mpokojovy / HJM-Euro

Forecasting the Euro Area Yield Curve Using the Heath-Jarrow-Morton Model

Repository from Github https://github.commpokojovy/HJM-EuroRepository from Github https://github.commpokojovy/HJM-Euro

% Forecasting Euro Area Yield Curves Using the Heath-Jarrow-Morton Model  %
% (C) Michael Pokojovy, Ebenezer Nkum and Thomas M. Fullerton, Jr. (2023) %

This Matlab code implements calibration of the HJM model with application 
to forecasting Euro Area yield curves.

Run main.m file. Adjust settings if applicable.

(C) Michael Pokojovy, Ebenezer Nkum and Thomas M. Fullerton, Jr. (2023)
See license for license terms and conditions.


Forecasting the Euro Area Yield Curve Using the Heath-Jarrow-Morton Model



Language:MATLAB 100.0%