mpaton / voxblox

A library for flexible voxel-based mapping, mainly focusing on truncated and Euclidean signed distance fields.

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Voxblox is a volumetric mapping library based mainly on Truncated Signed Distance Fields (TSDFs). It varies from other SDF libraries in the following ways:

  • CPU-only, can be run single-threaded or multi-threaded for some integrators
  • Support for multiple different layer types (containing different types of voxels)
  • Serialization using protobufs
  • Different ways of handling weighting during merging
  • Different ways of inserting pose information about scans
  • Tight ROS integration (in voxblox_ros package)
  • Easily extensible with whatever integrators you want
  • Features an implementation of building Euclidean Signed Distance Fields (ESDFs, EDTs) directly from TSDFs.

Table of Contents

Paper and Video

A video showing sample output from voxblox can be seen here. A video of voxblox being used for online planning on-board a multicopter can be seen here.

If using voxblox for scientific publications, please cite the following paper, available here:

Helen Oleynikova, Zachary Taylor, Marius Fehr, Juan Nieto, and Roland Siegwart, “Voxblox: Incremental 3D Euclidean Signed Distance Fields for On-Board MAV Planning”, in IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2016.

  author={Oleynikova, Helen and Taylor, Zachary and Fehr, Marius and Siegwart, Roland and  Nieto, Juan},
  booktitle={IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)},
  title={Voxblox: Incremental 3D Euclidean Signed Distance Fields for On-Board MAV Planning},


This library was written primarily by Helen Oleynikova and Marius Fehr, with significant contributions from Zachary Taylor, Alexander Millane, and others. The marching cubes meshing and ROS mesh generation were taken or heavily derived from open_chisel. We've retained the copyright headers for the relevant files.

Example Outputs

A mesh produced by Voxblox running inside a manifold mapper that fuses a SLAM systems poses with the output of a realsense D415 depthcamera. The map was generated while all systems were running fully onboard the pictured micro aerial vehicle. manifold_mapping

A higher resolution mesh of the same area that was processed by voxblox offline is shown below. offline_manifold

Voxblox running on the cow and lady dataset on a laptop equiped with an i7-4810MQ 2.80GHz CPU. In this example the system is integrating a TSDF, generating a mesh and publishing the result to RViz in real time. example_gif

Voxblox running fully onboard the Atom processor of an Intel-Euclid. Again, the system is integrating, meshing and publishing in realtime. In this example the system was also sharing the CPU with the localization system (ROVIO) and the sensor drivers. This left around one CPU core for Voxblox to use.

A mesh produced from Voxblox when run on the KITTI dataset on a Desktop PC. The given localization solution and the pointcloud produced by the Velodyne were used. velodyne_kitti

A voxblox mesh produced by the Maplab library running on the Stereo data provided by the EuRoC dataset.

A map of a beach produced by a platform with two sets of stereo cameras flying an automated coverage path.


The Voxblox code has prioritized readability and easy extension over performance. It was also designed to operate on systems that lack a GPU. One of the main drives to create Voxblox was to create a volumetric mapping library that fit the needs of planning for robots, because of this, and unlike many TSDF libraries all possible freespace is mapped in addition to areas close to surfaces. These design decisions limit performance, however high quality real-time mapping of large enviroments is still easily acheivable. A table of the performance on the cow and lady dataset on a i7-4810MQ 2.80GHz CPU is also shown.

Rendered Mesh Setup
Voxel:20 cm
TSDF:56 ms / scan
Meshing:2 ms / scan
Total RAM:49 MB
Voxel:20 cm
TSDF:20 ms / scan
Meshing:2 ms / scan
Total RAM:62 MB
Voxel:5 cm
TSDF:112 ms / scan
Meshing:10 ms / scan
Total RAM:144.2 MB
Voxel:5 cm
TSDF:23 ms / scan
Meshing:12 ms / scan
Total RAM:153.9 MB
Voxel:2 cm
TSDF:527 ms / scan
Meshing:66 ms / scan
Total RAM:609.2 MB
Voxel:2 cm
TSDF:63 ms / scan
Meshing:110 ms / scan
Total RAM:673.1 MB


To install voxblox, please install ROS Indigo or ROS Kinetic. These instructions are for Ubuntu, Voxblox will also run on OS X, but you're more or less on your own there.

First install additional system dependencies (swap kinetic for indigo as necessary):

sudo apt-get install python-wstool python-catkin-tools ros-kinetic-cmake-modules protobuf-compiler

Next, add a few other dependencies. If you don't have a catkin workspace yet, set it up as follows:

mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
cd ~/catkin_ws
catkin init
catkin config --extend /opt/ros/kinetic
catkin config --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
catkin config --merge-devel

If using SSH keys for github (recommended):

cd ~/catkin_ws/src/
wstool init . ./voxblox/voxblox_ssh.rosinstall
wstool update

If not using SSH keys but using https instead:

cd ~/catkin_ws/src/
wstool init . ./voxblox/voxblox_https.rosinstall
wstool update

If you have already initalized wstool replace the above wstool init with wstool merge -t


cd ~/catkin_ws/src/
catkin build voxblox_ros

Running Voxblox

The easiest way to test out voxblox is to try it out on a dataset. We have launch files for our own dataset, the Euroc Vicon Room datasets, and the KITTI raw datasets processed through kitti_to_rosbag.

For each of these datasets, there's a launch file associated under voxblox_ros/launch.

The easiest way to start is to download the cow and lady dataset, edit the path to the bagfile in cow_and_lady_dataset.launch, and then simply: roslaunch voxblox_ros cow_and_lady_dataset.launch

If you open rviz, you should be able to see the the mesh visualized on the /voxblox_node/mesh MarkerArray topic, in the world static frame, as shown below. The mesh only updates once per second (this is a setting in the launch file).


The rest of the commonly-used settings are parameters in the launch file.

Voxblox Node (TSDF Server, ESDF Server)

Published and Subscribed Topics

Note: the voxblox_node has been replaced with tsdf_server (if you want a TSDF) or esdf_server (if you want both a TSDF and an ESDF). The tsdf_server and esdf_server publish and subscribe to the following topics:

  • Published topics:

    • mesh of type visualization_msgs::MarkerArray. A visualization topic showing the mesh produced from the tsdf in a form that can be seen in RViz. Set update_mesh_every_n_sec to control its update rate.
    • surface_pointcloud of type pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>. A colored pointcloud of the voxels that are close to a surface.
    • tsdf_pointcloud of type pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZI>. A pointcloud showing all allocated voxels.
    • mesh_pointcloud of type pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>. Only appears if output_mesh_as_pointcloud is true, outputs a pointcloud containing the verticies of the generated mesh.
    • mesh_pcl of type pcl_msgs::PolygonMesh. Only appears if output_mesh_as_pcl_mesh is true, outputs any mesh generated by the generate_mesh service.
    • tsdf_slice of type pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZI>. Outputs a 2D horizontal slice of the TSDF colored by the stored distance value.
    • esdf_pointcloud of type pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZI>. A pointcloud showing the values of all allocated ESDF voxels. Only appears if using esdf_server.
    • esdf_slice of type pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZI>. Outputs a 2D horizontal slice of the ESDF colored by the stored distance value. Only appears if using esdf_server.
    • occupied_nodes of type visualization_msgs::MarkerArray. Visualizes the location of the allocated voxels in the TSDF.
    • tsdf_map_out of type voxblox_msgs::Layer. Publishes the entire TSDF layer to update other nodes (that listen on tsdf_layer_in). Only published if publish_tsdf_map is set to true.
    • esdf_map_out of type voxblox_msgs::Layer. Publishes the entire ESDF layer to update other nodes (that listen on esdf_layer_in). Only published if publish_esdf_map is set to true.
  • Subscribed topics:

    • transform of type geometry_msgs::TransformStamped. Only appears if use_tf_transforms is false. The transformation from the world frame to the current sensor frame.
    • pointcloud of type sensor_msgs::PointCloud2. The input pointcloud to be integrated.
    • freespace_pointcloud of type sensor_msgs::PointCLoud2. Only appears if use_freespace_pointcloud is true. Unlike the pointcloud topic where the given points lie on surfaces, the points in the freespace_pointcloud are taken to be floating in empty space. These points can assist in generating more complete freespace information in a map.
    • tsdf_map_in of type voxblox_msgs::Layer. Replaces the current TSDF layer with that from this topic. Voxel size and voxels per side should match.
    • esdf_map_in of type voxblox_msgs::Layer. Replaces the current ESDF layer with that from this topic. Voxel size and voxels per side should match.


The tsdf_server and esdf_server have the following services:

  • generate_mesh This service has an empty request and response. Calling this service will generate a new mesh. The mesh will be saved as a ply file unless mesh_filename is set to "". The mesh will also be output on the mesh_pointcloud topic if output_mesh_as_pointcloud is true and on the mesh_pcl topic if output_mesh_as_pcl_mesh is true.
  • generate_esdf This service has an empty request and response. It can be used to trigger an esdf map update.
  • save_map This service has a voxblox_msgs::FilePath::Request and voxblox_msgs::FilePath::Response. The service call saves the tsdf layer to a .vxblx file.
  • load_map This service has a voxblox_msgs::FilePath::Request and voxblox_msgs::FilePath::Response. The service call loads the tsdf layer from a .vxblx file.
  • publish_map This service has an empty request and response. Publishes any TSDF and ESDF layers on the tsdf_map_out and esdf_map_out topics.
  • publish_pointclouds This service has an empty request and response. Publishes TSDF and ESDF pointclouds and slices.


A summary of the user setable tsdf_server and esdf_server parameters:

General Parameters

Parameter Description Default
min_time_between_msgs_sec Minimum time to wait after integrating a message before accepting a new one. 0.0
pointcloud_queue_size The size of the queue used to subscribe to pointclouds. 1
verbose Prints additional debug and timing information. true
max_block_distance_from_body Blocks that are more than this distance from the latest robot pose are deleted, saving memory 3.40282e+38

TSDF Integrator Parameters

The most important parameter here is the selection of the method:

  • "simple" - the most straightfoward integrator. Every point in the pointcloud has a ray cast from the origin through it. Every voxel each ray passes through is updated individually. A very slow and exact approach.
  • "merged" - Rays that start and finish in the same voxel are bundled into a single ray. The properties of the points are merged and their weights added so no information is lost. The approximation means some voxels will recive updates that were otherwise meant for neighboring voxels. This approach works well with large voxels (10 cm or greater) and can give an order of magnitude speed up over the simple integrator.
  • "fast" - Rays that attempt to update voxels already updated by other rays from the same pointcloud are terminated early and discarded. An approximate method that has been designed to give the fastest possible results at the expense of discarding large quantities of information. The trade off between speed and information loss can be tuned via the start_voxel_subsampling_factor and max_consecutive_ray_collisions parameters. This method is currently the only viable integrator for real-time applications with voxels smaller than 5 cm.
Parameter Description Default
method Method to use for integrating new readings into the tsdf. Options are "merged", "simple", "merged_discard" and "fast" "merged"
tsdf_voxel_size The size of the tsdf voxels 0.2
tsdf_voxels_per_side TSDF voxels per side of an allocated block. Must be a power of 2 16
voxel_carving_enabled If true, the entire length of a ray is integrated, if false only the region inside the trunaction distance is used. true
truncation_distance The truncation distance for the TSDF 2tsdf_voxel_size
max_ray_length_m The maximum range out to which a ray will be cast 5.0
min_ray_length_m The point at which the ray casting will start 0.1
max_weight The upper limit for the weight assigned to a voxel 10000.0
use_const_weight If true all points along a ray have equal weighting false
allow_clear If true points beyond the max_ray_length_m will be integrated up to this distance true
use_freespace_pointcloud If true a second subscription topic freespace_pointcloud appears. Clearing rays are cast from beyond this topic's points' truncation distance to assist in clearing freespace voxels false

Fast TSDF Integrator Specific Parameters

These parameters are only used if the integrator method is set to "fast".

Parameter Description Default
start_voxel_subsampling_factor Before integration points are inserted into a sub-voxel, only one point is allowed per sub-voxel. This can be thought of as subsampling the pointcloud. The edge length of the sub-voxel is the voxel edge length divided by start_voxel_subsampling_factor. 2
max_consecutive_ray_collisions When a ray is cast by this integrator it detects if any other ray has already passed through the current voxel this scan. If it passes through more than max_consecutive_ray_collisions voxels other rays have seen in a row, it is taken to be adding no new information and the casting stops 2
max_integration_time_s The time budget for frame integration, if this time is exceeded ray casting is stopped early. Used to guarantee real time performance. 3.40282e+38
clear_checks_every_n_frames Governs how often the sets that indicate if a sub-voxel is full or a voxel has had a ray passed through it are cleared. 1

ESDF Integrator Parameters

Parameter Description Default
generate_esdf If the eucliden signed distance field should be generated. false
esdf_max_distance_m The maximum distance that the esdf will be calculated out to 2.0
esdf_default_distance_m Default distance set for unknown values and values >esdf_max_distance_m 2.0

Input Transform Parameters

Parameter Description Default
use_tf_transforms If true the ros tf tree will be used to get the pose of the sensor relative to the world (sensor_frame and world_frame will be used). If false the pose must be given via the transform topic. true
world_frame The base frame used when looking up tf transforms. This is also the frame that most outputs are given in. "world"
sensor_frame The sensor frame used when looking up tf transforms. If set to "" the frame of the input pointcloud message will be used. ""
T_B_D A static transformation from the base to the dynamic system that will be applied N/A
invert_T_B_D If the given T_B_D should be inverted before it is used false
T_B_C A static transformation from the base to the sensor that will be applied N/A
invert_T_B_C If the given T_B_C should be inverted before it is used false

Output Parameters

Parameter Description Default
output_mesh_as_pointcloud If true the verticies of the generated mesh will be ouput as a pointcloud on the topic mesh_pointcloud whenever the generate_mesh service is called. false
output_mesh_as_pcl_mesh If true the generated mesh will be ouput as a pcl::PolygonMesh on the topic mesh_pcl whenever the generate_mesh service is called. false
slice_level The height at which generated tsdf and esdf slices will be made. 0.5
color_ptcloud_by_weight If the pointcloud should be colored by the voxel weighting false
mesh_filename Filename output mesh will be saved to, leave blank if no file should be generated ""
color_mode The method that will be used for coloring the mesh. Options are "color", "height", "normals", "lambert" and "gray". "color"
mesh_min_weight The minimum weighting needed for a point to be included in the mesh 1e-4
update_mesh_every_n_sec Rate at which the mesh topic will be published to, a value of 0 disables. Note, this will not trigger any other mesh operations, such as generating a ply file. 0.0
publish_tsdf_map Whether to publish the complete TSDF map periodically over ROS topics. false
publish_esdf_map Whether to publish the complete ESDF map periodically over ROS topics. false

Modifying Voxblox

Here's some hints on how to extend voxblox to fit your needs...


Serialization is currently implemented for:

  • TSDF layers
  • ESDF layers
  • Occupancy layers
  • ...

The following serialization tools are implemented:

  • Store a layer to file
  • Load layer from file
  • Store a subset of the blocks of a layer to file
  • Load blocks from file and add to a layer

How to add your own voxel/layer type

  • Add your own voxel type and implement the getVoxelType(), e.g. fancy_voxel.h :
namespace voxblox {

// Used for serialization only.
namespace voxel_types {
 const std::string kYOUR_FANCY_VOXEL = "fancy_voxel"
}  // namespace voxel_types

template <>
inline std::string getVoxelType<YOUR_FANCY_VOXEL>() {
 return voxel_types::kYOUR_FANCY_VOXEL;

}  // namespace voxblox
  • Implement the block (de)serialization functions for your voxel type, e.g.
namespace voxblox {

template <>
void Block<YOUR_FANCY_VOXEL>::DeserializeVoxelData(const BlockProto& proto,
                                            YOUR_FANCY_VOXEL* voxels) {
// Your serialization code.

template <>
void Block<YOUR_FANCY_VOXEL>::SerializeVoxelData(const YOUR_FANCY_VOXEL* voxels,
                                          BlockProto* proto) const {
// Your serialization code.

}  // namespace voxblox
  • Create your own fancy_integrator.h, fancy_mesh_integrator.h, ...

Have a look at the example package:

TODO(mfehr, helenol): add example package with a new voxel type

Transformations in Voxblox

Voxblox uses active transforms and Hamilton quaternions. For futher details on the notation used throughout the code see the minkindr wiki


A library for flexible voxel-based mapping, mainly focusing on truncated and Euclidean signed distance fields.

License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:C++ 97.4%Language:CMake 1.9%Language:Python 0.7%