mpanighetti / automator-workflows

A collection of Automator workflows for macOS.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



A collection of Automator workflows for macOS. See each folder for workflows, install instructions, and manual setup steps if you'd like to recreate the projects in Automator.


Add AlertTones to Sound Library

Copies the audio files (all files with .caf extension) from /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ToneLibrary.framework/Versions/A/Resources/AlertTones/ to ~/Library/Sounds, then reformats their names for easier legibility when selecting sounds in System Preferences > Sounds.

Count Characters

Counts characters for selected text in Notes, and displays the results as a Notification Center notification.

Scale Images to 50%

Duplicates image files selected in the Finder, resizes those copies' dimensions to 50%, and renames them to end in "-half" for differentiation.

Show Unix File Permissions

Reads the Unix file permissions of selected Finder files and folders, and displays them in a dialog box.


A collection of Automator workflows for macOS.