mrinal054 / FUSegNet

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FUSegNet: A Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Foot Ulcer Segmentation


FUSegNet and x-FUSegNet are implemented on top of qubvel's implementation.

FUSegNet is a novel model for foot ulcer segmentation in diabetes patients. The model introduces the parallel scSE (P-scSE) module, combining additive and max-out scSE, fused in the middle of each decoder stage. FUSegNet achieves a data-based dice score of 92.70% on a chronic wound dataset, outperforming other state-of-the-art models. In the MICCAI 2021 FUSeg Challenge, the submitted x-FUSegNet model achieves a top score of 89.23%, leading the leaderboard.

Preprint link.

Saved models

Our saved (trained) models can be downloaded from the following links-

  • FUSegNet trained on Chronic Wound dataset
  • xFUSegNet trained on MICCAI FUSeg Challenge 2021 dataset

Code description

  • utils
    | Lists AZH Chronic wound test imgaes into 10 categories. Categories are created based on %GT area in images. Categorized test image names are stored in a json file called categorized_oldDfu.json
    | Performs data-based evaluation.
    | Performs data-based evaluation for each category.
    | Performs image-based evaluation for each category that is required for boxplot. The final output is an excel file with multiple sheets. Each sheet stores results for a perticular category.
    | Creates a boxplot. It utilizes the excel file generated by
    | Draws contours around the wound region.
    | Creates patch during runtime.
  • It's an end-to-end file contains codes for dataloader, training and testing using the FUSegNet model.
  • It is to train a dataset using the FUSegNet model.
  • It is to perform inference using the FUSegNet model.
  • It's an end-to-end file contains codes for dataloader, training and testing using the xFUSegNet model.
  • It is to train a dataset using the xFUSegNet model.
  • It is to perform inference using the xFUSegNet model.
  • FUSegNet_feature_visualization.ipynb: Demonstrates intermediate features.

Packages installation

pip install -r requirements.txt

Note: It is better to install torch and its associated packages manually as these are very sensitive to hardware and the OS. The torch packages mentioned in the requirements.txt file are used for a 64-bit Ubuntu PC with an 8-core 3.4 GHz CPU and a single NVIDIA RTX 2080Ti GPU with a CUDA compilation version of 10.1.

Network architecture

  • Proposed FUSegNet overview

  • Proposed Parallel scSE (P-scSE) module

Directory setup

The directory structure is shown below. Note that if checkpoints, plots, and predictions folders are not created beforehand, they will be generated automatically.

|-- utils
|-- dataset
	|-- train
		|-- images
			|-- (training and validation images are kept here)
		|-- labels 
			|-- (training and validation labels are kept here)
	|-- test
		|-- images 
			|-- (test images are kept here)
		|-- labels 
			|-- (test labels are kept here)
|-- checkpoints
	|-- (models will be stored here)
|-- plots
	|-- (loss curves will be stored here)
|-- predictions
	|-- (model predictions will be store here)

Parameters setup,,, and have a section called Parameters where the user can set the model parameters. The following are the model parameters used to train FUSegNet and xFUSegNet.

BASE_MODEL = 'FuSegNet' # give any name for the model
ENCODER = 'efficientnet-b7' # encoder model 
ENCODER_WEIGHTS = 'imagenet' # encoder weights
BATCH_SIZE = 2 # no. of batches
IMAGE_SIZE = 224 # height and width
n_classes = 1 # no. of classes excluding background
ACTIVATION = 'sigmoid' # output activation. sigmoid for binary and softmax for multi-class segmentation
DEVICE = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") # sets gpu if available
LR = 0.0001 # learning rate
EPOCHS = 200 # no. of epochs
WEIGHT_DECAY = 1e-5 # for L2 penalty
SAVE_WEIGHTS_ONLY = True # if True, saves weights only
TO_CATEGORICAL = False # if True, converts to onehot
SAVE_BEST_MODEL = True # if True, saves the best model only
SAVE_LAST_MODEL = False # if True, saves the model after completing the training
PERIOD = None # periodically save checkpoints
RAW_PREDICTION = False # if true, then stores raw predictions (i.e. before applying threshold)
PATIENCE = 30 # no. of epoches waits before early stopping
EARLY_STOP = True # if True, enables early stopping

How to use

Mode: end-to-end

  • In this mode, training and inference codes are embedded in a single .py file. *
  • and files are written in this mode.
  • Once the model parameters are set in the Parameter section, the user can run (train, validation, and test) using the following commands - python or python
  • and can directly be run from any IDE (e.g. Spyder, PyCharm, Jupyter Notebook, etc.)

Mode: train only

  • In this mode, only training code is embedded in the .py file.
  • and work in this mode.
  • Once the model parameters are set in the Parameter section, the user can train the model using the following commands - python or python
  • and can directly be run from any IDE (e.g. Spyder, PyCharm, Jupyter Notebook, etc.)

Mode: test (inference) only

  • In this mode, only inference code is embedded in the .py file.
  • and work in this mode.
  • The user can test the model using the following commands - python or python
  • and can directly be run from any IDE (e.g. Spyder, PyCharm, Jupyter Notebook, etc.).
  • To test with our saved models, put the saved models in the checkpoints directory and then perform either one of the above two steps.

Mode: feature visualization

  • In this mode, intermediate feature maps are visualized.
  • FUSegNet_feature_visualization.ipynb demonstrates the output feature maps of the parallel scSE (P-scSE) modules and each decoder stage.

Supported squeeze-and-excitation (SE) modules

Currently, our implementation supports the following SEs:

  • pscse: Parallel spatial and channel squeeze-and-excitation
  • scse: Spatial and channel squeeze-and-excitation
  • maxout: max(cSE, sSE)
  • additive: cSE + sSE
  • concat: concatenate(cSE, sSE)
  • multiplication: cSE * sSE
  • average: mean(stack(cSE, sSE))
  • average-all: mean(stack(maxout, additive, concat, multiplication))

The user needs to pass the attention type to decoder_attention_type in,,, or For instance,decoder_attention_type = 'pscse'


  • Segmentation results on the Chronic Wound dataset


[1] Pavel Iakubovskii, "Segmentation Models Pytorch", GitHub repository, GitHub, 2019. URL:
[2] C. Wang et al., “Fully automatic wound segmentation with deep convolutional neural networks,” Sci. Rep., vol. 10, no. 1, 2020.
[3] MICCAI FUSeg Challenge 2021. URL:


License:MIT License


Language:Python 57.4%Language:Jupyter Notebook 42.6%