mrsn / backup-cookbook

Chef cookbook for backups

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

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Uses the Backup Ruby Gem to perform backups.


Tested on Ubuntu Linux with Ruby 1.9, but should run on any Unix with Ruby.


See attributes/default.rb for default vaules.

  • node['backup']['config_path'] - Where backup configuration data will be stored. Defaults is /etc/backup
  • node['backup']['log_path'] - Where backup logs will be stored. Defaults is /var/log
  • node['backup']['model_path'] - Where backup models (definitions) are stored. Default is node['backup']['config_path']/models
  • node['backup']['dependencies'] - An array of arrays of additional dependencies and optional versions needed for backups. The backup gem will inform you about these when the backup runs. (examples: ['fog'], [['fog', '1.4.0'], ['s3']])
  • node['backup']['user'] - User that performs backups. Default is root
  • node['backup']['group'] - Group that performs backups. Default is root
  • node['backup']['version'] - Version of the Backup gem to be installed. The latest version of this cookbook should have the latest stable version of the gem
  • node['backup']['server'] - Data about a centralized backup server. Used by the backup_mount resource. Default is an empty hash.
  • node['backup']['server']['address'] - Address of the backup server.
  • node['backup']['server']['root_path'] - Root path on the server where backups go.



The default recipe installs the backup gem and its dependencies and sets up the basic configuration.

Resources and Providers


Creates a backup model with an optional cron schedule.


  • :create - Create a model. The default.
  • :delete - Delete a model

Attribute Parameters

  • The name attribute - A symbol used as the trigger name.
  • description - A description for the backup. Default is the same as the name.
  • definition - A string (best formed as a heredoc) defining the backup. Will be interpoleted and turned into a model file. Required.
  • schedule - A hash of times (minute, hour, day, month, weekday) that will be passed to a cron resource.
  • cron_options - A hash of other options to be passed to the cron resource. Includes :command (will be set to the generated backup command by default), :mailto, :path, :shell, :user.


This will create a model scheduled to back up a database daily:

backup_model :my_db do
  description "Back up my database"

  definition <<-DEF
    split_into_chunks_of 4000

    database MySQL do |db| = 'mydb'
      db.username = 'myuser'
      db.password = '#{node['mydb']['password']}' # will be interpolated

    compress_with Gzip

    store_with S3 do |s3|
      s3.access_key_id = '#{node['aws']['access_key_id']}'
      s3.secret_access_key = '#{node['aws']['secret_access_key']}'
      s3.bucket = 'mybucket'

    :minute => 0,
    :hour   => 0


Defines an NFS mount to be used for backup storage and creates the necessary directories. Uses the node['backup']['server'] attributes.

This fits a specific use case and may or may not be useful. It is intended to be used with the RSync::Local syncer and Local storage option.


  • :enable - Enables and mounts the device
  • :disable - Disables and unmounts the device

Attribute Parameters

  • Name attribute: The path where the mount will be placed.
  • remote_path: The path being accessed on the remote server


Given the following attributes:

  • node['backup']['server']['address'] = ''
  • node['backup']['server']['root_path'] = 'volume1'

And this in the recipe:

backup_mount '/mnt/backup/myapp' do
  remote_path '/backups/myapp' # Will be prefixed with with the `node['backup']['server']['root_path']` if it is set.

will create an NFS mount at /mnt/backup/myapp with the device


Chef cookbook for backups


Language:Ruby 100.0%