RPS or Rocks, Papers, & Scissors, is a command-line interface Python game.
Make sure the following packages are installed on your device:
Please follow the steps as described below:
Install the latest version of Python
Install git
Clone the RPS program from the github repository
git clone https://github.com/koolasys/rps-cli.git
- Go into the rps-cli directory
cd rps-cli
- Run the command "python3 app.py"
python3 app.py
Please carefully read the instructions before attempting to play
Rocks beats Scissors
Scissors beats Paper
Paper beats Rock
If you win, you gain a life.
If you lose, you lose a life.
If you draw, your lives remain the same
# Displays the game rules
# Displays current game statistics
# Displays the lives you have left
# Saves and exits the game
*Happy playing!!!