Usage: cmd | colour.rb colour_spec regex Example: ls -la | colour.rb bg_red,white " $USER "


creates an m3u playlist from a podcast


miscellaneous scripts


Language:Ruby 75.0%Language:Shell 14.5%Language:JavaScript 10.5%