This is still a work in progres, as are my sysadmin skills. If you've got any ideas or suggestions on how to improve things, make an issue or ping me.
- Install Vagrant and Virtual Box.
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
sudo salt-call --local state.highstate
This will:
- Create the virtual machine, based on ubuntu 12.04.
- Symlink the saltstack configuration to /etc/salt and /srv/salt.
- Compile and Install node-v0.11.11.
- Clone a koa based app.
- Run the app via pm2.
- Start the app with pm2 with harmony flag turned on. It's easy enough to do manually, but has proved more difficult than expected through saltstack.
- Setup nginx. When I get pm2 to do it's thing, then I run into the issue of node not having access to port 80. So... nginx ftw.
- This is only a proof of concept.
- It probably isn't ready for production
- You'll probably want to secure your minion too.
- And maybe build an actual app. Maybe.