mrijken / access-control

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Access Control

With access-control you can manage access control list to check wether a principal has access to a context with a certain permission.


ACL (Access Control List)

An ACL is an ordered list of ACE (Access Control Entry). Every Context has an ACL.

ACE (Access Control Entry)

An ACE consists of:

  • a Permit
  • a Principal
  • a Permission


A Principal represents an entity, typically a user or group. This means that a typical user can have multiple principals, like everyone, userid:1234 and group:admin.


The Permit is either ALLOW or DENY. This means that you can specify in the ACE that a Principal has either to be denied of allowed access to the Context.


The Context is a resource, like a page on a website, including the context of that resource, like the folders in which the page is located. Every context has an ACL.


The Permission is the action like view, change name, create user on the Context.


To get the Permit for a combination of Context, Principal and Permission, the ACL of the context will be looked up (in the specified order). When there is a match (based on Principal and Permission), the specified Permit (DENY or ALLOW) is returned. When there is no match, the first match with ACL of the parent (like folders) will be returned. When there is still no match, a DENY will be returned.


>>> import access_control as ac
>>> from typing import Optional

Create some principals, next to the predefined ac.principal.everyone
and ac.principal.authenticated.

>>> user_1 = ac.principal.Principal('user:1')
>>> group_admin = ac.principal.Principal('group:admin')

Create some context. You can use predefined ObjectContext which can make a context 
from any object.

>>> class Page():
...     def __init__(self, name: str, parent: Optional["Page"]):
... = name
...         self.parent = parent

>>> root_page = Page('root', None)
>>> contact_page = Page('contact', root_page)

>>> context_contact_page = ac.context.ObjectContext(contact_page)
>>> context_root = ac.context.ObjectContext(root_page)

Create permissions. For the contact page you can define a view and an edit permission

>>> view_permission = ac.permission.Permission('view')
>>> edit_permission = ac.permission.Permission('edit')

Next we need to glue them together in acls.
The context has a `acl` attribute which has the acl of the context *and* the parents of 
the context. A subscription_list of the `subscribe` package will be used to
get the acl of a certain context. You can subscribe one or more functions to 
a subscription_list of the context. All acls will be combined in the order
of the subscription_list.

Only the admins can edit the page.

>>> @context_contact_page.acl_subscription_list.subscribe()
... def get_acl(context):
...     return [ac.acl.ACE(ac.permit.Permit.ALLOW, group_admin, edit_permission)]

And everyone can view everything.

>>> @context_root.acl_subscription_list.subscribe()
... def get_acl(context):
...     return [ac.acl.ACE(ac.permit.Permit.ALLOW, ac.principal.everyone, view_permission)]

When a user want to access the page for edit, we can ask whether the user is allowed.
Therefor we need to know the principals of that user.

>>> unauthenticated_user_principals = [ac.principal.everyone]
>>> admin_user_princpals = {ac.principal.everyone, ac.principal.authenticated, user_1, group_admin}

Both users can access the root and contact page with view permission

>>> ac.context.get_permit(context_contact_page, admin_user_princpals, view_permission) == ac.permit.Permit.ALLOW
>>> ac.context.get_permit(context_root, admin_user_princpals, view_permission) == ac.permit.Permit.ALLOW
>>> ac.context.get_permit(context_contact_page, unauthenticated_user_principals, view_permission) == ac.permit.Permit.ALLOW
>>> ac.context.get_permit(context_root, unauthenticated_user_principals, view_permission) == ac.permit.Permit.ALLOW

The unauthenticated user has no edit permission to the contact page

>>> ac.context.get_permit(context_contact_page, unauthenticated_user_principals, edit_permission) == ac.permit.Permit.DENY

The admin user does have access

>>> ac.context.get_permit(context_contact_page, admin_user_princpals, edit_permission) == ac.permit.Permit.ALLOW



Language:Python 100.0%