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General Assembly 2-day UX Design Bootcamp

Project: WMATA pay / card-replacement app.

Competitive Analysis

Starbucks App Interface

Giftcard account management & payment app.


  • Auto-reload that triggers on set low balance
  • Rewards and incentives presented with delightful visuals
  • Multiple cards
  • Works anywhere
  • Broad focus
  • Must physically scan phone to pay


  • No credit to overdraft your account
  • Must load money onto 'cards'
  • Not easy to see total balance
  • No low balance notification

EZ-Pass Device / Web Interface

Transit / auto toll automated payment device & web interface.


  • Credit to overdraft your account
  • Works multiple locations
  • Seamless payment


  • No good way of communicating problems
  • No rewards / incentives
  • Doesn't work beyond east coast
  • Must load money onto 'cards'



  • Seamless payment; user does nothing
  • Credit to overdraft your account
  • Rating and reporting system for drivers and users


  • Main screen options overwhelming for new user; limited onboarding

Ideas to improve upon

  • Use a card-based system to allow backwards-compatibility with current card system; but also allow direct linking to bank account for those who don't want to worry about loading money onto cards.
  • Provide some sort of take-ten-trips-get-one-free incentive for using app and linking bank account
  • Make payment as seamless as possible: one tap or even RFID location-based proximity payment
  • Very intuitive UI for sort-use users like tourists who don't have time/patience to learn a complicated, Uberesque UI
  • Show balance on home screen so it's easy to see how much loaded

Heuristic Evaluation


User Control & Freedom

  • Difficult to recover from accidental touch commands that bring user to a new screen.
  • No post-hoc error correction.

Error Prevention

error prevention

  • Popup with password lock before you can execute transactions.

Visibility of Systems / Status


  • Shows card(s) balance on main screen on Android version, but not iOS.
  • On pay screen, pay button is activated and other top nav options grey out

Aesthetic and Minimalistic Design

  • Flat ghost elements, monochrome hues, and uppercase geometric text guide users directly to simple set of actions.

Persona Creation

Proto-Persona Brainstorming

Urban Dweller

Takes Metro everywhere farther than waking distance, including work and on weekends.

Suburban Commuter

Lives outside DC and uses Metro primarily for commuting into the District for work on weekdays.

Occasional Suburban Visitor

Lives outside DC and drives to work, but occasionally takes Metro into the District for events.

Domestic Tourist

Visiting DC from elsewhere in the United States. Wants an easy solution, no time to learn a complex app.

International Tourist

Visiting DC from the rest of the world.

Proto-Persona: Alex Cooper the Rosslyn Commuter

Sketch and Name

 /                \
[ Hello! I'm Alex! ]
 \__   ___________/

Alex the Commuter

  • Lives in Rosslyn in a downtown apartment
  • 27 years old
  • Uses an iPhone 6
  • Pet parakeet
  • Tech-savvy young working professional
  • UX designer, so very judgemental about bad UX
  • Works in downtown DC

Demographic Information

  • Commutes every weekday during rush hours, walks to Rosslyn Metro
  • Working professional

Pain Points

  • Lines to pay at the kiosk
  • No other option, limited ways
  • Paying in advance online is a hassle and requires forethought
  • Wait behind clueless tourists who can't use the paper slip readers, no quick option or fast lane
  • Recent DC transplant
  • No car; relies on train


  • An iPhone-based system where accounts can be maintained and managed
  • Robustness over ease of use: she's always on her phone and tech-savvy, so figuring out the UI not a problem

Potential Solutions

  • Easy pay dashboard
  • Another pay option--phone in addition to kiosk / online
  • Automated withdrawal solutions
  • Account setup once (passwords saved, card info)
  • Rewards

User Flow

  • <> Visit home screen, see balance
  • [] Balance is low: Press reload
    • (Optional) Select funding source
    • (Optional) Select amount to reload
  • [] Confirm
  • [] Balance is good: Nothing
