Elixir wrapper for the Rust Sysinfo library.
If available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding sifo
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:sifo, "~> 0.1.0"}
> Sifo.sys |> Sifo.refresh_all |> Sifo.physical_core_count
# 8
Sifo.sys |> Sifo.refresh_all |> Sifo.cpus
name: "1",
__struct__: Cpu,
cpu_usage: 58.13953399658203,
vendor_id: "Apple",
brand: "Apple M1",
frequency: 3204
name: "2",
__struct__: Cpu,
cpu_usage: 54.54545593261719,
vendor_id: "Apple",
brand: "Apple M1",
frequency: 3204
name: "3",
__struct__: Cpu,
cpu_usage: 50.0,
vendor_id: "Apple",
brand: "Apple M1",
frequency: 3204
name: "4",
__struct__: Cpu,
cpu_usage: 48.83720779418945,
vendor_id: "Apple",
brand: "Apple M1",
frequency: 3204
name: "5",
__struct__: Cpu,
cpu_usage: 44.4444465637207,
vendor_id: "Apple",
brand: "Apple M1",
frequency: 3204
name: "6",
__struct__: Cpu,
cpu_usage: 32.55813980102539,
vendor_id: "Apple",
brand: "Apple M1",
frequency: 3204
name: "7",
__struct__: Cpu,
cpu_usage: 28.88888931274414,
vendor_id: "Apple",
brand: "Apple M1",
frequency: 3204
name: "8",
__struct__: Cpu,
cpu_usage: 20.454545974731445,
vendor_id: "Apple",
brand: "Apple M1",
frequency: 3204
Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/sifo.