This project began its life as yeokm1's SwiftSerial. He has since archived the project and was kind enough to link this fork going forward.
import SwiftSerial
// setup
let serialPort = SerialPort(path: "/dev/cu.usbmodem1234") // you'll need to find the correct device on your own, but this is what it will resemble on a mac
try serialPort.openPort()
try serialPort.setSettings(
baudRateSetting: .symmetrical(.baud115200),
minimumBytesToRead: 1)
// read output
Task {
let readStream = try serialPort.asyncLines()
for await line in readStream {
print(line, terminator: "")
// send data
try serialPort.writeString("foo")
// or
try serialPort.writeData(Data([1,2,3,4]))
See the demo CLI app SwiftTerminal
for a working example.
.package(url: "", .upToNextMinor("1.0.0")
- Modernized and Swiftier syntax
- Modular indentation style, allowing for anyone to read the code however it reads best to them
- Broke separate symbols into their own files
- Monitoring output and delivering via AsyncStream for reading instead of the old polling, or dare I say, omniscience, method, where you need to know exactly how many bytes or lines to read.
- Thread safety
- BaudRate has UInt initializer
- Added
demo to connect and interface with a serial connection - I kept the original methods that I changed around, but marked as deprecated. I intend to eventually remove them, but I don't want to disrupt anyone relying on this in the meantime.