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An Extendable, Efficient and Effective Transformer-based Object Detector (Extension of VIDT published at ICLR2022)

Please see the vidt branch if you are interested in the vanilla ViDT model.
This is an extension of ViDT for joint-learning of object detection and instance segmentation.

by Hwanjun Song1, Deqing Sun2, Sanghyuk Chun1, Varun Jampani2, Dongyoon Han1,
Byeongho Heo1, Wonjae Kim1, and Ming-Hsuan Yang2,3

1 NAVER AI Lab, 2 Google Research, 3 University California Merced

  • April 6, 2022: The official code is released!
    We obtained a light-weight transformer-based detector, achieving 47.0AP only with 14M parameters and 41.9 FPS (NVIDIA A100).
    See Complete Analysis.
  • April 19, 2022: The preprint is uploaded, See [here]!

ViDT+ for Joint-learning of Object Detection and Instance Segmentation

Extension to ViDT+

We extend ViDT into ViDT+, supporting a joint-learning of object detection and instance segmentation in an end-to-end manner. Three new components have been leveraged for extensions: (1) An efficient pyramid feature fusion (EPFF) module, (2) An unified query representation module, and (3) two auxiliary losses of IoU-aware and token labeling. Compared with the vanilla ViDT, ViDT+ provides a significant performance improvement without comprising inference speed. Only 1M parameters are added into the model.


Index: [A. ViT Backbone], [B. Main Results], [C. Complete Analysis]

|--- A. ViT Backbone used for ViDT
|--- B. Main Results in the ViDT+ Paper
     |--- B.1. VIDT+ compared with the vanilla ViDT for Object Detection
     |--- B.2. VIDT+ compared with other CNN-based methods for Object Detection and Instance Segmentation
|--- C. Complete Component Analysis

Backbone and Size Training Data Epochs Resulution Params ImageNet Acc. Checkpoint
Swin-nano ImageNet-1K 300 224 6M 74.9% Github
Swin-tiny ImageNet-1K 300 224 28M 81.2% Github
Swin-small ImageNet-1K 300 224 50M 83.2% Github
Swin-base ImageNet-22K 90 224 88M 86.3% Github

All the models were re-trained with the final version of source codes. Thus, the value may be very slightly different from those in the paper. Note that a single 'NVIDIA A100 GPU' was used to compute FPS for the input of batch size 1.
Compared with the vailla version, ViDT+ leverages three additional components or techniques:
(1) An efficient pyramid feature fusion (EPFF) module.
(2) An unified query representation moudle (UQR).
(3) Two additional losses of IoU-aware loss and token-labeling loss.

B.1. VIDT+ compared with the vanilla ViDT for Object Detection
Method Backbone Epochs AP AP50 AP75 AP_S AP_M AP_L Params FPS Checkpoint / Log
ViDT+ Swin-nano 50 45.3 62.3 48.9 27.3 48.2 61.5 16M 37.6 Github / Log
ViDT+ Swin-tiny 50 49.7 67.7 54.2 31.6 53.4 65.9 38M 30.4 Github / Log
ViDT+ Swin-small 50 51.2 69.5 55.9 33.8 54.5 67.8 61M 20.6 Github / Log
ViDT+ Swin-base 50 53.2 71.6 58.3 36.0 57.1 69.2 100M 19.3 Github / Log
Method Backbone Epochs AP AP50 AP75 AP_S AP_M AP_L Params FPS Checkpoint / Log
ViDT Swin-nano 50 40.4 59.9 43.0 23.1 42.8 55.9 15M 40.8 Github / Log
ViDT Swin-tiny 50 44.9 64.7 48.3 27.5 47.9 61.9 37M 33.5 Github / Log
ViDT Swin-small 50 47.4 67.7 51.2 30.4 50.7 64.6 60M 24.7 Github / Log
ViDT Swin-base 50 49.4 69.6 53.4 31.6 52.4 66.8 99M 20.5 Github / Log
B.2. VIDT+ compared with other CNN-based methods for Object Detection and Instance Segmentation

For fair comparison w.r.t the number of parameters, Swin-tiny and Swin-small backbones are used for ViDT+, which have similar number of parameters to ResNet-50 and ResNet-101, respectively.
ViDT+ shows much higher detection AP than other joint-learning methods, but its segmentation AP is only higher than others for the medium- and large-size objects in general.

Method Backbone Epochs Box AP Mask AP Mask AP_S Mask AP_M Mask AP_L
Mask R-CNN ResNet-50 + FPN 36 41.3 37.5 21.1 39.6 48.3
HTC ResNet-50 + FPN 36 44.9 39.7 22.6 42.2 50.6
SOLOv2 ResNet-50 + FPN 72 40.4 38.8 16.5 41.7 56.2
QueryInst ResNet-50 + FPN 36 45.6 40.6 23.4 42.5 52.8
SOLQ ResNet-50 50 47.8 39.7 21.5 42.5 53.1
ViDT+ Swin-tiny 50 49.7 39.5 21.5 43.4 58.2
Method Backbone Epochs Box AP Mask AP Mask AP_S Mask AP_M Mask AP_L
Mask R-CNN ResNet-101 + FPN 50 41.3 38.8 21.8 41.4 50.5
HTC ResNet-101 + FPN 50 44.3 40.8 23.0 43.5 58.2
SOLOv2 ResNet-101 + FPN 50 42.6 39.7 17.3 42.9 58.2
QueryInst ResNet-101 + FPN 50 48.1 42.8 24.6 45.0 58.2
SOLQ ResNet-101 50 48.7 40.9 22.5 43.8 58.2
ViDT+ Swin-small 50 51.2 40.8 22.6 44.3 60.1

We combined the four proposed components (even with distillation with token matching and decoding layer drop) to achieve high accuracy and speed for object detection. For distillation, ViDT (Swin-base) trained for 50 epochs was used for all models.

We combined all the proposed components (even with longer training epochs and decoding layer dropping) to achive high accuracy and speed for object detection. As summarized in below table, there are eight components for extension: (1) RAM, (2) the neck decoder, (3) the IoU-aware and token labeling losses, (4) the EPFF module, (5) the UQR module, (6) the use of more detection tokens, (6) the use of longer training epochs, and (8) decoding layer drop.

The numbers (2), (6), and (8) are the performance of the vanilla ViDT, its extension to ViDT+, and the fully optimized ViDT+.

Added Swin-nano Swin-tiny Swin-small
# Module AP Params FPS AP Params FPS AP Params FPS
(1) + RAM 28.7 7M 72.4 36.3 29M 51.8 41.6 52M 33.5
(2) + Encoder-free Neck 40.4 15M 40.8 44.8 37M 33.5 47.5 60M 24.7
(3) + IoU-aware & Token Label 41.0 15M 40.8 45.9 37M 33.5 48.5 60M 24.7
(4) + EPFF Module 42.5 16M 38.0 47.1 38M 30.9 49.3 61M 23.0
(5) + UQR Module 43.9 16M 38.0 47.9 38M 30.9 50.1 61M 23.0
(6) + 300 [DET] Tokens 45.3 16M 37.6 49.7 38M 30.4 51.2 61M 22.6
(7) + 150 Training Epochs 47.6 16M 37.6 51.4 38M 30.4 52.3 61M 22.6
(8) + Decoding Layer Drop 47.0 14M 41.9 50.8 36M 33.9 51.8 59M 24.6

The optimized ViDT+ models can be found:
ViDT+ (Swin-nano), ViDT+ (Swin-tiny), and ViDT+ (Swin-small).


This codebase has been developed with the setting used in Deformable DETR:
Linux, CUDA>=9.2, GCC>=5.4, Python>=3.7, PyTorch>=1.5.1, and torchvision>=0.6.1.

We recommend you to use Anaconda to create a conda environment:

conda create -n deformable_detr python=3.7 pip
conda activate deformable_detr
conda install pytorch=1.5.1 torchvision=0.6.1 cudatoolkit=9.2 -c pytorch

Compiling CUDA operators for deformable attention

cd ./ops
sh ./
# unit test (should see all checking is True)

Other requirements

pip install -r requirements.txt

Training and Evaluation

If you want to test with a single GPU, see colab examples. Thanks to EherSenaw for making this example.
The below codes are for training with multi GPUs.

Training for ViDT+

We used the below commands to train ViDT+ models with a single node having 8 NVIDIA GPUs.

Run this command to train the ViDT+ (Swin-nano) model in the paper :

python -m torch.distributed.launch \
       --nproc_per_node=8 \
       --nnodes=1 \
       --use_env \
       --method vidt \
       --backbone_name swin_nano \
       --epochs 50 \
       --lr 1e-4 \
       --min-lr 1e-7 \
       --batch_size 2 \
       --num_workers 2 \
       --aux_loss True \
       --with_box_refine True \
       --det_token_num 300 \
       --epff True \
       --token_label True \
       --iou_aware True \
       --with_vector True \
       --masks True \
       --coco_path /path/to/coco \
       --output_dir /path/for/output
Run this command to train the ViDT+ (Swin-tiny) model in the paper :

python -m torch.distributed.launch \
       --nproc_per_node=8 \
       --nnodes=1 \
       --use_env \
       --method vidt \
       --backbone_name swin_tiny \
       --epochs 50 \
       --lr 1e-4 \
       --min-lr 1e-7 \
       --batch_size 2 \
       --num_workers 2 \
       --aux_loss True \
       --with_box_refine True \
       --det_token_num 300 \
       --epff True \
       --token_label True \
       --iou_aware True \
       --with_vector True \
       --masks True \
       --coco_path /path/to/coco \
       --output_dir /path/for/output
Run this command to train the ViDT+ (Swin-small) model in the paper :

python -m torch.distributed.launch \
       --nproc_per_node=8 \
       --nnodes=1 \
       --use_env \
       --method vidt \
       --backbone_name swin_small \
       --epochs 50 \
       --lr 1e-4 \
       --min-lr 1e-7 \
       --batch_size 2 \
       --num_workers 2 \
       --aux_loss True \
       --with_box_refine True \
       --det_token_num 300 \
       --epff True \
       --token_label True \
       --iou_aware True \
       --with_vector True \
       --masks True \
       --coco_path /path/to/coco \
       --output_dir /path/for/output
Run this command to train the ViDT+ (Swin-base) model in the paper :

python -m torch.distributed.launch \
       --nproc_per_node=8 \
       --nnodes=1 \
       --use_env \
       --method vidt \
       --backbone_name swin_base_win7_22k \
       --epochs 50 \
       --lr 1e-4 \
       --min-lr 1e-7 \
       --batch_size 2 \
       --num_workers 2 \
       --aux_loss True \
       --with_box_refine True \
       --det_token_num 300 \
       --epff True \
       --token_label True \
       --iou_aware True \
       --with_vector True \
       --masks True \
       --coco_path /path/to/coco \
       --output_dir /path/for/output

Evaluation for ViDT+

Run this command to evaluate the ViDT+ (Swin-nano) model on COCO :

python -m torch.distributed.launch \
       --nproc_per_node=8 \ 
       --nnodes=1 \
       --use_env \
       --method vidt \
       --backbone_name swin_nano \
       --batch_size 2 \
       --num_workers 2 \
       --aux_loss True \
       --with_box_refine True \
       --det_token_num 300 \
       --epff True \
       --coco_path /path/to/coco \
       --resume /path/to/vidt_nano \
       --pre_trained none \
       --eval True
Run this command to evaluate the ViDT+ (Swin-tiny) model on COCO :

python -m torch.distributed.launch \
       --nproc_per_node=8 \
       --nnodes=1 \
       --use_env \
       --method vidt \
       --backbone_name swin_tiny \
       --batch_size 2 \
       --num_workers 2 \
       --aux_loss True \
       --with_box_refine True \
       --det_token_num 300 \
       --epff True \
       --coco_path /path/to/coco \
       --resume /path/to/vidt_tiny\
       --pre_trained none \
       --eval True
Run this command to evaluate the ViDT+ (Swin-small) model on COCO :

python -m torch.distributed.launch \
       --nproc_per_node=8 \
       --nnodes=1 \
       --use_env \
       --method vidt \
       --backbone_name swin_small \
       --batch_size 2 \
       --num_workers 2 \
       --aux_loss True \
       --with_box_refine True \
       --det_token_num 300 \
       --epff True \
       --coco_path /path/to/coco \
       --resume /path/to/vidt_small \
       --pre_trained none \
       --eval True
Run this command to evaluate the ViDT+ (Swin-base) model on COCO :

python -m torch.distributed.launch \
       --nproc_per_node=8 \
       --nnodes=1 \
       --use_env \
       --method vidt \
       --backbone_name swin_base_win7_22k \
       --batch_size 2 \
       --num_workers 2 \
       --aux_loss True \
       --with_box_refine True \
       --det_token_num 300 \
       --epff True \
       --coco_path /path/to/coco \
       --resume /path/to/vidt_base \
       --pre_trained none \
       --eval True

Training for ViDT

We used the below commands to train ViDT models with a single node having 8 NVIDIA GPUs.

Run this command to train the ViDT (Swin-nano) model in the paper :

python -m torch.distributed.launch \
       --nproc_per_node=8 \
       --nnodes=1 \
       --use_env \
       --method vidt \
       --backbone_name swin_nano \
       --epochs 50 \
       --lr 1e-4 \
       --min-lr 1e-7 \
       --batch_size 2 \
       --num_workers 2 \
       --aux_loss True \
       --with_box_refine True \
       --det_token_num 100 \
       --coco_path /path/to/coco \
       --output_dir /path/for/output
Run this command to train the ViDT (Swin-tiny) model in the paper :

python -m torch.distributed.launch \
       --nproc_per_node=8 \
       --nnodes=1 \
       --use_env \
       --method vidt \
       --backbone_name swin_tiny \
       --epochs 50 \
       --lr 1e-4 \
       --min-lr 1e-7 \
       --batch_size 2 \
       --num_workers 2 \
       --aux_loss True \
       --with_box_refine True \
       --det_token_num 100 \
       --coco_path /path/to/coco \
       --output_dir /path/for/output
Run this command to train the ViDT (Swin-small) model in the paper :

python -m torch.distributed.launch \
       --nproc_per_node=8 \
       --nnodes=1 \
       --use_env \
       --method vidt \
       --backbone_name swin_small \
       --epochs 50 \
       --lr 1e-4 \
       --min-lr 1e-7 \
       --batch_size 2 \
       --num_workers 2 \
       --aux_loss True \
       --with_box_refine True \
       --det_token_num 100 \
       --coco_path /path/to/coco \
       --output_dir /path/for/output
Run this command to train the ViDT (Swin-base) model in the paper :

python -m torch.distributed.launch \
       --nproc_per_node=8 \
       --nnodes=1 \
       --use_env \
       --method vidt \
       --backbone_name swin_base_win7_22k \
       --epochs 50 \
       --lr 1e-4 \
       --min-lr 1e-7 \
       --batch_size 2 \
       --num_workers 2 \
       --aux_loss True \
       --with_box_refine True \
       --det_token_num 100 \
       --coco_path /path/to/coco \
       --output_dir /path/for/output

Evaluation for ViDT

Run this command to evaluate the ViDT (Swin-nano) model on COCO :

python -m torch.distributed.launch \
       --nproc_per_node=8 \ 
       --nnodes=1 \
       --use_env \
       --method vidt \
       --backbone_name swin_nano \
       --batch_size 2 \
       --num_workers 2 \
       --aux_loss True \
       --with_box_refine True \
       --det_token_num 100 \
       --coco_path /path/to/coco \
       --resume /path/to/vidt_nano \
       --pre_trained none \
       --eval True
Run this command to evaluate the ViDT (Swin-tiny) model on COCO :

python -m torch.distributed.launch \
       --nproc_per_node=8 \
       --nnodes=1 \
       --use_env \
       --method vidt \
       --backbone_name swin_tiny \
       --batch_size 2 \
       --num_workers 2 \
       --aux_loss True \
       --with_box_refine True \
       --det_token_num 100 \
       --coco_path /path/to/coco \
       --resume /path/to/vidt_tiny\
       --pre_trained none \
       --eval True
Run this command to evaluate the ViDT (Swin-small) model on COCO :

python -m torch.distributed.launch \
       --nproc_per_node=8 \
       --nnodes=1 \
       --use_env \
       --method vidt \
       --backbone_name swin_small \
       --batch_size 2 \
       --num_workers 2 \
       --aux_loss True \
       --with_box_refine True \
       --det_token_num 100 \
       --coco_path /path/to/coco \
       --resume /path/to/vidt_small \
       --pre_trained none \
       --eval True
Run this command to evaluate the ViDT (Swin-base) model on COCO :

python -m torch.distributed.launch \
       --nproc_per_node=8 \
       --nnodes=1 \
       --use_env \
       --method vidt \
       --backbone_name swin_base_win7_22k \
       --batch_size 2 \
       --num_workers 2 \
       --aux_loss True \
       --with_box_refine True \
       --det_token_num 100 \
       --coco_path /path/to/coco \
       --resume /path/to/vidt_base \
       --pre_trained none \
       --eval True


Please consider citation if our paper is useful in your research.

  title={ViDT: An Efficient and Effective Fully Transformer-based Object Detector},
  author={Song, Hwanjun and Sun, Deqing and Chun, Sanghyuk and Jampani, Varun and Han, Dongyoon and Heo, Byeongho and Kim, Wonjae and Yang, Ming-Hsuan},
  booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representation},
  title={An Extendable, Efficient and Effective Transformer-based Object Detector},
  author={Song, Hwanjun and Sun, Deqing and Chun, Sanghyuk and Jampani, Varun and Han, Dongyoon and Heo, Byeongho and Kim, Wonjae and Yang, Ming-Hsuan},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.07962},


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Language:Python 84.2%Language:Cuda 14.3%Language:C++ 1.4%Language:Shell 0.1%