mroell / jQuery-Editable

jQuery Edtiable (Flexible, Short and Elegant jEditable)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


jQuery Edtiable (Flexible, Short and Elegant jEditable)


  • editOn: [event | array[events] ] Any valid jQuery Event: click, dblclick, mouseover, ... Default is 'click'.
  • beforeEdit: [function(inputField, ev){} ] This function is called before converting the display to input field. "this" keywords in this fucntion refers to display element.
  • onEdit: [function] This function is bound to display element as an event.
  • freezeOn: [event | array[events] ] Any valid jQuery Event: click, dblclick, mouseover, ... Default is 'blur'.
  • beforeFreeze: [function(display, ev){} ] This function is called before converting the input field to display. "this" keywords in this fucntion refers to input field.
  • onFreeze: [function] This function is bound to input field element as an event.


To find out more on how to use it and ask for more features please go to jQuery Edtiable. This Plugin is created @


jQuery Edtiable (Flexible, Short and Elegant jEditable)