Vivek Rai (mrrai777)


Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Vivek Rai's repositories


Library Management Microservices is a scalable and robust system, providing comprehensive library management functionalities through microservice-oriented REST APIs using Java and Spring Boot.



Quiz Management API is a backend service for creating, managing and scoring quizzes. The API supports various quiz formats and includes endpoints for managing quizzes and user responses. It offers robust authentication and is easily extendable for additional features.



It is a project which contain three entity Admin, Electoral Officer and Voter and Voter can vote to any candidate present in the tables. Admin can add party, view party, add candidate, view candidate. Electoral Officer can Generate voter ID of user and view all applications.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:0Issues:0


This is Inventory Management System project, which I have created using PYTHON. This can manage the inventory of a shop like how many product they have in stock, and also the quantity of each product. Even if user is purchasing something that is also possible and it can generate the bill for user. I have used a JSON file to manage it.
