mrova / zf2-google-maps-

Google maps - ZF2 Module

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Google maps - ZF2 Module

A zend framework 2 module for generate google maps using gmaps api.


Main Setup

By cloning project

  1. This module is available on Packagist. In your project's composer.json use:

        "require": {
    		"php": ">=5.3.3",
    		"zendframework/zendframework": "*",
    		"gowsram/g-maps": "dev-master"
  2. Or clone this project into your ./vendor/ directory.


  1. Add the Google Maps API key in your config/module.config.php file.

    return array(
    	'GMaps'=> array(
    		'api_key' => 'Your Google Maps API Key',
  2. In the controller

    $markers = array(
            'Mozzat Web Team' => '17.516684,79.961589',
            'Home Town' => '16.916684,80.683594'
        );  //markers location with latitude and longitude
        $config = array(
            'sensor' => 'true',         //true or false
            'div_id' => 'map',          //div id of the google map
            'div_class' => 'grid_6',    //div class of the google map
            'zoom' => 5,                //zoom level
            'width' => "600px",         //width of the div
            'height' => "300px",        //height of the div
            'lat' => 16.916684,         //lattitude
            'lon' => 80.683594,         //longitude 
            'animation' => 'none',      //animation of the marker
            'markers' => $markers       //loading the array of markers
        $map = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('GMaps\Service\GoogleMap'); //getting the google map object using service manager
        $map->initialize($config);                                         //loading the config   
        $html = $map->generate();                                          //genrating the html map content  
        return new ViewModel(array('map_html' => $html));                  //passing it to the view
  3. In the View

    <?php echo $this->map_html; ?>


Google maps - ZF2 Module


Language:PHP 100.0%