mrnsv / chronochime

A whimsical Python script that blends time management with auditory cues. ChronoChime opens a designated URL in a Chrome window at set intervals, accompanied by a delightful chime to keep you on track. Perfect for reminding you of important tasks, meetings, or simply bringing a touch of charm to your browsing experience!

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

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A whimsical Python script that blends time management with auditory cues. ChronoChime opens a designated URL in a Chrome window at set intervals, accompanied by a delightful chime to keep you on track. Perfect for reminding you of important tasks, meetings, or simply bringing a touch of charm to your browsing experience!


Language:HTML 42.9%Language:Python 39.4%Language:CSS 17.7%