mpaulacaldas / learning-copernicus

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How to use Copernicus

I want to use ERA5 Copernicus datasets to create heatstress variables for many points or small areas (e.g. postal areas, SAU, NUTS3) across several countries.

This is an early exploration focusing on how to extract some of these metrics, in a reasonable way. My constraints are:

  • I am using confidential locations and restrictedly licensed shapefiles.
  • I am familiar with the main R spatial libraries. I can’t say the same for Python.
  • Work relies on Windows infrastructure.

Below is a summary of the options explored, and main lessons.

Google Earth Engine

Both ERA5 and ERA5-Land are available in the Earth Engine Catalogue, so a colleague suggested using Google Earth Engine to treat the datasets. I explored three ways of doing this:

  1. Calling Earth Engine with a Google Colab notebook.
  2. Calling Earth Engine from my computer, with the ee Python API package.
  3. Calling Earth Engine from my computer, using R’s rgee package, that wraps ee levering reticulate.

Google Collab

For this experiment, I created a my own Colab notebook after going through the official Earth Engine Colab setup example. For this to work I needed to set up a Cloud Project under my own Google account.

  • Advantages: Quick, easy set-up. Fast computing.
  • Disadvantages: Need to get familiar with ee’s syntax, and Python spatial packages.

Using R and rgee

After a number of tries, I got this to work in my personal computer. I had to sit down and go through the documentation twice, and weave through all the vignettes. I am not confident I can get this to work in my work laptop, since some key environment variables have been mapped to network drives (e.g. HOME), and the network is quite restricted.

Also important to note that I had to set up Google Cloud Storage, provide my credit card info, and create a project. I am working on the 300 EUR free trial credit, but somehow already eat through 20 EUR only in the setup.

For reference, these were the steps I followed:


# Get the username
HOME <- Sys.getenv("HOME")

# Install miniconda

# Get the Python bin path for miniconda
python_bin_path <- reticulate:::python_binary_path(reticulate::miniconda_path())

# Install Google Cloud SDK
system("curl -sSL | bash")

# Get the bin path, and check if it exists
sdk_bin_path <- sprintf("%s/google-cloud-sdk/bin/", HOME)

# Set global parameters
Sys.setenv("RETICULATE_PYTHON" = python_bin_path)
Sys.setenv("EARTHENGINE_GCLOUD" = sdk_bin_path)

# Install rgee Python dependencies
virtualenv_create("rgee", python = conda_python("r-reticulate"))
py_install(c("earthengine-api", "numpy", "ee_extra"), envname = "rgee")

# Add specs to `.Renviron`
  py_path = reticulate:::virtualenv_path("rgee"),
  py_env = "rgee"

And after re-starting R:


# Check credentials

# Install missing dependencies

# Authenticate and init your EE session
ee_Initialize(user = "mariapaulacaldas", drive = TRUE)

sak_file <- "~/Downloads/rgee-XXX.json"

# Assign the SaK to a EE user.
  sakfile =  sak_file,
  users = "mariapaulacaldas"

# Check that we can create a bucket
project_id <- ee_get_earthengine_path() |> 
  list.files(., "\\.json$", full.names = TRUE) |> 
  jsonlite::read_json() |> 

  paste0(project_id, "_bucket-001"), 
  projectId = project_id

# Authenticate again to check
# Authenticate and init your EE session
  user = "mariapaulacaldas",
  drive = TRUE, 
  gcs = TRUE


  • rgee-example.R: Quick demo showing how to extract the average monthly temperature for areas using ERA5-Land datasets.

Using Python, with ee and geemap

I had a go at a “pure Python” implementation. For this, I used the specs from the virtual environment created for rgee, and added a couple of extra dependencies, notably geemap, that contains helpers to work with ee.

To create the new environment:

# reticulate creates virtual environments at the user level
source ~/.virtualenvs/rgee/bin/activate
pip freeze > rgee-requirements.txt

# for the Python example, I'll put the environment in the current working 
# directory, since it's unlikely I will need to use this environment across 
# many sessions
virtualenv geemap
source geemap/bin/activate
pip install ee geemap geopandas
pip freeze > geemap-requirements.txt



Fetching with Python’s cdsapi package

For this, I registered to the Copernicus Data Store, created a .cdsapirc key file with my uid and API key details, and installed cdi under its own environment. For my work computer (Windows), I used Anaconda3 and conda to create the virtual environment, following the instructions from the CDS website.

In my personal computer, I created the virtual environment using reticulate, to make sure I use the same Python version as for rgee (see above).

Overall, this wasn’t too hard, but it did require going through many links and being careful reading the documentation.

virtualenv_create("cds", python = conda_python("r-reticulate"))
py_install("cdsapi", envname = "cds")

# copy and paste the code displayed in the first block in:


Fetching and pre-processing with R’s emcwfr

I installed the package and registered my API key details as specified in the package README.

wf_set_key(service = "cds")

This was the easiest set-up. I also like that it makes it easy to send workflow requests (though these must not be as fast or reliable as EE). I still need to test in work computer, and benchmark relative to more ambitious requests.


Zonal statistics




Language:R 70.7%Language:Python 29.3%