mreschke / mrcore5

Mrcore5 Wiki/CMS

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A Wiki/CMS built with Laravel 5

See for details and documentation.



App Problems

NFS is too slow for /workbench period...way to slow. This means /workbench must be local, but if using webfarm, that is a problem. If you use prod GUI to make a workbench, it only goes to that servers /workbench, it's not not copied to the other webservers, and not shared because of nfs.

This means, for prod, if you have a webfarm, you need to be able to DISABLE the gui that lets you CREATE a workbench. Now you must create a workbench elsewhere, like on your local dev box, then deploy it to all webservers with rsync, like any other true application.

I find that simple wiki apps that include single .php files over nfs are still find and very fast, no lag finding the file.

So make post edit page workbench forge toggle by config, so I can hide in dynatron production.

Still want apps dynamically loaded and tied to a post/url so they can be searched just like any other post. Still need edit gui to tie post to a vendor/package, just don't allow CREATION of a workbench unless config says so. If you set post as workbench with vendor/package, and it doesn't exist don't error. Still require static URL. I think the /app symlink is pointless now, becuase over NFS with workbench being is a dead symlink...pointless

Perhaps think about making regular wiki apps more powerful? Maybe include them early in the bootstrap somehow? benifits?? don't least make better snippet docs and get bootstrap 3.0 nice, maybe an app template

mRcore Modules

Mrcore is composed of modules. All modules (except one; the %app%) are explicitly defined in the config/modules.php file. The mrcore Foundation, Auth, Wiki, Theme... are all treated as modules. Modules can have service providers, views, assets, routes, controllers and anything else. Because several of these modules are running at once, we must define their order so Laravel knows how and which views, routes, assets to load first and which ones override the others. This order is how your Theme can override base views, and your Themes can be overridden by apps... Not only do you define the modules information in config/modules.php, you also define the loading order for its views, assets and routes individually using 3 separate arrays.

If you have the mrcore Wiki module, not only can you write great wiki posts and documents, but a post itself can be setup as an "application". This means it can have code attached to it. In our case that code is basically just another module. We call these "apps" or "applications" or "workbenches". Mrcore will automatically detect the post contains a workbench. It will then treat that workbench exactly as if it were any other module defined statically in the main config/modules.php file, but it is injected and loaded dynamically, at run-time. This means you can have "apps" that only fire up and run based on the url. At most, there is only one "app" running on a url. You have full control of the order of the app that is running by using the %app% variable in the three order arrays inside app/module.php. Generally you want your "apps" to override everything. This lets you override any part of mrcore and any loaded module by simply creating the proper app! A logical module ordering system might look like this:

'assets' => [

'views' => [

'routes' => [

First item found wins. Example, if you have a Themes/BaseTheme/Assets/test.css and a Module/Auth/Assets/test.css, the Auth css file will win and be loaded. Notice BaseTheme is last, this lets Wiki override its views, and Auth can override Wikis views, and the SumTheme can override all others except the all powerful %app%.

The names here are the Module names you defined in the 'modules' => array. Notice we actually have two types of themes. A BaseTheme, and a SubTheme. This lets you have an all encompasing base theme, but lets you override bits and pieces in a sub theme. Notice too that the order varies slightly between assets, views, and routes. This gives you complete override control.

The Order of Things

How and where mrcore internally loads modules and apps.

Service providers defined in the config/app.php are so early in the bootstrap, they have no access to Auth:: or Cache::... in their register() and boot() functions. This means you really cannot use service providers as a place for actual code. You cannot put the mrcore route analyzer there becuase it cannot even call the Router:: model, becuase the Router:: model uses Cache:: which isn't even fired up yet (though the model works). Service providers should really only register bindings and facades and other "set" type work but should not really contain any code. The best place to store this type of pre route, pre controller "work" is in middleware.

For mrcore, this means the FoundationServiceProvider's register() method will register all modules register() functions, then all modules boot() functions, then finally run its own boot() function last in the chain. At this point no real work should be done, we just get all of our modules services providers registered and booted. Your module shouldn't attempt to do much work in their register() or boot() functions either.

Becuase service providers are to early to run real code, we cannot run our mrcore url route analyzer becuase that function uses Models, Cache, Auth and several other required drivers that simply are not ready yet. So we are done with the service providers. We have registered everything, but done nothing.

Middleware is what we use to complete our Foundation. Middleware runs after all service providers register() and boot() functions. At at this point, all of Laravels facilities like Auth:: and Cache:: are ready and waiting. Here we analyze the route, determine if the current route has an application attached and check security/user permission (becuase Auth:: is now available). If permission is granted, and the route has an application attached, we use the Module:: facade and dynamically, at run-time, inject the defined application as a "module", as if it were statically defined in config/modules.php just like every other module. Now that we have a nice complete array of modules accessible from our Module:: facade we simply load up the modules autoloaders (if vendor/autoload.php is present), views, routes...all in the exact order defined from config/modules.php including our dynamically loaded application "module". This dynamic application module is see as %app% to your config/modules.php allowing you to define its order too!

This Foundation module/application method fires everthing at the right time, in the right order and gives you complete control from config/modules.php!

I WANT - first one overrides

routes apps laravel auth wiki (must be last or after auth, has catch all) foundation (has a / for test, overwritten by wiki or auth above)

views laravel apps subtheme auth wiki basetheme

assets apps laravel (maybe first like view) custom theme auth wiki basetheme

AppServiceProvider register RouteServiceProvider register

FoundationServiceProvider register SUBTHEME views, assets

AuthServiceProvider register n/a

WikiServiceProvider register n/a

AppServiceProvider boot RouteServiceProvider boot main laravel routes

FoundationServiceProvider boot base theme views

AuthServiceProvider boot routes, views, assets

WikiServiceProvider boot !APPS! routes, views, assets

modules = [ [ 'name' => 'Foundation', 'namespace' => 'Mrcore\Modules\Foundation', 'path' => '../Modules/Foundation' ], [ 'name' => 'Auth', 'namespace' => 'Mrcore\Modules\Auth', 'path' => '../Modules/Auth' ], [ 'name' => 'Wiki', 'namespace' => 'Mrcore\Modules\Wiki', 'path' => '../Modules/Wiki' ],



This project is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license

Current Laravel 5.0 Porting Issues

Move mrcore services into providers folder, merge nicely...

Look at config/compiled, add my services?

Revisit Middleware\AuthenticateWithDigestAuth.php when ready, port old auth.digest filter

Put back old blade {{ }} even though security issue, fix later

fix all css stuff, I want less and gulp now, but kept old stuff

public symlinks to workbenches?

perhaps $posts->appends($get)->render() instead of $posts->appends($get)->links() in theme/src/view/search/layout.blade.php

All workbench providers must now use Mrcore\Providers\ServiceProvider;


Mrcore5 Wiki/CMS


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