npm install --save macos-tabs
yarn add macos-tabs
type Props = {
// onClick event when the user clicks on the AddTabButton on a tab header
onAddTabButtonClick: (e: Event) => void,
// onClick event when the user clicks on the CloseTabButton on a tab header
onCloseTabButtonClick: (e: Event, index: number) => void,
// Event when the user stops dragging a header
// The updated tabs contain the new ordering, you can directly update your state with
// these returned tabs
// The updated index of the active tab is also provided
onDragStop: (e: Event, index: number, tabs: Tabs) => void,
// Event when the user clicks on a tab header
// The index of the clicked header is passed back
onTabClick: (e: Event, index: number) => void,
// Event when the user's mouse enters a tab header
onTabMouseEnter: (e: Event, index: number) => void,
// Even when the user's mouse leaves a tab header
onTabMouseLeave: (e: Event, index: number) => void,
// Event when the activeTabIndex is updated internally
// This allows you to keep track of the activeTabIndex even
// if you are letting MacOSTabs handle the state
onSetActiveTab: (index: number) => void,
// Specify the position of addTabButton
addTabPosition: 'none' | 'start' | 'end',
// Declare whether or not you want to manage the activeTabIndex
autoActiveTab: boolean,
// Can be used to set initial active tab index
// If autoActiveTab is false, then you should have methods
// to manage the activeTabIndex state
activeTabIndex: number,
// Tab content should be wrapped in a TabBody component with the correct props
// Tabs order can be modified programmatically by manually changing the order
// of the array
tabs: Tabs,
// Declare a div or react component to render when there are no tabs open
defaultContent: Object,
// Flag to show or hide tab headers
showHeader: boolean,
// Declare the header height in px (note: styles have not been tested with
// anything besides the default of 24px, this is a WIP)
headerHeight: number | string,
// Declare a custom element that the body should be rendered into
// instead of directly below the tab headers
// i.e. <div id="tabBody" />
customBodyElementId: string,
// Set tab scroll behavior
scrollX: 'normal' | 'reversed' | 'disabled',
// Set tab scroll behavior
scrollY: 'normal' | 'reversed' | 'disabled',
// Apply custom styles to specified component(s)
styles: {
addTabButton?: Object,
closeTabButton?: Object,
tab?: Object,
tabActive?: Object,
outerTabContainer?: Object,
innerTabContainer?: Object
// Apply custom classnames to specified component(s)
classNames: {
addTabButton?: string,
closeTabButton?: string,
tab?: string,
tabActive?: string,
outerTabContainer?: string,
innerTabContainer?: string
// Override icons on buttons
icons: {
addTabButton?: Object | string,
closeTabButton?: Object | string
// Experimental/Not Completed
onDragOut: (e: Event, outTabIndex: number) => void,
dragOutDistance: number
static defaultProps = {
tabs: [],
activeTabIndex: 0,
scrollX: 'normal',
scrollY: 'disabled',
addTabPosition: 'end',
showHeader: true,
headerHeight: 24,
dragOutDistance: 40,
autoActiveTab: true,
styles: {},
classNames: {},
icons: {}
type Props = {
// Label that will be displayed on the tab header
label: string | number,
// Children components to render
children?: HTMLElement | Component<*, *, *>,
// Unique tabId
tabId: string | number,
// Optional styles/classnames
// Set additional TabBody styles
// Note: In most cases, setting styles on the child component is sufficient
style?: Object,
// Set TabBody classname
className?: string
static defaultProps = {
label: ''
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import MacOSTabs, { TabBody } from 'macos-tabs'
const defaultStyles = {
height: '100%'
export default class Home extends Component {
constructor(props) {
super(props) = 0
this.state = {
tabs: [
makeTab(id) {
return (
<TabBody label={ `Test Tab ${ id }` } tabId={ id } key={ id }>
height: '100%',
border: '1px solid red',
textAlign: 'center',
boxSizing: 'border-box',
paddingTop: '20%'
Hello { id }!
onDragStop(e, activeTabIndex, tabs) {
onAddTabButtonClick(e) {
const newTabs = this.state.tabs.slice(0)
tabs: newTabs
onCloseTabButtonClick(e, closedTabIndex) {
const newTabs = this.state.tabs.slice(0)
newTabs.splice(closedTabIndex, 1)
tabs: newTabs
render() {
return (
<div style={ defaultStyles }>
tabs={ this.state.tabs }
onDragStop={ this.onDragStop.bind(this) }
onAddTabButtonClick={ this.onAddTabButtonClick.bind(this) }
onCloseTabButtonClick={ this.onCloseTabButtonClick.bind(this) }
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import MacOSTabs, { TabBody } from 'macos-tabs'
const defaultStyles = {
height: '100%'
export default class Home extends Component {
constructor(props) {
super(props) = 0
this.state = {
tabs: [
activeTabIndex: 0
makeTab(id) {
return (
<TabBody label={ `Test Tab ${ id }` } tabId={ id } key={ id }>
height: '100%',
border: '1px solid red',
textAlign: 'center',
boxSizing: 'border-box',
paddingTop: '20%'
Name { id }:
<input type="text" name="name" />
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
onDragStop(e, activeTabIndex, tabs) {
onAddTabButtonClick(e) {
const newTabs = this.state.tabs.slice(0)
tabs: newTabs,
activeTabIndex: newTabs.length - 1
onCloseTabButtonClick(e, closedTabIndex) {
const newTabs = this.state.tabs.slice(0)
newTabs.splice(closedTabIndex, 1)
if (closedTabIndex <= this.state.activeTabIndex) {
tabs: newTabs,
activeTabIndex: (this.state.activeTabIndex === 0) ? 0 : this.state.activeTabIndex - 1
} else {
tabs: newTabs
onSetActiveTab(index) {
activeTabIndex: index
render() {
return (
<div style={ defaultStyles }>
tabs={ this.state.tabs }
onDragStop={ this.onDragStop.bind(this) }
onAddTabButtonClick={ this.onAddTabButtonClick.bind(this) }
onCloseTabButtonClick={ this.onCloseTabButtonClick.bind(this) }
onSetActiveTab={ this.onSetActiveTab.bind(this) }
activeTabIndex={ this.state.activeTabIndex }
defaultContent={ <div>Add a tab to get started!</div> }
<div id='custom1' style={{ height: 'calc(100% - 24px)' }} />