mrichnu / flask-starter

A flask starter template with sqlalchemy, flask-script, and tests.

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Flask starter app

This repository contains the skeleton for a flask app with sqlalchemy integration, flask-script example commands, and unit tests.

To start the app in local debug mode, first create a file to hold your local settings, named e.g. settings.cfg containing at a minimum the SECRET_KEY and SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI settings. For example:

DEBUG = True
SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'postgresql://username:password@host/database_name'
SECRET_KEY = 'secret'

Then you can run the app like this:

$ FLASK_SETTINGS=settings.cfg ./ runserver

Or, alternatively, export the FLASK_SETTINGS and FLASK_APP environment variables:

$ export FLASK_SETTINGS=settings.cfg
$ export
$ ./ runserver

For convenience, I create a file that exports the appropriate values, and source it when I activate the virtualenv.

Setting up the database

An initdb command is included to set up the database automatically:

$ FLASK_SETTINGS=settings.cfg ./ initdb

A resetdb command is included as well to drop and recreate the database (use with caution, obviously!)

$ FLASK_SETTINGS=settings.cfg ./ resetdb

Running the tests

Unit tests are in the module, and can be run like so:

$ FLASK_SETTINGS=testingsettings.cfg python

Obviously, the file testingsettings.cfg must exist and have appropriate settings for the DEBUG and SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI configuration keys. It's important to use a different SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI for testing than for your local development or the production database because the testing database will be repeatedly dropped and recreated (losing all data in the database) whenever the test suite is run.

Adding script commands

The Flask-Script package is included and the module is a convenient place to add commands that need to be run manually (or via cron) that have access to the database models and flask app context. Just add a function with the @manager.command decorator and then your function will be available as a command. For example, if the following function were created in

def hello():

You could run it from the shell with this incantation:

$ FLASK_SETTINGS=settings.cfg ./ hello

Note that the runserver and shell commands are available, in addition to any commands in


A flask starter template with sqlalchemy, flask-script, and tests.


Language:Python 100.0%