Detect somatic copy number changes in low-depth sequencing data
soma-cnv is a suite of tools to detect somatic copy number changes using low depth whole genome sequencing data. Somatic copy number changes often occur in only a small proportion of the cells contributing to the sequenced DNA, and consequently manifest as subtle signals. soma-cnv combines data from adjacent loci to increase its sensitivity to these subtle changes, trading positional resolution for sensitivity. The output of soma-snv is a segmentation of the genome into copy number regions with estimated allele ploidies, and an estimation of the aneuploid fraction present in a sample.
Examples of somatic copy number changes detected by soma-cnv:
soma-cnv's key properties:
- Highly sensitive: calling copy number variation in low purity samples (down to ~ 5% aneuploid nucleated cell fraction)
- Suitable for low-depth data: soma-cnv was developed to work on human WGS intended for germline genotyping (30-40X mean depth).
- Approximate resolution of CNV only: soma-cnv's spatial resolution depends on the loci it is supplied. Typically CNV is localised to within 10 kb, but soma-cnv does not give base-level breakpoint resolution.
- Assumes the presence of a single clonal aneuploid fraction mixed among diploid cells. Deviations from this assumption (eg aneuploid subclones) will degrade performance.
- Works on a per-sample basis.
- Requires calibration files. One set of calibration files is supplied, but it may be necessary to generate calibration files for different experimental setups. Although soma-cnv's primary calling workflow works in single-sample mode, the generation of calibration files requires a large collection of platform-matched samples.
- Mapped sequencing data
- A variant caller (eg GATK HaplotypeCaller, samtools. Tested with GATK 3.7-0-gcfedb67)
- R (tested with v3.4.2)
- mgcv (tested with 1.8-22)
- plyr (tested with 1.8.4)
- ggplot2 (tested with 2.2.1)
- tvd (tested with 0.1.0)
The main soma-snv workflow (steps 2 and 3) operates on a per-sample basis. If the generation of platform calibration files is required (step 1), this requires the analysis of many platform-matched samples in parallel.
- (optional) Prepare platform-specific calibration files.
- For each sample, collect allele-specific depths at whitelist loci.
- For each sample, for a soma-cnv model and identify aneuploid regions.
soma-cnv requires platform-specific calibration files for accurate CNV detection. Whitelist and calibration files suitable for human data generated on the HiSeqX sequencer from TruSeq Nano libraries, and mapped to hs37d5 with PhiX decoy, are supplied in data/. For a different species, platform, or pipeline, new files are likely to be required. This section describes the creation of these files.
Although soma-cnv runs in a single-sample mode, the generation of calibration files requires sequencing data from many (ideally over 100) platform-matched samples. These samples must be from different individuals; the use of technical replicates to generate calibration data will reduce sensitivity.
The first file that needs to be created is a set of whitelist loci to use for CNV determination. These loci should be a set of positions on the genome which can be genotyped with very high reliability on the chosen platform. The details of whitelist definition will differ between platforms, but in general whitelist loci should have the following properties:
- Consistently high genotyping rate across multiple samples.
- Consistent and typical depth of sequencing across multiple samples.
- Autosomal, uniquely mapping, high mdust complexity, not in a repeat region.
- Intermediate GC content, for example in [0.3, 0.55] in a 100 bp window around the locus.
- Biallelic
- High variant allele frequency (>= 5%) in the cohort, and no excess heterozygosity (eg judged by HWE test)
Once whitelist variants have been identified, they should be saved to a tab-delimited table with header, in the following format: chrom pos ref alt
. Example:
chrom pos ref alt
1 100000012 G T
1 100000827 C T
1 100002882 T G
1 100004726 G A
1 100005477 G A
After loci have been defined, GC content covariates need to be calculated at these loci for per-sample GC correction. The script in util/ has been written for this purpose. Run as follows:
python reference.fa whitelist.loci.tsv > whitelist.gc.tsv
Where reference.fa
is the reference fasta, whitelist.loci.tsv
is the set of whitelist loci from step A, and whitelist.gc.tsv
is the generated gc covariate file.
The final calibration file required is the locus affinity file whitelist.affinity.tsv
, which is used to correct for platform-specific sequencing depth differences between loci. The affinity file is a tab-separated table with header chrom pos affinity
, for example:
chrom pos affinity
1 100000012 0.971763973729247
1 100000827 1.03221998575009
1 100002882 1.0519381589067
1 100004726 0.981624465488513
1 100005477 1.03637637829641
and pos
correspond to the loci in whitelist.loci.tsv
, and must contain the same loci in the same order. affinity
is the mean normalised depth at chrom:pos
across the calibration cohort. To compute affinity
- Collect a cohort of calibration samples. These samples should all be technically similar: eg matched for DNA source, extraction method, sequencing, and mapping, and be the same as the test samples for these metrics. With a sufficiently large cohort it is acceptable to use the test samples as calibration samples also.
- For each calibration sample i of n total:
- For each locus, calculate the mean normalised depth across all samples, .
- Normalise the mean normalised depth to have mean of 1, .
The resultant are the affinity values to insert into whitelist.affinity.tsv
Note that if your data are particularly variable, a robust alternative (eg median) to the means in steps 2i and 3 will also work. The normalisation in step 4 should remain the arithmetic mean.
This step examines the input mapped BAM file at the loci given in whitelist.loci.tsv
, and reports the total and alt allele depths at each heterozygous locus in a tab-delimited table with format <chrom> <pos> <dp> <ad>
Note that this file has no header, and that homozygous reference or alternate loci are not included. Example:
1 943687 48 18
1 944564 38 22
1 1031540 33 22
1 1033999 39 22
1 1065296 31 20
This file can be generated by a number of methods, and soma-cnv should be quite robust to the choice. soma-cnv includes a basic tool written in nim to do this:
util/cram2ad data/truseq_nano_hiseqX_hs37d5x.loci.tsv <reference.fa> sampleID.cram | \
xz -c > sampleID.soma-cnv.hetdp.xz
This tool requires the hts-nim and docopt libraries, and can be compiled using nim c -d:release cram2ad.nim
. Note that in some cases this compilation
produces an executable with a serious memory leak; this has been observed on CentOS 6.10 with nim 0.19.4. In this case you can either try the statically-linked executable included in the repository, or statically compile
yourself on a distribution that produces a working binary. Creation of a statically-linked executable is not straightforward; here is a sketch procedure:
# Download and install musl
tar -xvzf musl-1.1.22.tar.gz
cd musl-1.1.22
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/musl --syslibdir=/lib
make && make install
cd ..
echo "export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/musl/bin" >> ~/.bashrc
. ~/.bashrc
# Download and install zlib, libbzip2, liblzma, and htslib, linking against musl.
tar -xvJf zlib-1.2.11.tar.xz
cd zlib-1.2.11
LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/musl/lib" CFLAGS="-I/usr/local/musl/include" CC=musl-gcc ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/musl
make && make install
cd ..
tar -xvzf bzip2-1.0.6.tar.gz
cd bzip2-1.0.6
LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/musl/lib" CFLAGS="-I/usr/local/musl/include" CC=musl-gcc make
make install PREFIX=/usr/local/musl
make clean
LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/musl/lib" CFLAGS="-I/usr/local/musl/include" CC=musl-gcc make -f Makefile-libbz2_so
cp /usr/local/musl/lib
cd /usr/local/musl/lib
ln -s
ln -s
cd -
cd ..
tar -xvJf xz-5.2.4.tar.xz
cd xz-5.2.4
LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/musl/lib" CFLAGS="-I/usr/local/musl/include" CC=musl-gcc ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/musl
make && make install
cd ..
tar -xvjf htslib-1.9.tar.bz2
cd htslib-1.9
LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/musl/lib" CFLAGS="-I/usr/local/musl/include" CC=musl-gcc ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/musl
make && make install
# Finally, build cram2ad against musl:
nim -f --gcc.exe:musl-gcc --gcc.linkerexe:musl-gcc --passL:"-static -L/usr/local/musl/lib -lhts -lz -lbz2 -llzma" --dynlibOverride:libhts c -d:release cram2ad.nim
Common variants callers can also be used, for example GATK HaplotypeCaller:
# Convert the tsv-format whitelist loci into an interval_list for use by GATK.
xz -dc data/truseq_nano_hiseqX_hs37d5x.loci.tsv.xz | \
awk '(NR > 1) {print $1 ":" $2 "-" $2}' \
> truseq_nano_hiseqX_hs37d5x.loci.interval_list
# -ip 100 instructs HC to consider a region of 100 bp around each locus, to enable
# local haplotype reassembly. Note that because of this, some additional variant
# loci may be reported (not just those in the interval_list), but these will be
# removed at the later R stage.
java -Xmx2G -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T HaplotypeCaller -R <reference.fa> \
-L truseq_nano_hiseqX_hs37d5x.loci.interval_list -ip 100 \
-I sampleID.bam -o sampleID.temp.vcf
# Post-process the GATK VCF: extract het SNP loci and report depths.
awk -f util/filter_hc_vcf.awk < sampleID.temp.vcf \
| xz -c \
> sampleID.soma-cnv.hetdp.xz
and bcftools:
xz -dc data/truseq_nano_hiseqX_hs37d5x.loci.tsv.xz | \
awk 'BEGIN {OFS="\t"} (NR > 1) {print $1, $2-1, $2}' \
> truseq_nano_hiseqX_hs37d5x.loci.bed
bcftools mpileup -f <reference.fa> -B -C 50 -q 40 -Q 30 -I -R truseq_nano_hiseqX_hs37d5x.loci.bed -a 'FORMAT/AD' sampleID.bam | \
python3 util/ data/truseq_nano_hiseqX_hs37d5x.loci.tsv.xz | \
xz -c \
> sampleID.soma-cnv.hetdp.xz
Rscript soma-cnv.R \
data/truseq_nano_hiseqX_hs37d5x.affinity.tsv \
data/truseq_nano_hiseqX_hs37d5x.gc.tsv \
sampleID.soma-cnv.hetdp.xz sampleID.soma-cnv.rds
The primary output is a RDS containing a single list. This list has members:
- data: Data frame of input allele depth data, with additional annotation fields added by soma-cnv.
- opts: List of options supplied to the algorithm.
- fit: List with elements describing the results of the soma-cnv fit. Has members:
- models: Data frame summarising the models tested and their fits to the data.
- model_search: Data frame giving the parameter space searched to find the best model.
- fit.orig: The best-fitting segmentation before segment merging.
- fit: The best-fitting segmentation after segment merging.
fit$fit is the primary output of a soma-cnv run. Each row of fit$fit describes a segment of the genome of consistent copy number. The most relevant fields of fit$fit are:
- chrom, start_pos, end_pos: genomic coordinates of the segment. 1-based, inclusive.
- fit.k1, fit.k2: copy numbers for the two chromatids in this segment within the aneuploid cells.
- fit.f: the estimated cellular fraction of the sample that is aneuploid. Note that this is always identical across rows.
For example, this excerpt of a fit$fit data frame (from the example below, unnecessary columns dropped) describes a complex event on chromosome 13 affecting RB1 (13:48303775-48481986), that is present in 36% of nucleated cells contributing to the sample.
chrom start_pos end_pos fit.k1 fit.k2 fit.f
13 19509358 40757910 1 1 0.3619173 <-- diploid (ie no CNV)
13 40758208 42306139 1 0 0.3619173 <-- single copy loss of 1.5 Mb
13 42307184 42708231 1 1 0.3619173 <-- diploid (ie no CNV)
13 42711664 42886868 1 0 0.3619173 <-- single copy loss of 0.2 Mb
13 42890109 46649721 1 1 0.3619173 <-- diploid (ie no CNV)
13 46649723 50646218 1 0 0.3619173 <-- single copy loss of 4.0 Mb, including all of RB1.
13 50656582 51330918 0 0 0.3619173 <-- biallelic loss of 0.7 Mb
13 51331121 51872361 1 0 0.3619173 <-- single copy loss of 0.5 Mb
13 51880895 115044332 1 1 0.3619173 <-- diploid (ie no CNV)
Note that soma-cnv does not phase segments -- for example, in the above, it is not implied that the single-copy deletion events on lines 2 and 4 affect the same molecule.
soma-cnv optionally emits a PDF of diagnostic plots, which can be useful to identify fit issues.
This plot is used to verify that soma-cnv is only modelling data from heterozygous loci. Shown above is an example of a good plot, in which the majority of data points are from het loci (blue), and only a few are from homozygous loci (red). If a large number of data points have a VAF close to zero or one, and especially if these points have been called as heterozygous by soma-cnv, the model will likely not fit well. Reexamination of the variant calling pipeline to ensure that homozygous loci aren't reported, or improved filtering of the whitelist loci, might help.
This plot shows the overall data distribution and fit across the genome. This example shows a good result, in which the majority of the genome is fit as diploid (green line), and a simple smooth across the genome agrees with this assignation (red line in upper plot, largely obscured by green line). In addition, the VAF plot is consistently clustered around 0.5, with no indication of contamination. Failure modes are revealed on this plot by the following:
- Highly noisy depth data (red line in upper plot highly variable, often accompanied by a large number of aneuploid segment calls)
- Contamination (a stripe of points is visible near VAF = 0 and VAF = 1 on the lower plot, often accompanied by the green line in the lower plot being split across the whole genome).
- Overdispersion (the green line in the lower plot is split across the whole genome, without a stripe of points visible near VAF = 0 and VAF = 1).
Noisy depth data and overdispersion may indicate an issue with calibration, especially if this is observed in the majority of samples. In that case, generation of custom calibration data may resolve the problem. Contamination cannot be addressed except by resequencing, ideally from a freshly-collected sample.
result = readRDS("docs/example.rds")
# [1] "data" "fit" "opts"
# chrom pos dp ad affinity gc100 gc200 gc400 gc600 gc800 pois.lambda prRR prAA het
# 289282 1 943687 48 18 0.9622546 0.48 0.445 0.4275 0.4633333 0.48375 40.33837 3.470682e-20 1.321768e-55 TRUE
# 289493 1 944564 38 22 0.9377609 0.44 0.455 0.4775 0.5266667 0.52875 39.43190 9.709012e-30 2.558368e-27 TRUE
# 36091 1 1031540 33 22 0.9550934 0.33 0.415 0.4475 0.4366667 0.41625 40.41913 6.398576e-32 2.402332e-18 TRUE
# 36167 1 1033999 39 22 0.9380956 0.41 0.425 0.4225 0.4566667 0.45125 39.79390 2.321236e-29 3.693890e-29 TRUE
# 37348 1 1065296 31 20 0.9111110 0.49 0.465 0.4600 0.4750000 0.51000 37.91483 7.670925e-29 9.673334e-19 TRUE
# 64452 1 1521805 48 24 0.9091562 0.53 0.540 0.5775 0.5400000 0.53625 37.38873 6.646896e-30 1.057444e-41 TRUE
# [1] "models" "model_search" "fit.orig" "fit"
# chrom window_id start_index end_index start_pos end_pos fit.k1 fit.k2 fit.f fit.isize fit.llik
# 1 1 1:1 1 54732 943687 249136360 1 1 0.3619173 0.001 -322459.6812
# 2 2 2:548 54733 116870 50814 242852778 1 1 0.3619173 0.001 -366973.2160
# 3 3 3:1169 116871 173585 156233 197808975 1 1 0.3619173 0.001 -334137.2747
# 4 4 4:1736 173586 226485 367927 190789536 1 1 0.3619173 0.001 -311987.6236
# 5 5 5:2265 226486 276982 174940 180698588 1 1 0.3619173 0.001 -297948.0552
# 6 6 6:2770 276983 325496 231638 170800452 1 1 0.3619173 0.001 -286031.5297
# 7 7 7:3255 325497 365965 95280 158954519 1 1 0.3619173 0.001 -238868.5292
# 8 8 8:3660 365966 408725 313173 146173636 1 1 0.3619173 0.001 -252285.4733
# 9 9 9:4088 408726 438206 206838 140890997 1 1 0.3619173 0.001 -174087.5470
# 10 10 10:4383 438207 473436 159404 135433387 1 1 0.3619173 0.001 -207940.9852
# 11 11 11:4735 473437 508805 247630 134789668 1 1 0.3619173 0.001 -208765.5184
# 12 12 12:5089 508806 542562 269531 133501081 1 1 0.3619173 0.001 -198712.0743
# 13 13 13:5426 542563 549499 19509358 40757910 1 1 0.3619173 0.001 -40911.0420
# 14 13 13:5496 549500 549699 40758208 42306139 1 0 0.3619173 0.001 -1267.9631
# 15 13 13:5498 549700 549899 42307184 42708231 1 1 0.3619173 0.001 -1194.2028
# 16 13 13:5500 549900 549999 42711664 42886868 1 0 0.3619173 0.001 -628.9827
# 17 13 13:5501 550000 551199 42890109 46649721 1 1 0.3619173 0.001 -7030.2027
# 18 13 13:5513 551200 552299 46649723 50646218 1 0 0.3619173 0.001 -6739.4270
# 19 13 13:5524 552300 552499 50656582 51330918 0 0 0.3619173 0.001 -1116.2335
# 20 13 13:5526 552500 552699 51331121 51872361 1 0 0.3619173 0.001 -1249.8581
# 21 13 13:5528 552700 570664 51880895 115044332 1 1 0.3619173 0.001 -106131.0163
# 22 14 14:5707 570665 592761 20460865 107213845 1 1 0.3619173 0.001 -130438.8609
# 23 15 15:5928 592762 613627 20192951 102393537 1 1 0.3619173 0.001 -122951.4360
# 24 16 16:6137 613628 632327 94535 90115456 1 1 0.3619173 0.001 -109915.0982
# 25 17 17:6324 632328 647858 73263 81078768 1 1 0.3619173 0.001 -91272.3330
# 26 18 18:6479 647859 669309 132649 77967972 1 1 0.3619173 0.001 -126365.0313
# 27 19 19:6694 669310 678023 371967 59003830 1 1 0.3619173 0.001 -51133.5971
# 28 20 20:6781 678024 693002 61795 62884613 1 1 0.3619173 0.001 -88263.3816
# 29 21 21:6931 693003 702062 15452496 48052838 1 1 0.3619173 0.001 -53404.6820
# 30 22 22:7021 702063 707736 17284657 51151724 1 1 0.3619173 0.001 -33437.1102