mrazvan21 / funny-market

Proof-of-concept application, demonstrates microservices architecture using Loopback, Docker, RabbitMQ, Etcd and Angular2 as front-end/

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Solution is under development

This is a proof-of-concept application, which demonstrates Microservice Architecture Pattern using Javascript stack and Docker.


Table of Contents


Monolithic structure is easy to understand and develop. It may become a different story when we try to implement more and more features and keep our app coherent. Comparing to monolith, microservices architecture has many benefits. Because of Docker's fast growing it becomes easier and more practical to apply microservises architecture to this widely adopted container virtualization technology. Microservices architecture also has disadvantages, such as increasing complexity of development workflow, deployment and management, operational overhead. One have to write the entire application involving all development stages to understand the requirements of the new architecture. That is why this project exists. To estimate different approaches, and find optimal stack of tecnologies. That is why this solution is very opinionated, because what fits to me, may not fit to you. So, if you are interested...

Before You Start:



Technologies Being Used in This Project:

  • Loopback Node.js Framework - awesome solution for creating dynamic REST APIs without efforts.
  • RabbitMQ - as messaging platform for inter-service communication.
  • Etcd2 as key-storage for service discovery metadata.
  • Angular2 as front-end framework.
  • MongoDB as microservices persistance

Covered Design Patterns:

Project Structure

The Conceptual Model:

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API Gateway and Request Flow

There are four core services, exposing external API to clients in this project. In real-world systems, this number can grow quickly as well as system complexity as a whole. Actually, dozens of services might be involved in processing request or rendering a complex webpage. We need some kind of routing. In theory, a client application could not use routing at all and call microservices directly, but, there are serious drawbacks and limitations of the design like this. Firstly - security. You must protect all microservices which are required by client and publically accessable. It is doable, if you have a couple of them, but if dozens - it can make more problems that it solve. Also, client need to know all endpoints addresses, perform http request for each peace of information separately, merging the result on a client side. Much better approach is to use API Gateway. It is a single entry point into the system, used to handle requests by routing them to the appropriate backend service.

Api gateway of this project is uses simple functional blocks (plugins) to process request using dynamic routing table. Request flow and its real management in gateway's dashboard:

There are three plugins in our case:

  • Authentication uses Loopback's authentication api in part of extracting user metadata from request and checking permissions. Permission checking implements RBAC model.
  • Discovery. Requests key-storage for registered microservice metadata (etcd2 in our case).
  • Proxy. Using popular node-http-proxy proxies request to the microservice instance based on found metadata.

Plugins are like simple express middleware with only one difference. They are assigned to a route according to the dynamic routing table. And you can manage their settings in the gateway dashboard. So, as you can see, gateway in reality just a plugin-starter and a tool to build routing table for the API, provided by number of microservices. Plugins, in their turn borrow main responsibility for gateway's functionality.

The gateway fm-200loc project was build as part of this POC and is not production ready. It've never been used in production and has a lot of disadvantages. If I see community's interest in this project, I'll consider its maintenance.

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Service Registry

This project contains highly availabable etcd2 cluster wich is used as key-storage to keep up discovery metadata to be exploited by the gateway (its discovery plugin) to find real microservice location in a virtual network. How the storage gets this microservice metadata? When microservice starts it registers itself in the storage sending metadata and maintains it by means of 'heartbeat' request. If microservice goes down, etcd automatically removes it from registry. In addition etcd automatically balances microservices if you have more then one instance of it. This feature makes scaling of this architecture very straightforward. Just run more instances of necessary microservice if you need.

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Next problem we need to solve is how microservices communicate to each other to process complex request. There are a lot of cases where we need both async and sync operations. For instance, we need confirmation on client side that all client's images uploaded into Amazon S3. There are two microservices involved into this process: fm-cars, which holds all newly created or updated car's fields and fm-image which process upload. In more complex solutions there can be dozens of microservices handling one request. The best option here (opinionated) is implementing Service Bus pattern via RabbitMQ with ability to perform RPC operations. It makes solution much more complex, but there are reasons why you should pay the price. Let imagine state of your system when one of your microservices is down. Microservices are so loosely coupled, that the working ones know nothing about it. If one of them happen to perform some operation which relies on this fallen microservice and this operation is synchronous it cause troubles. And what if there are dozens microservices involved? We need to hold the request living in a queue until required microservice is up. Delivery guarantee is why RabbitMq is so valuable. Other reasons (flexibility, scalability, etc.) are also important. For example, how to conclude, what instance of the microservice should receive a message when we have ... 10 of them. Rabbit covers us here by means of its round-robin routing mechanism.

As like as in self-registration process each microservice establishes connection to the RabbitMq instance on startup.

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As was mentioned the project uses loopback's authentication system with custom RBAC logic. This is POC, and you unlikely want to use this as is. But plugin-based approach alows you to implement you own logic of any kind. The most interesting part here in terms of architecture is how your microservices share this permissions. Or how exact microservice know that user, requesting api is authorized for that. In this project it is done via identity propagation by means of JSON web token* (JWT). The main idea is that if each microservice can understand a token, then you have distributed identity mechanism which allows you to transport identity throughout your system. At each microservice, we might have a middleware (in our case we use node.js and express) that process the JWT token. JWT token may contain data in its scope field which is used to verify request permissions on microservice side.

*It is not implemented directly in this POC. To keep simplicity the userId is propagated instead of JWT token.

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Continuous Delivery

Continuous Delivery is very important for building robust applications especially in relation to microservices. This project is split to isolated git repositories for each microservice, repositories for api gateway, web client and this one wich contains all composition files for docker-compose and docker-cloud.

Each microservice uses this simple and fully automated Continuous Delivery workflow:

It is pretty standard, just as like as for typical monolithic aplication. And used for testing, building and deploying microservices separately to cloud hosting provider(s), managed by Docker Cloud service.

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There is nothing special about unit tests. Stick them, if your exact microservice is small and do not communicate to others. But if it doesn't - you need integration tests. Integration testing of microservices, with their interdependence, is much more complex process. Integration tests collect modules together and test them as a subsystem or part of it. We take an advantage of docker-compose utility to build isolated testing environment for each microservice. In context of testing this container orchestrating tool allows us to run tests within docker container with all dependencies bound together via virtual network. For example see this microservice. To properly choose your integration testing strategy these two questions have to be answered:

What application blocks (microservices, databases, external api, etc.) are used by the microservice under test.

It is standard scheme here. As was mentioned above we use composition of services to run integration tests of this kind.

Which microservices use the microservice being tested.

Here is tricky. Even if our CI is green, what can guarantee that other microservices which use this changed microservice are not broken after these changes? Nothing. And here is two options of how to tackle it. First is obvious - run testing for all microservices which use the tested one. And second (which is chosen for this project) is in mocking of external microservice request or message, assuming that RabbitMq is highly available.

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So, how to run all the things? Keep in mind, that you are going to start 4 microservices (node.js), 4 MongoDB instances, RabbitMq, Gateway and Etcd key-storage. It's long process espesially when Docker creates containers for the first time.

# use this repo for composition
git clone

cd funny-market

docker-compose up

And go to localhost after all containers are started.

If you need to work on one of the microservices or the web client app:

# open first console
cd funny-market
# run dependencies:
docker-compose up gateway etcd rabbitmq cars tracker image profile

# open second console
# use microservices repository to build and run in dev mode
git clone
# git clone
# git clone
# git clone
# git clone
# git clone
cd fm-web
# cd fm-cars
# cd fm-image
# cd fm-200loc
# cd fm-profile
# cd fm-tracker

# more info about microservices commands in a appropriate repo docs:
gulp build # build client
npm run dev # run

Tested under Ubuntu Linux, on Windows and Mac default services hosts (localhost) may differ.

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Web Client

Web client is Angular2 application and may be used as example for those who need something a little bit more advanced then 'todo app'. "Car's market app" was build as part of my 'Learning Angular2' process and migrated from very beta.

You may be interesting in:

  • Server rendering via angular-universal sample.
  • Reactive state management inspired by Redux via @ngrx/store and its implementation.
  • Authentication and profile management technics.

...documents are not completed...

  • Monitoring
  • Logging

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Proof-of-concept application, demonstrates microservices architecture using Loopback, Docker, RabbitMQ, Etcd and Angular2 as front-end/


Language:Shell 95.9%Language:Nginx 4.1%