mrinalxdev / zeno-store

it is a powerful npm package designed for complex state management , it simplifies state handling for efficient and scalable web apps

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ZenStore NPM Package

This manages complex state management in a web app

ZenStore NPM package is powerful state management solution designed to simplify complex state management in web applications. With a rich set of features, it provides developers with the tools needed to efficiently handle state in a scalable and maintainable way.

Features and usecase for the package .

1 . Middleware Support

const {Zenstore} = require('zen-store')

//Creating an instance
const zenStore = new ZenStore()

//Middleware Support
const middleare = (prevState, nextState) => {
    console.log('Middleware : State updated ', nextState)

ZenStore offers middleware support, allowing developers to inject custom logic into the state update process. This is particularly useful for tasks like logging, asynchronous operations, and third-party integrations.

2. Presistence Middleware

const {PresistenceMiddleware} = require('zen-store')

const persistenceMiddleware = new PersistenceMiddleware('zen-store-state.json');

The package includes a Persistence Middleware, enabling seamless storage and retrieval of application state. This ensures that the state can persist across page reloads, improving the overall user experience.

3. Event Listeners and Custom Event Triggers

// Event Listeners

zenStore.on('userLoggedIn', user => {
  console.log(`Event Listener: User logged in - ${user.username}`);

//unsubscribing listeners
const listener = state => {
  console.log('Listener: State Updated', state);

const unsubscribe = zenStore.subscribe(listener);
setTimeout(unsubscribe, 5000) // to unsubsribe after some time

// Custom Event Trigger
zenStore.triggerEvent('userLoggedIn', { username: 'JohnDoe' });

Developers can subscribe to state changes using event listeners, facilitating responsive UI updates. Additionally, ZenStore allows the triggering of custom events, enhancing flexibility in handling various application events.

4. Undo/Redo Functionality

zenStore.setState({ count: 44 });

ZenStore introduces undo and redo functionality, enabling users to navigate through previous states. This is particularly beneficial in scenarios where users need to revert to a specific application state.

5. Debounce State Updates and Batch Update Configuration

// Debounce State Updates
zenStore.setState({ count: 45 }, true, true);

// Batch Update Config.
zenStore.queueBatchUpdate({ count: 46 });

The package includes features for controlling the frequency of state updates, offering debouncing options and batch update configurations. This ensures that state updates are optimized for performance.

6. Deep State Comparison

zenStore.setState({ nested: { prop: 'value' } });
zenStore.setState({ nested: { prop: 'updatedValue' } });

ZenStore supports deep state comparison, providing developers with granular control over state changes. This feature is valuable in scenarios where precise tracking of changes is crucial.

Some Bonus Documentation of the features enhancements

// Persistent State Storage Configuration

// More Optimal Error Handling
zenStore.setErrorHandler(error => {
  console.error('Custom Error Handler:', error);

// Versioning

// Additional features from PersistenceMiddleware
persistenceMiddleware.saveState({ additionalData: 'Persisted Data' });
const loadedState = persistenceMiddleware.loadState();
console.log('Loaded State:', loadedState);

const fileInfo = persistenceMiddleware.getFileInfo();
console.log('File Information:', fileInfo);


console.log('Package features demonstration completed.');

Upcoming Features

  • Error Handling Enhancements
  • Advanced Persistence Options
  • Integration with Frameworks

Stay tuned for these exciting additions to the ZenStore package, as we continue to evolve and enhance the state management experience for web developers.``


it is a powerful npm package designed for complex state management , it simplifies state handling for efficient and scalable web apps

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%