mrbanzai / amalgam

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

amalgam : Opinionated wrapper for viper + pflag


Amalgam is designed to handle a particular viper use-case: loading a config file into a struct, with potential overrides via environment variables and flags.

Basic Example

type MyConfig struct {
	RequestLogFile string
	ListenAddr string
	API struct {
		Endpoint string
		Timeout uint
    AllowedUsers []string
    Keys map[string]string

config := new(MyConfig)

a, err := amalgam.New(config,
if err != nil {

// Load the config file, parse flags, etc.
if err := a.LoadFile(); err != nil {

// `config` is populated from app.toml / environment / flags

In addition to loading a compatible structured config file (in any of the formats supported by viper), this will accept the following flags:

  • --request-log-file
  • --listen-addr
  • --api-endpoint
  • --api-timeout
  • --allowed-users (the flag can be specified multiple times, to append to the slice)

It will also accept values via these environment variables:

  • ALLOWEDUSERS (the values should be comma-separated)

Advanced Configurations

Custom Flags

Amalgam makes use of the pflag library, and you have access to the flag set via the FlagSet property:

var (
    productionMode bool
    inputFile      string

flags := new pflag.NewFlagSet()
flags.BoolVarP(&productionMode, "production", "p", false, "enable production mode")
flags.StringVar(&inputFile, "input", "file.xml", "data input file")

a, err := amalgam.New(...,
if err != nil {

The command-line flags are parsed with the call to one of the Amalgam Load* methods, or by calling Parse on the flagset.

You can also specify the flag name and/or description via the amalgam struct tag:

type MyConfig struct {
	RequestLogFile string `amalgam:"request-log,HTTP request log file"`
	ListenAddr string `amalgam:",Listen address (ip:port)"`
	API struct {
		Endpoint string `amalgam:",API endpoint (full URL)"`
		Timeout uint `amalgam:",Timeout for API requests, in seconds"`
	FieldWithoutFlag bool `amalgam:"-"`

Tag values are comma-separated, with the flag name being the first value, and the description afterwards. To prevent a field from being configurable via a flag, specify - as the flag name. If no flag name is specified, the default is used.

Default Values

If you need to specify a default value for a config field / flag, just set that value in the object to be populated with:

// Setup defaults
config := new(MyConfig)
config.RequestLogFile = "output.log"
config.ListenAddr = ""
config.API.Endpoint = ""
config.API.Timeout = 5
config.AllowedUsers = []string{"mporter", "mmcneil"}

a, err := amalgam.New(config)
if err != nil {
if err := a.LoadFile(); err != nil {

The default values are displayed in the usage message (when an invalid flag has been provided, or when --help is provided as a flag), and are used if no value has been set.


Amalgam supports a few different options to control its operation:

options := &amalgam.Options{
    // Enable debugging output (writes to stderr)
	Debug: false,
    // Specifies the configuration file to use
	ConfigFile: "app.json",
    // This option suppresses the creation of the --config/-c flag to specify/override
    // the configuration file
	PreventConfigFlag: true,
    // The function to use to derive the flag names from the configuration keys.
    // Viper is case-insensitive, and uses `.` to separate nested fields, and the
    // default flag name function replaces `.` and case-changes with `-` (eg. `Sub.MyVar`
    // becomes `sub-my-var`)
	FlagNameFunc: nil, // should be a `func (string) string`
    // Allows you to specify a prefix for the associated environment variables, so
    // the below would fill the `Sub.MyVar` configuration option from `APP_SUB_MYVAR`.
	EnvPrefix: "app"
a := amalgam.New(options)


Michael Porter


License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Go 100.0%