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Repository of TREO Talks at ICIS 2019

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Repository of TREO Talks at ICIS 2019

This repository contains the abstract of the TREO (Technology Research, Education, and Opinion) Talks at ICIS 2019 in Munich, Germany.

Contact Name Title
Hsieh, Pei-Hsuan X and Y Generations Consumer Purchasing Behaviors for Nostalgic IT Products
Inuwa, Ibrahim Dimensions That Characterize and Mechanisms That Cause the Misuse of Information Systems for Corrupt Practices in the Nigerian Public Sector
Zaza, Ibtissam Smart Farming for Climate Resilient Crops: Toward Sustainable Agriculture
Hah, Hyeyoung The Effect of Mobile Trust on IT Service Avoidance: An Instrumental Variable Approach
Ghosh, Arunava Extending the Cryptocurrency market: The effect of Blockchain
Lukyanenko, Roman Artifact validity: A missing element of IS rigor
Oo Tha, Khet Khet Mobile Money Affordances: Enabling the Way for Financial Inclusion
Promann, Marlen Dead Documents are Worthless: Bridging the User-IT Gap in Enterprise UX
Kulaba, Peter Collaborative Development of a Gaming-based ICT for Well-Being in India
Mamonov, Stanislav Fulfillment of Higher-order Psychological Needs through Technology: The Case of Smart Thermostats
Au, Cheuk Hang Information System Development (ISD) for Social Inclusion
Au, Cheuk Hang Virtual Reality in Experiential Learning: A Case in Scout Association of Hong Kong
Brooks, Stoney The Effects of Culture and Gender on Perceptions of Autonomous Vehicles
Moqbel, Murad Fake News: The past, the present and the future
Wickramasinghe, Nilmini Data For Social Good - IT And Healthcare Combine To Address Chronic Care
Sharma, Ravi Higher Education 4.0: Uni for nothin', MOOCs for free?
Luoma, Paivi Role and Value of Data in Circular Business Models
Jain, Aarushi Understanding Long tail effect in search engines : A study of user queries by evaluating content and sequence measures
Park, Jiyong Evolution of Task Automation in the 21st Century: A Data-Driven Exploration of the Race between Man and Machine
Corbett, Jacqueline How Does Blockchain Help and Hurt Small and Medium Size Enterprises?
Ndayizigamiye, Patrick Determinants of the Adoption of Self-healthcare Monitoring Mobile Applications
Benedict, Gayan A Regulatory Controls Framework for Decentrally Governed DLT Systems
Szopinski, Daniel Teaching business model innovation to large and interdisciplinary IS/IT classes: A didactic approach involving peer feedback via self-recorded video presentations
Endres, Herbert Digital Innovation Management: Drivers of Innovation Management Software Adoption
Allen, Jonathan P. The World Deserves Better Platforms: The Goal is Empowerment, not Engagement
Johnson, Richard The Promise and Pitfalls of Cognitive Computing & AI in Human Resources
Vaidya, Anil Pdagogic Innovation in Technology Class
Arage, Tilahun Investigating Users' Perception about Biometric Security Mechanism: The Case of Ethiopia
BALAN, SHILPA An Exploratory Analysis of Healthcare Data Breaches
Smith, Kane Commitments to Information Security on Social Media: How iGen Users Decide What to Share
Smith, Kane User (Over) Attachment to Social Media: Re-framing the Policy Conversation
Himdi, Rania How Should We Change our Learning Ways?
Abubakre, Mumin The Interplay of Digital Platforms and Boundaries during Multisectoral Partnership
Kolotylo-Kulkarni, Malgorzata Modes of privacy settings and user privacy choices: An experimental study
Reychav, Iris Intersection of Information Technology and Patient Empowerment An Ongoing Study
Triantoro, Tamilla Technology Dilemma in the Age of AI. How to Compensate Technology Savvy Employees?
Bliemel, Michael A Research and Teaching Platform for Attack and Defense in ERP systems
Hoy, Zoe A framework for choosing appropriate requirement prioritization approach in Agile Software Development
Vaidya, Anil Research Idea - Success of Startups after Incubation
Peters, Uchenna Understanding the Path to Value Creation with Business Analytics
Erskine, Michael Source Credibility of Intelligent Agents: Examining the Effects of Conflicting Information on Decision Satisfaction
Lee, Hyung Koo Using Process Modeling to Enhance Teaching of Traditional and Emerging Organization Technologies in IS courses
House, Deanna Data Hoarding in Organizations: An Exploration of Elevated Risks
Drechsler, Andreas IS Research' Blind Spot: Are SMOs the Overlooked 98% of Organisations?
Mamun, Md Rasel Al The Role of Emotional Attachment in IT Continuance Behavior
Wind, Sebastian Multi-Level Root Cause Analysis in large scale Hybrid Cloud IT-Services
Zablith, Fouad Taking Steps Toward Building an Affordance Knowledge Graph
House, Deanna The Rise of the Business Security Analyst: A Call for Change in the SDLC
Standaert, Willem AI-Enabled Generativity: Racing towards Artificial General Intelligence
Viscusi, Gianluigi Crowd dynamics, Co-creation, and Values in technology innovation: A case study in robotics infrastructures
Pal, Abhipsa Are Threats driving Security Measures in Organizations?
Purian, Ronit Life as a Service in the smart city
Skrzypczak, Manuel The Role of Cognition and Affect in the Evaluation of Discontinuous Innovations - A Quasi-Experimental Analysis of Online Review Data
Ghawe, Ali Technology Implementation 2.0
Jackson, Stephen Data breach response: a view from self-presentation theory
Field, Daniela Introduce low-code tools to innovate your curriculum
Tittle, Derek Food Delivery Apps or Restaurants: Where do loyalties lie?
Nikkhah, Hamid Gamified Systems and Information Disclosure Behavior
George, Jordana New Approaches to Technology Driven Corporate Social Responsibility: Data Philanthropy
Hauck, Roslin Scrum for Pedagogy: Leveraging the Scrum Framework in the Classroom
Aryal, arun Curricular Impact, Public Engagement, and Alignment
Ho, Shu-Chun Developing the Employment Competency in E-commerce from the Organizational Capability Perspective
Kitano, Naho Universal Menu' a tool to realize the cross-border delivery of public services in digital government
Loebbecke, Claudia ICT-Enabled Sensor Journalism: Friend or Foe of Science and Democracy?
Köse, Dicle Berfin What motivates safe driving? Joy or punishment?
Rehm, Sven-Volker How do we adapt to adaptive information infrastructures?
Bouayad, Lina Enhancing sharing of personal health information for privacy and social utility: Towards design principles for a blockchain tool informed by theories of motivation
Jewer, Jennifer Exploring the Influence of IT Governance on Digital Innovation
Khojah, Mohammed Exploring Cultural Challenges of Wearable Devices for Health in Saudi Arabia
Lee, Donggi The Driving Force for Idea Generation with Multiple Perspectives; May I leave the office for a while to research an idea?
Kazan, Erol Strategic Design Towards Platform Collaboration in The Newspaper Industry: A Design Science Research Study
Brandt, Tobias A mirror of our world - Urban social media data as a reflection of the evolution of cities
De Leoz, Gerard User-Unfriendly Technology: A Phenomenological Study of Undesirable Encounters with Information and Communications Technology
Vo, Au An Analytical Investigation of Medical Personnel' Rating Competency
Harindranath, G Digital Technologies and Migration: Reducing Inequalities or Creating New Ones?
Koutsikouri, Dina Cultivating the organizational agile mindset: Issues and challenges
Meyer, Julien The transformative role of telemedicine on the accountability to provide care
Legner, Christine Data Sharing in Business Ecosystems
Lavin, Amy The Challenge of Engaging Graduate Students in Online Classes
Milic, Nash Rethinking IT artifacts
Hsu, Hui-Mei The Study of the Compliance Behavior in Information Security-- From Fear Appeals and Goal Framing Effects perspectives
Muraski, John Career Assessments Deter Prospective IS Students: The Missing Socio-Technical Perspective
Bækgaard, Lars Designing a course: People and Technology in Organizations
Brehm, Lars Unconventional Teaching of Digital Technologies and a Community of Lecturers
McNab, Anna Bridging the Divide in Online Learning Increasing Course Interest and Engagement Using Care Packages
Sebastian, Joseph Information Technology Slack- Concept and Measurement
Puthenpurackal Chakko, Joseph Modeling Agile Portfolios as Viable Systems
Teracino, Elizabeth What's Next, 'Post Digitalization Era' Rural Digitalization.
Giermindl, Lisa Creating value with Predictive HR Analytics
Obermeier, Gabriele Mirror, mirror on the wall', What is your Customer Experience after all?
Javdan, Mohsen Do task, technology, fit, and data characteristics impact firm innovation performance? The mediating role of big data analytics routinization
Daneshvar Kakhki, Mohammad Interorganizational Systems for Complex and Dynamic Environments
Lee, Carol Social Media Enabled Community Empowerment: A Social Capital and Collective Action Perspective
Shang, Yanyan What affect the users' personal health information disclosure behavior in online health communities: a privacy calculus perspective
LI, Chenwei Better not Let Me Know! A Study into Consumers' Maladaptive Response to Enhanced Privacy Regulation
Tahmasbi, Nargess The Role of Impression Management Dynamics in Social Media Reach
David, Alsius The Psychophysiological Effects of Experiencing Face Lenses
Harb, Yousra Opinion Mining in Web Analytics Service Online Reviews What does it tell us?


Repository of TREO Talks at ICIS 2019

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