mpanius / larupload

Larupload is an ORM based file uploader for laravel to upload image, video, audio and other known files.

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Larupload will help you upload your files easily. in addition to uploading files, Larupload has interesting features for uploading video, audio and image.

in larupload we’ve used the laravel filesystem. Thanks to laravel filesystem, it’s easy to switch between "any" desired driver (such as local, sftp, s3, etc.)

Some features for Larupload:

  • Upload with 2 different strategy: ORM-based and Standalone
  • Using different drivers
  • Ability to resize/crop photos and videos
  • Ability to create multiple sizes of the videos and images
  • Ability to create HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) from video sources
  • Extract the width and height of the image
  • Extract width, height and duration of the video
  • Extract the duration of the audio
  • Extract dominant color from the image and video
  • Automatically create cover image for video files
  • Possibility to upload cover for every file
  • A specific function for creating database columns when running migration
  • Getting the URL of the uploaded file individually or as a set of "defined styles"
  • Download response for each style
  • Naming files in several ways
  • Supports Persian and Arabic for file naming
  • Has 2 modes for storage: heavy mode and light mode
  • Queue FFMpeg processes and finish them in background
  • Easy to use


  • Laravel 8.* or higher
  • GD library


  1. Install the package via composer:
    composer require mostafaznv/larupload
  2. Publish config, migrations and translations:
    php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Mostafaznv\Larupload\LaruploadServiceProvider"
  3. Create Tables:
    php artisan migrate
  4. Done


  1. Add the corresponding columns to the desired table
    use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;
    use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
    use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;
    use Mostafaznv\Larupload\LaruploadEnum;
    class Uploads extends Migration
        public function up()
            Schema::create('uploads', function (Blueprint $table) {
                $table->upload('main_file'); // or $table->upload('file', LaruploadEnum::HEAVY_MODE);
                $table->upload('other_file', LaruploadEnum::LIGHT_MODE); // or $table->upload('file', LaruploadEnum::HEAVY_MODE);
        public function down()
  2. Add Larupload trait to the model
    namespace App;
    use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
    use Mostafaznv\Larupload\Storage\Attachment;
    use Mostafaznv\Larupload\Traits\Larupload;
    use Mostafaznv\Larupload\LaruploadEnum;
    class Upload extends Model
        use Larupload;
         * Define Upload Entities
         * @return array
         * @throws \Exception
        public function attachments(): array
            return [
                Attachment::make('other_file', LaruploadEnum::LIGHT_MODE),
  3. Upload file
    $upload = new Upload;
    $upload->main_file = $request->file('file');


  • All files are being uploaded in original style. you can add other styles, but the original file is being uploaded as original format.
  • Larupload stores additional information such as name, size, format and... in database. if you create attachment in heavy mode, larupload will create a column for each of this information. it's recommended when you want to search/order data by their information. but in light mode, all this information will store in a json column.

Following instructions:

Create upload column in the table using migration

to make creating the columns required by Larupload easier, we have created an artisan command to easily make the columns you need in the table, with the help of the macro feature.

  1. Create columns for heavy mode

    Schema::create('uploads', function (Blueprint $table) {
  2. Create columns for light mode

    use Mostafaznv\Larupload\LaruploadEnum;
    Schema::create('uploads', function (Blueprint $table) {
        $table->upload('file', LaruploadEnum::LIGHT_MODE);

The difference between heavy and light mode is in the number of table columns, and the way they’re stored.

In heavy mode, a separate column is created for every field and every data is stored in their own column. this mode is useful when you want to use special queries on the table or use it to sort your data.

But in the light mode, only the filename is stored in its own column, and other file information is stored in a json/string column named meta. This mode is useful to record or display your data.

File upload methods

  1. Upload by accessor

    $upload->file = $request->file('file');
  2. Upload by function

    With the attach function, you can upload both file and cover (if needed)

    arguments of the attach function:

    • First: the file that you want to upload (required field)
    • Second: cover file (optional)

    if you submit the cover file, the priority is to create cover with your uploaded file and it prevents the automatic cover creation by the package

    $upload->file->attach($request->file('file'), $request->file('cover'));
  3. Deleting the existing file and the value in the database

    You can delete an attached file using detach function or assigning LARUPLOAD_NULL to it.

    // or
    $upload->file = LARUPLOAD_NULL;

Cover methods

  1. Upload cover

    Every cover should be assigned to an original file and if you want a cover, you have to upload it with attach function.

    $upload->file->attach($request->file('file'), $request->file('cover'));
  2. Update cover

    after uploading a file, you can update the cover whenever you want.

    $upload = Upload::findOrFail($id);
  3. Delete cover

    You can delete an uploaded/generate cover using detachCover function.

    $upload = Upload::findOrFail($id);

Generate the download link

You can use the following methods to access the uploaded file link:

  1. Get link for all styles




       "original"  => "",
       "cover"     => "",
       "thumbnail" => "",
       "meta"      => [
            "name"           => "38792a2e4497b7b64e0a3f79d581c805.jpeg",
            "size"           => 93366,
            "type"           => "image",
            "width"          => 2560,
            "height"         => 1600,
            "duration"       => null,
            "format"         => "png",
            "mime_type"      => "image/png",
            "dominant_color" => "#c5ae0a",
            "cover"          => "38792a2e4497b7b64e0a3f79d581c805.jpg",
  2. Get link for a particular style

    echo $upload->file->url('thumbnail');

    If you don’t pass any argument, the link to the original file will be automatically returned.

Generate download response

You can use the following methods to generate download response for uploaded file:


$upload->file->download(); // download original style of attachment
$upload->file->download('cover'); // download cover style of attachment

If you don’t pass any argument, larupload will generate a download response for the original file.

Get additional information (Meta)

  1. Get all additional information of the file




    array:9 [▼
      "name"           => "64d65a4e98029c37e7fd510c6e0a34d6.png"
      "size"           => 93366
      "type"           => "image"
      "mime_type"      => "image/png"
      "cover"          => "64d65a4e98029c37e7fd510c6e0a34d6.jpg"
      "width"          => 2560
      "format"         => "png"
      "height"         => 1600
      "duration"       => null
      "dominant_color" => "#c5ae0a"

    type: returns human-readable file type with this names: image, video, audio, pdf, compressed, file

  2. Get specific meta property by name


    echo $upload->file->meta('dominant_color');



Get all attachment urls and meta

using getAttachments function, you can retrieve all urls and meta information. if you don't pass any argument to getAttachments, it returns urls and meta for all attachments assigned to this model. but if you want this data for a specific attachment, you can pass the name to getAttachments.


    "main_file": {
        "original": ""
        "cover": ""
        "meta": {
            "name": "930c04182e6ea99e52fb60ce3f5cf64e.jpg"
            "size": 464213
            "type": "image"
            "width": 960
            "height": 640
            "duration": null
            "format": "jpg"
            "cover": "930c04182e6ea99e52fb60ce3f5cf64e.jpg"
            "mimeType": "image/jpeg"
            "dominantColor": "#404040"
    "other_file": {
        "original": ""
        "cover": ""
        "meta": {
            "name": "image-7-4748.jpg"
            "size": 464213
            "type": "image"
            "width": 960
            "height": 640
            "duration": null
            "format": "jpg"
            "cover": "image-7-4748.jpg"
            "mimeType": "image/jpeg"
            "dominantColor": "#404040"

toArray and toJson

Larupload returns all attachments automatically on json responses, but you can do it manually by built-in toArray and toJson


Standalone upload

As you know, larupload works with 2 strategies, ORM-Based and standalone. in the standalone mode, you don't need any model or attachment instance to assign uploaded files to that. you can simply pass base path and original file to larupload and larupload will do it itself.

  1. Upload file


    use Mostafaznv\Larupload\Larupload;
    $file = $request->file('file');
    $cover = $request->file('cover');
    $upload = Larupload::init('your/base/path')->upload($file, $cover);


        "original": "",
        "meta": {
            "name": "a3ac7ddabb263c2d00b73e8177d15c8d.mp4"
            "size": 383631
            "type": "video"
            "width": 560
            "height": 320
            "duration": 5
            "format": "mp4"
            "cover": "66ad2a5ebfe7ea349c8b861399c060d8.jpeg"
            "mimeType": "video/mp4"
            "dominantColor": "#e5d2d4"
  2. Delete file

    $result = Larupload::init('your/base/path')->delete();
  3. Update cover

    $cover = $request->file('cover');
    $upload = Larupload::init('uploaded/base/path')->changeCover($cover);
  4. Delete cover

    $upload = Larupload::init('uploaded/base/path')->deleteCover();
  5. Standalone uploader customization

     $file = $request->file('file');
     $cover = $request->file('cover');
     $upload = Larupload::init('path')
            ->style('thumbnail', 1000, 750, LaruploadEnum::CROP_STYLE_MODE)
            ->stream('480p', 640, 480, '64K', '1M')
            ->stream('720p', 1280, 720, '64K', '1M')
            ->upload($file, $cover);


In larupload, we’ve put a lot of effort into making the package more customized. you can customize the package operation in 2 different ways:

  1. Using configuration file
  2. Using model's attachments

Customization by config file

  • Disk

    With this feature, you can set the default disk to upload your files. for more information about disks, please read filesystem section in laravel docs

    Note: Drivers that are supported:

    • local
    • public
    • sftp

      only sftp is supported and we have no plan for supporting ftp

    • s3

      not tested and requires testing; but it doesn't seem to have any problem

  • Local Disk

    Larupload needs to know your local disk name. when your default disk uses external drivers like sftp, for some reasons larupload needs to use local disk too.

  • Mode

    There are two modes for storing the uploaded file information in Larupload. heavy mode and light mode

    • Heavy mode stores every information and file details in its own column.
    • Light mode stores additional information as json_encode in a column named meta.

      Note that the selection of each of these modes should fit the type of table created.

  • With Meta

    With set this value true, meta details will return whenever you retrieve urlsWith set this value true, meta details will return whenever you retrieve urls

  • Camel Case Response

    By default, larupload returns all meta keys in snake_case style. with enabling this option, we return them cameCase

  • Hide Table Columns

    Larupload creates multiple columns to work with them. these columns are useless in application-level and even api-level. by default, larupload will hide them from toArray and toJson.

  • Naming method

    With this feature, you can specify the naming method for files as follows:

    • slug: the name of the uploaded file is converted into slug. to prevent file from caching in different clients, a random number is always added to the end of the filename.
    • hash_file: using the MD5 algorithm, the hash of uploaded file is used as the filename.
    • time: upload time is selected as the uploaded file name.
  • Lang

    This feature is used to name files when using the slug template. if you leave this section blank, we will use the application language (available in the config/app.php file).

  • Image processing library

    You can specify Larupload to use which image processing library to perform crop and resize operations


    • Imagine\Gd\Imagine
    • Imagine\Imagick\Imagine
    • Imagine\Gmagick\Imagine
  • Generate Cover

    Larupload allows you to automatically generate cover image from the uploaded image or video. With this field, you can enable or disable this feature.

  • Cover Style

    With this field, you can manage the configuration of the created cover.

    'cover_style' => [
        'height' => 500,
        'width'  => 500,
        'mode'   => 'crop'
  • Dominant color

    With this feature, you can extract the dominant color of the image or video.

    Note that if you disable cover generating, the color extraction of the video will be automatically disabled.

  • Keep old files

    By enabling this feature, prevent old files from deleting while updating the database record.

  • Preserve files flag

    Enabling this feature, prevent old files from being deleted when the database record is deleted.


    If you keep this section empty, larupload will try to find the FFMPEG path using system environment, but you can manually specify the FFMPEG path this way.


    'ffmpeg' => [
        'ffmpeg.binaries'  => '/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg',
        'ffprobe.binaries' => '/usr/local/bin/ffprobe'
  • FFMPEG Capture Frame

    Set Capture frame in second

    example: null, 0.1, 2

    When the value is null, larupload will capture a frame from center of video file.

    Example 1:

    'ffmpeg' => [
        'capture-frame'  => null,

    Example 2:

    'ffmpeg' => [
        'capture-frame'  => '0.1',
  • FFMPEG Timeout

    Set timeout to control ffmpeg max execution time.


    'ffmpeg' => [
        'timeout'  => 60,
  • FFMPEG Queue

    Sometimes ffmpeg process is very heavy, so you have to queue process and do it in background


    'ffmpeg' => [
        'queue'  => false,
  • Number of max available FFMPEG Queues

    Set maximum Larupload instances that currently are queued.

    Package Will redirect back an error response if maximum limitation exceeded.

    If you want to ignore this feature and queue uploaded files unlimited, just set 0 for ffmpeg-max-queue-num


    'ffmpeg' => [
        'max-queue-num'  => false,

Customization by model's attachments

In addition to using the config file, that is responsible for Larupload general configuration, you can customize each model by attaching attachment entities.


namespace App\Models;

use Exception;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\SoftDeletes;
use Mostafaznv\Larupload\LaruploadEnum;
use Mostafaznv\Larupload\Storage\Attachment;
use Mostafaznv\Larupload\Traits\Larupload;

class Media extends Model
    use Larupload;

     * Define Upload Entities
     * @return array
     * @throws Exception
    public function attachments(): array
        return [
                ->coverStyle(400, 400, LaruploadEnum::CROP_STYLE_MODE)
                ->style('thumbnail', 250, 250, LaruploadEnum::AUTO_STYLE_MODE, [])
                ->style('crop_mode', 1100, 1100, LaruploadEnum::CROP_STYLE_MODE, [])
                ->style('portrait_mode', 1000, 1000, LaruploadEnum::PORTRAIT_STYLE_MODE, [LaruploadEnum::IMAGE_STYLE_TYPE])
                ->stream('480p', 640, 480, '64K', '1M')
                ->stream('720p', 1280, 720, '64K', '1M'),

            Attachment::make('other_file', LaruploadEnum::LIGHT_MODE)
                ->stream('480p', 640, 480, '64K', '1M'),

Queue FFMpeg

Note: If you are reading this, we assume you know what is laravel queue. if not, please read laravel's documentation first.

You can enable this feature with ffmpeg.queue configuration key. so we just upload original file and then, we start to handle all ffmpeg styles (like crop, resize and stream) in the background.

If you exceeded maximum amount of available queues, we will redirect back to the previous url with a message to inform your user that queue limitation is exceeded.

Larupload have some new features with Queue FFMpeg:

  • An event to inform you when background job finished.
  • Two relationships to show current status of ffmpeg queue process and history of all processes.

FFMpeg Queue Listen Finished Event

After finish a background job, we will fire an event to inform you that ffmpeg process is done and you can use it now. So you need to implement an listener to listen this event.

  1. Create Listener
    php artisan make:listener LaruploadFFMpegQueueNotification 
  2. Register Listener

    You should register your listener in EventServiceProvider

    protected $listen = [
        'Mostafaznv\Larupload\Events\LaruploadFFMpegQueueFinished' => [
  3. Handle Event

    In the created listener file, you should get the event.

    class LaruploadFFMpegQueueNotification
        public function handle(LaruploadFFMpegQueueFinished $event)
            info("larupload queue finished. id: $event->id, model: $event->model, statusId: $event->statusId");

FFMpeg Queue Relationships

In all Eloquent models that are using larupload, you can use these relationships:

  • laruploadQueue: Return status of latest queued process.
  • laruploadQueues: Return history of all queued processes.
use App/Upload;

Upload::where('id', 21)->with('laruploadQueue', 'laruploadQueues')->first();

Some notes about stream and style functions in larupload

As you know, if you want to create hls stream (m3u8) you should use stream function in your attachments function of the model, and if you want to manipulate images or videos, you should handle it with style function.

to use this functions, you should pass some arguments to these functions. here we show you how:


index name type required default description
1 name string true - name of style. examples: thumbnail, small, ...
2 width int false null height of the photo or video.
3 height int false null width of the photo or video
4 mode string false null larupload decides how to deal with the uploaded video or photo with this field. acceptable values for this field are:larupload decides how to deal with the uploaded video or photo with this field. acceptable values for this field are: landscape, portrait, crop, exact, auto
5 type array false [] with this field, you can determine that the defined style is usable for what type of files, image, video or both.


if you want generate m3u8 files from video sources, you should use stream. for now larupload supports hls videos only on stream style.

index name type required default description
1 name string true - label for stream quality. highly recommended to use string labels like 720p
2 width int true -
3 height int true -
4 audioBitrate string/int true - you can pass bitrate as an integer or pass it with strings like 64k or ...
5 videoBitrate string/int true - you can pass bitrate as an integer or pass it with strings like 64k or ...


Refer to the Changelog for a full history of the project.


This software is released under The MIT License (MIT).

(c) 2018 - 2021 Mostafaznv, All rights reserved.


Larupload is an ORM based file uploader for laravel to upload image, video, audio and other known files.

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 100.0%